BG05SFPR002-1.016 - Increasing the capacity of the General Labour Inspectorate Executive Agency to implement control activities on the labor market (Ended)
BG05SFPR002-1.017 - EURES Bulgaria (Ended)
BG05SFPR002-1.018 - Increasing the administrative capacity and modernizing the services offered by the Employment Agency (Ended)
BG05SFPR002-2.001 - Home Care (Ended)
BG05SFPR002-2.002 - Strengthening municipal capacity (Ended)
BG05SFPR002-2.009 - Continuing support for long-term care (Ended)
BG05SFPR002-3.001 - "YOUTH EMPLOYMENT +" (Ended)
"Food and Basic Material Support" Programme 2021-2027 (6)
BG05SFPR003-1.001 - A warm meal (Ended)
BG05SFPR003-1.002 - Purchasing of food and hygiene products (Ended)
BG05SFPR003-1.003 - Purchasing of goods for newborn children (Ended)
BG05SFPR003-1.004 - "Support" (Ended)
BG05SFPR003-1.005 - For better future (Ended)
BG05SFPR003-1.006 - Children meal (Ended)
Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Programme for Bulgaria (1)
BG14MFPR001-3.001 - "Capacity Building and Preparatory Actions to Support the Development and Future Implementation of Community Led Local Development Strategies" (Ended)
Programme "Environment" 2021-2027 (17)
BG16FFPR002-1.002 - Construction of WSS infrastructure for 7 WSS operators (Ended)
BG16FFPR002-2.001 - Models for optimizing the municipal waste management process in Bulgaria (Ended)
BG16FFPR002-2.002 - Recultivation of regional landfills /cells of regional landfills for household waste (Ended)
BG16FFPR002-3.001 - Implementation of measures 54, 55 and 56 of the National Priority Action Framework (Ended)
BG16FFPR002-3.002 - Implementation of measures 28 and 61 of the National Prioritised Action Framework for Natura 2000 (Ended)
BG16FFPR002-3.003 - Optimizing the infrastructure of networks (with monitoring sites) to implement forest ecosystem monitoring schemes in the country (Ended)
BG16FFPR002-3.007 - Technical assistance for investments in zoos (Ended)
BG16FFPR002-3.008 - Implementation of measure 67 of the National Prioritized Action Framework for Natura 2000 (Ended)
BG16FFPR002-3.010 - Implementation of measure 69 of the National Prioritized Action Framework for Natura 2000 for Natura 2000 (Ended)
BG16FFPR002-3.015 - Implementation of measures 28 and 61 of the National Prioritised Action Framework for Natura 2000 - 2 (Ended)
BG16FFPR002-4.001 - Ensuring wild fire-fighting capacity on the ground and increasing the population preparedness for an adequate response (Ended)
BG16FFPR002-4.002 - Expanding the System for Early Warning and Announcement of the population at regional level (NUTS 3) for the territory of the country (Ended)
BG16FFPR002-5.001 - „For cleaner air!“ (Ended)
BG16FFPR002-5.002 - For cleaner air! (2) (Ended)
BG16FFPR002-5.005 - Improving the monitoring of ambient air quality at national level (Ended)
BG16FFPR002-5.006 - Establishment of a National Air Quality Experts Network (Ended)
BG16FFPR002-5.007 - National Strategic Documents in the Air Sector (Ended)
Development of Regions Programme 2021-2027 (3)
BG16FFPR003-1.002 - Support for investments through financial instruments under the "Regional Development" Program (RDP) 2021-2027 (Ended)
BG16FFPR003-5.002 - Support for Just Transition Subcommittees for the purpose of implementing TJTPs (Ended)
Programme "Competitiveness and Innovation in Enterprises" 2021-2027 (6)
BG16RFPR001-1.001 - "Development of Innovations in Enterprises" (Ended)
BG16RFPR001-1.002 - Implementation of measures for the internationalization of Bulgarian SMEs by supporting the activities of the Bulgarian Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion Agency (BSMEPA) (Ended)
BG16RFPR001-1.003 - Introducing Innovation in Enterprises (Ended)
BG16RFPR001-1.004 - Support for family businesses, enterprises from creative industries and crafts (Ended)
BG16RFPR001-1.005 - Financial instruments under Programme "Competitveness and innovation in enterprises" 2021-2027 (Ended)
BG16RFPR001-1.006 - Promoting Bulgaria as a competitive investment destination by supporting the activities of the Invest Bulgaria Agency (Ended)
Programme "Research, Innovation and Digitalisation for Smart Transformation" (9)
BG16RFPR002-1.001 - Complementary funding of European Digital Innovation Hubs selected by the European Commission. (Ended)
BG16RFPR002-1.002 - Funding of selected by the European Commission European Digital Innovation Hubs awarded with Seal of Excellence. (Ended)
BG16RFPR002-1.006 - Financial instruments under Programme "Research, Innovation and Digitalisation for Smart Transformation" (Ended)
BG16RFPR002-1.007 - A platform for cooperation between higher education institutions, research organizations and businesses through the upgrade of the Register of Scientific Activity, the Register of Academic Staff and the Bulgarian Open Science Portal (Ended)
