BG06RDNP001-19.159 - "MIG Glavinitsa - Sitovo Krajunavska Dobrudja" - Measure 7.2. Investments in creating, improving or expanding all types of small-scale infrastructure
BG06RDNP001-19.277 - LAG YABLANITSA - PRAVETS Measure 6.4.1. "Investments in non-agricultural activities"
BG06RDNP001-19.319 - LAG Belene - Nikopol, Measure 7.5 "Investments for public use in recreation, tourist information and small-scale tourist infrastructure"
BG06RDNP001-19.345 - LAG Glavinitsa-Sitovo Kraydunavska Dobrudja - Measure 6.4 "Investments in support of non-agricultural activities"
BG06RDNP001-19.347 - Measure 7.5 "Investments for public use in recreation, tourism infrastructure"
BG06RDNP001-19.516 - LAG SAMOKOV: Measure 4.2 Investments in processing / marketing of agricultural products
BG06RDNP001-19.538 - LAG LOM
Measure 3-6.4.1 Investments in support of non-agricultural activities
BG06RDNP001-19.576 - LAG municipalities Elena and Zlataritsa sub-measures 4.2. "Investment in processing / marketing of agricultural products"
BG06RDNP001-19.695 - LAG Tutrakan-Plum field, Measure 4.1 "Support for investments in agricultural holdings"
BG06RDNP001-19.733 - LAG Kuklen-Asenovgrad - Measure 7.2. “Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small scale infrastructure”
BG06RDNP001-19.743 - LAG Kuklen-Asenovgrad Sub-measure 4.1. "Investments in agricultural holdings"
BG06RDNP001-19.780 - LAG – Troyan, Apriltsi, Ugarchin: Measure 4.1. "Investments in agricultural holdings"
BG06RDNP001-19.786 - LAG Balchik - General Toshevo - Measure 6.4. Investment support for non-agricultural activities
BG06RDNP001-19.803 - LAG LOM Measure 4- 7.2 "Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure" of measure 7 "Basic services and renewal of rural villages"
BG06RDNP001-19.828 - Measure 6.4.1. - "Investment support for non-agricultural activities" from The Strategy for community - led local development of the "LAG Straldzha - Sliven 2023"
BG06RDNP001-19.862 - "MIG- Maglizh, Kazanlak, Gurkovo" - sub-measure 6.4 "Investments in support of non-agricultural activities"
BG06RDNP001-19.863 - LAG "Brezovo,Bratya Daskalovi " submeasure 21 "Preservation and development of local identities and valorization of local cultural heritage on the territory of LAG Brezovo,Bratya Daskalovi "
BG06RDNP001-20.001 - Procedure BG06RDNP001-20.001 for granting financial support to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food and State Fund ''Agriculture'' for building administrative capacity and efficient management and implementation of RDP 2014-2020 through measure 20 ''Technical assistance'' of the Programme.
Programme "Education" 2021-2027 (2)
BG05SFPR001-3.005 - Development of the dual education system in VET (ITI approach)
BG05SFPR002-1.020 - Improving policy in response to demographic change
BG05SFPR002-2.011 - Support to improve the adoption process
BG05SFPR002-5.001 - Technical assistance
"Food and Basic Material Support" Programme 2021-2027 (1)
BG05SFPR003-2.001 - Тechnical assistance
Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Programme for Bulgaria (8)
BG14MFPR001-1.001 - Control and Law Enforcement
BG14MFPR001-1.002 - Collection and processing of data for fisheries and aquaculture management and for scientific purposes
BG14MFPR001-1.004 - Improving the infrastructure of fishing ports, fish markets, landing sites and marinas to facilitate the landing and storage of unwanted catchImproving the infrastructure of fishing ports, fish markets, landing sites and marinas to facilitate landing and storage of the unwanted catch
BG14MFPR001-1.006 - Support to improve the economic and social status of fishing operators
BG14MFPR001-1.007 - Specific equipment of the fishing vessel, activities and innovations aimed at protecting the environment and biodiversity
BG14MFPR001-2.002 - Productive Investments and Innovations in Aquaculture
BG14MFPR001-4.001 - Marine surveillance
BG14MFPR001-5.001 - Technical assistance
Transport connectivity programme 2021 - 2027 (9)
BG16FFPR001-1.001 - Development of railway infrastructure along the “core” and "comprehensive" Trans-European Transport Network - Infrastructure projects
BG16FFPR001-1.002 - Development of railway infrastructure along the “core” and "comprehensive" Trans-European Transport Network – Technical Assistance
BG16FFPR001-2.001 - Развитие на пътната инфраструктура по „основната“ Трансевропейска транспортна мрежа и пътни връзки – Инвестиционни проекти
BG16FFPR001-2.002 - Развитие на пътната инфраструктура по „основната“ Трансевропейска транспортна мрежа и пътни връзки – Техническа помощ
BG16FFPR001-3.001 - „Подобряване на интермодалността, иновации, модернизирани системи за управление на трафика, подобряване на сигурността и безопасността на транспорта“
BG16FFPR001-3.003 - Charging infrastructure on roads for electric vehicles
BG16FFPR001-4.001 - Urban intermodality
BG16FFPR001-5.001 - Техническа помощ
BG16FFPR001-5.002 - Бюджетни линии
Programme "Environment" 2021-2027 (8)
BG16FFPR002-1.003 - Modernization of the State Health Control bodies for monitoring of the quality of water intended for human consumption
BG16FFPR002-2.005 - Recultivation of regional landfills /cells of regional landfills for household waste - second
BG16FFPR002-3.011 - Implementation of Measure 70 of the National Prioritized Action Framework for Natura 2000
BG16FFPR002-3.013 - Monitoring of the brown bear population (Ursus arctos Linnaeus, 1758)
BG16FFPR002-4.003 - Мonitoring and implementation of prevention and protection measures in case of adverse geodynamic processes
BG16FFPR002-5.008 - Green measures in an urban environment (3)
BG16FFPR002-5.009 - Green measures in an urban environment (4)
BG16FFPR002-6.001 - Technical assistance for management and implementation of Programme "Environmnet" for the period 2021 – 2027.
Development of Regions Programme 2021-2027 (5)
BG16FFPR003-1.001 - Support for integrated urban development in the 10 urban municipalities - main centers of growth
BG16FFPR003-2.002 - Support for integrated urban development in 40 urban municipalities
BG16FFPR003-3.001 - „Подкрепа за ефективно прилагане на интегрирания териториален подход и на политиките от секторите на интервенция на ПРР“
BG16FFPR003-4.002 - Support for those working in the affected sectors through training for qualification and retraining
BG16FFPR003-4.004 - Diversification and adaptation of SMEs to economic transition
Programme "Competitiveness and Innovation in Enterprises" 2021-2027 (1)
BG16RFPR001-3.001 - "Providing technical assistance for the successful implementation of the Programme "Competitiveness and innovation in enterprises" for the period 2021-2027."
Programme "Research, Innovation and Digitalisation for Smart Transformation" (2)
BG16RFPR002-1.005 - Small innovative grants for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
BG16RFPR002-3.001 - Providing technical assistance for the successful implementation of PRIIDIST
Technical Assistance Programme 2021-2027 (1)
BG16RFTA001-1.003 - Improved information systems for managing and monitoring funds from European funds under shared management in Bulgaria