European shared management funds (2021-2027)

  • Operational programmes
    • Programme "Education" 2021-2027 (3)
      • BG05SFPR001-1.004 - Promoting intercultural education through culture, science and sport
      • BG05SFPR001-3.002 - From higher education to employment
      • BG05SFPR001-4.001 - Technical Assistance
    • "Human resources development" programme 2021 - 2027 (5)
      • BG05SFPR002-1.017 - EURES Bulgaria
      • BG05SFPR002-1.018 - Increasing the administrative capacity and modernizing the services offered by the Employment Agency
      • BG05SFPR002-5.001 - Technical assistance
    • "Food and Basic Material Support" Programme 2021-2027 (1)
      • BG05SFPR003-2.001 - Тechnical assistance
    • Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Programme for Bulgaria (4)
      • BG14MFPR001-1.001 - "Control and Law Enforcement"
      • BG14MFPR001-1.002 - "Collection and processing of data for fisheries and aquaculture management and for scientific purposes."
      • BG14MFPR001-2.001 - "Processing of fishery and aquaculture products"
      • BG14MFPR001-5.001 - Technical assistance
    • Transport connectivity programme 2021 - 2027 (8)
      • BG16FFPR001-1.001 - Development of railway infrastructure along the “core” and "comprehensive" Trans-European Transport Network - Infrastructure projects
      • BG16FFPR001-1.002 - Development of railway infrastructure along the “core” and "comprehensive" Trans-European Transport Network – Technical Assistance
      • BG16FFPR001-2.001 - Развитие на пътната инфраструктура по „основната“ Трансевропейска транспортна мрежа и пътни връзки – Инвестиционни проекти
      • BG16FFPR001-2.002 - Развитие на пътната инфраструктура по „основната“ Трансевропейска транспортна мрежа и пътни връзки – Техническа помощ
      • BG16FFPR001-3.001 - „Подобряване на интермодалността, иновации, модернизирани системи за управление на трафика, подобряване на сигурността и безопасността на транспорта“
      • BG16FFPR001-4.001 - Urban intermodality
      • BG16FFPR001-5.001 - Техническа помощ
      • BG16FFPR001-5.002 - Бюджетни линии
    • Programme "Environment" 2021-2027 (12)
      • BG16FFPR002-1.002 - Construction of WSS infrastructure for 7 WSS operators
      • BG16FFPR002-2.003 - Measures to establish, expand and/or upgrade municipal/ regional systems for separate collection and recycling of biodegradable waste
      • BG16FFPR002-2.004 - Measures to establish, expand and/or upgrade municipal/ regional systems for separate collection and recycling of biodegradable waste-second
      • BG16FFPR002-3.008 - Implementation of measure 67 of the National Prioritized Action Framework for Natura 2000
      • BG16FFPR002-3.010 - Implementation of measure 69 of the National Prioritized Action Framework for Natura 2000 for Natura 2000
      • BG16FFPR002-3.015 - Implementation of measures 28 and 61 of the National Prioritised Action Framework for Natura 2000 - 2
      • BG16FFPR002-4.002 - Expanding the System for Early Warning and Announcement of the population at regional level (NUTS 3) for the territory of the country
      • BG16FFPR002-4.003 - Мonitoring and implementation of prevention and protection measures in case of adverse geodynamic processes
      • BG16FFPR002-5.003 - Grean measures in urban environment
      • BG16FFPR002-5.004 - Green measures in an urban environment (2)
      • BG16FFPR002-5.006 - Establishment of a National Air Quality Experts Network
      • BG16FFPR002-6.001 - Technical assistance for management and implementation of Programme "Environmnet" for the period 2021 – 2027.
    • Development of Regions Programme 2021-2027 (3)
      • BG16FFPR003-3.001 - „Подкрепа за ефективно прилагане на интегрирания териториален подход и на политиките от секторите на интервенция на ПРР“
      • BG16FFPR003-4.001 - Support for sustainable energy renovation of multi-family residential buildings, including tackling energy poverty
      • BG16FFPR003-5.001 - "Подкрепа за успешно изпълнение на ПРР"
    • Programme "Competitiveness and Innovation in Enterprises" 2021-2027 (3)
      • BG16RFPR001-1.004 - Support for family businesses, enterprises from creative industries and crafts
      • BG16RFPR001-1.006 - Promoting Bulgaria as a competitive investment destination by supporting the activities of the Invest Bulgaria Agency
      • BG16RFPR001-3.001 - "Providing technical assistance for the successful implementation of the Programme "Competitiveness and innovation in enterprises" for the period 2021-2027."
    • Programme "Research, Innovation and Digitalisation for Smart Transformation" (3)
      • BG16RFPR002-1.014 - Sustainable development of Centres of Excellence and Centres of Competence, including specific infrastructures or their associations of the NRRI
      • BG16RFPR002-2.003 - Pilot reinforcement of the capacity of three National Competent Authorities and three sectoral Computer Security Incident Response Teams (CS 3)
      • BG16RFPR002-3.001 - Providing technical assistance for the successful implementation of PRIIDIST
    • Technical Assistance Programme 2021-2027 (3)
      • BG16RFTA001-1.003 - Improved information systems for managing and monitoring funds from European funds under shared management in Bulgaria
      • BG16RFTA001-1.004 - Effective coordination in the implementation of the cohesion policy in Bulgaria
      • BG16RFTA001-1.005 - The higher added value of the management system of the European funds under shared management
    • Programme Bulgaria - AMIF (2)
      • BG65AMPR001-1.003 - Procedure №3 "Specific objective "Common european asylum system" and Specific objective 2 "Legal migration and integration"
      • BG65AMPR001-4.002 - Procedure 4, Specific objectives 4 „Solidarity“
    • Programme Bulgaria - BMVI (1)
      • BG65BVPR001-1.007 - Procedure № 5 "Specific objective 1"European integrated border management"
The project is funded by The technical assistance fund, financed by the financial mechanism of the EEA and the Norwegian financial mechanism 2014-2021