Draft calls

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BG06RDNP001-19.557 - "LAG Harmanli" - Submeasure 7.2. "Investment in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small scale infrastructure"

Objectives of the measure:

1. Improving the living environment on the territory of the LAG Harmanli.

2. Improving the access to settlements in the territory and providing basic services to the population.

Scope of the measure:

The measure supports projects for improvement of the physical environment and covers the facilities and facilities for realization of the services in the sphere of education, health and social care, science and culture, water supply and sewerage, energy supply, telecommunication, transport, public works, physical culture, sport and relaxed.

Additional information on deadline Процедурата за подбор на проектни предложения е с няколко срока за кандидатстване. Първи краен срок за подаване на проектни предложения: 14.02.2022г., 17:00 часа. Втори срок за подаване на проектни предложения: Октомври 2022 година – Декември 2022 година. Размерът на безвъзмездната финансова помощ по втори прием е неусвоения остатък от предходни приеми на проекти по подмярка 7.2 от СВОМР на "МИГ Харманли".

Indicative listing date 20.12.2021

Public discussion publication date 03.11.2021

Internet address: https://www.mig-harmanli.org/main.php

Draft documents for application and implementation


Deadline for submission of proposals and objections 10.11.2021 23:59

The project is funded by The technical assistance fund, financed by the financial mechanism of the EEA and the Norwegian financial mechanism 2014-2021