BG16RFPR002-2.002 - Strategic communications and promotion of the potential of good governance data (Ended)
BG16RFPR002-2.005 - Building a training centre as an element of the national cybersecurity system (CS 1) (Ended)
BG16RFPR002-2.006 - Building the central components of a national cybersecurity system (CS 1) (Ended)
BG16RFPR002-2.009 - Support for building elements of a Protected Shared e-Governance Information Space (PSEIS) - phase I (Ended)
BG16RFPR002-2.010 - Building a strategic, organisational and technical framework for data governance and interoperability (d1) (Ended)
Technical Assistance Programme 2021-2027 (4)
BG16RFTA001-1.001 - Effective and efficient management of the Technical Assistance Program (Ended)
BG16RFTA001-1.002 - Development of the Academy for EU Funds (Ended)
BG16RFTA001-1.006 - Effective national network of regional information centers in Bulgaria (Ended)
BG16RFTA001-1.007 - Active involvement of municipalities in the implementation of the Partnership Agreement 2021-2027 (Ended)
Programme Bulgaria - AMIF (6)
BG65AMPR001-1.001 - Procedure №1, Specific objective 1 "Common european asylum system" and specific objective 3 "Return" (Ended)
BG65AMPR001-1.003 - Procedure №3 "Specific objective "Common european asylum system" and Specific objective 2 "Legal migration and integration" (Ended)
BG65AMPR001-2.001 - Procedure 3 "Specific objective 1 "Common european asylum system", Specific objective 2 "Legal migration and integration" and Specific objective 3 "Return" (Ended)
BG65AMPR001-3.001 - Procedure № 2, Specific objective 3 "Return" (Ended)
BG65BVPR001-2.001 - Procedure №3, Specific objective 2 "Comon visa policy" (Ended)
BG65BVPR001-2.002 - Procedure №2"Specific objective 1 "European integrated boder managment" and specific objective 2 "Common vica policy" (Ended)
Programme of the Republic of Bulgaria under Internal Security Fund (4)
BG65ISPR001-3.001 - Procedure №1, Specific objective "Improving and facilitating the exchange of information between and within competent authorities and relevant Union bodies, offices and agencies and, where relevant, with trhird countries and international organizations" and Specific objective 2 "Improving and intensifying cross-border cooperation, including joint operations, between competant authorities in relation to terrorism and serious and organised crime with cross border dimension" and Specific objective 3 "Supporting the stregthening of member state's capabilities in relation to preventing and combating crime, terrorism and radicatiosation as well managing security related incidents, risks and crises, including through incresed cooperation between public authorities, relevant unioun bodies, offices or agencies, civil socity and private partners in different member states" (Ended)
BG65ISPR001-3.002 - Procedure № 2, Specific objective 1 "Improving and facilitating the exchange of information between and within competent authorities and relevant Union bodies, offices and agencies and, where relevant, with trhird countries and international organizations", Specific objective 2 "Improving and intensifying cross-border cooperation, including joint operations, between competant authorities in relation to terrorism and serious and organised crime with cross border dimension" and Specific objective 3 "Supporting the stregthening of member state's capabilities in relation to preventing and combating crime, terrorism and radicatiosation as well managing security related incidents, risks and crises, including through incresed cooperation between public authorities, relevant unioun bodies, offices or agencies, civil socity and private partners in different member states" (Ended)
BG65ISPR001-3.004 - Procedure No 1 Specific objective 3 "Support the strengthening of Member States' capacities to prevent and combating crime, terrorism and radicalisation, as well as managing security-related incidents, risks and crises, including through increased cooperation between public authorities, relevant Union bodies, offices or agencies, civil society and private partners in different Member States" (Ended)
BG65ISPR001-3.006 - Procedure No 2: Specific objective 3 'Support the strengthening of Member States' capacities to prevent and combat crime, terrorism and radicalisation and to manage security incidents, risks and crises, including through enhanced cooperation between public authorities, relevant Union bodies, services or agencies, civil society and private partners in the different Member States' and specific objective 2 'Improve and intensify cross-border cooperation, including joint operations, between Member States and between Member States'. (Ended)