
  • Operational programmes
    • Rural Development Programme (2)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.792 - Local Action Group (LAG) - Dolna Mitropolia-Dolni Dabnik Measure 6.4.1 "Investment support for non-agricultural activities"
      • BG06RDNP001-19.833 - LAG Perushtitsa-Rodopi, Sub-measure 6.4 "Investment support for non-agricultural activities" of measure 6 "Development of farms and enterprises" of the RDP 2014-2020.
    • Technical Assistance Programme 2021-2027 (1)
      • BG16RFTA001-1.008 - Active and competent civil society organizations to increase the added value of the cohesion policy in Bulgaria
    • Recovery and Resilience Plan (4)
      • BG-RRP-11.016 - Scheme for non-repayable assistance with four sessions "Presentation to the Bulgarian audience of contemporary European products from the ICT sector"
      • BG-RRP-11.017 - Scheme for non-repayable assistance with four sessions "Presentation to the Bulgarian public of contemporary Bulgarian products from the ICT sector.
      • BG-RRP-11.019 - Two-session grant scheme "Bulgarian productions from the CCI sector in the platforms of the EU open art markets"
      • BG-RRP-11.020 - "Four-session grant scheme "Creation of Bulgarian productions and co-productions in the CCI sector and their promotion on the European and international art markets"
The project is funded by The technical assistance fund, financed by the financial mechanism of the EEA and the Norwegian financial mechanism 2014-2021