UMIS 2020 – Module for e-application

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In the new programming period 2014 – 2020, each Member state of the European Union is obliged to develop an information system and use it for management, implementation and monitoring of the оperational programmes, co-finaced by the Cohesion and Structural funds. In this regard, the information system UMIS 2020 was developed and currently you are using E-application module.

As a candidate, via the system you are provided with the option to create and fill out your own electronic application form, attach all supporting documents and submit your project proposal.

How it works, the steps are easy:

1. Please, sign in. If you are not registered yet, you can create your own, which will be used subsequently to log in to the system during the whole programming period.

2. Choose the desired programme and create your electronic form.

3. When you fill out and complete your form, you can attach all required documents and submit your project proposal.

For more information, please see Section „Help” and „Questions and answers” .

UMIS 2020 is maintained by "Central coordination unit" Directorate at the administration of the Council of Ministers. Send your questions by e-mail: or use the Feedback.

The project is funded by The technical assistance fund, financed by the financial mechanism of the EEA and the Norwegian financial mechanism 2014-2021