
  • Operational programmes
    • Food and/or basic material assistance (13)
      • BG05FMOP001-1.001 - Purchasing of food products - 2015 (Ended)
      • BG05FMOP001-1.002 - Purchasing of food products – 2016 (Ended)
      • BG05FMOP001-1.003 - Purchasing of food products – 2017-2019 (Ended)
      • BG05FMOP001-1.004 - Purchasing of food products - 2020 (Ended)
      • BG05FMOP001-2.001 - Providing individual food packages- 2015 (Ended)
      • BG05FMOP001-2.002 - Providing individual food packages- 2016 (Ended)
      • BG05FMOP001-2.003 - Providing individual food packages 2017-2019 (Ended)
      • BG05FMOP001-2.004 - Providing individual food packages 2020 (Ended)
      • BG05FMOP001-3.001 - Providing of warm meal (Ended)
      • BG05FMOP001-3.002 - "Providing of warm meal - 2016-2020" (Ended)
      • BG05FMOP001-4.001 - Technical assistance (Ended)
      • BG05FMOP001-5.001 - "3.1 - A warm mael in a pandemic condition from COVID-19" (Ended)
      • BG05FMOP001-6.001 - Provision of vouchers for food and basic necessities to displaced persons from Ukraine (Ended)
    • Science and education for smart growth (47)
      • BG05M2OP001-2.001 - Career guidance system in primary and secondary education (Ended)
      • BG05M2OP001-2.002 - Student practices - Phase 1 (Ended)
      • BG05M2OP001-2.003 - Student scholarships - Phase 1 (Ended)
      • BG05M2OP001-2.004 - Development of school students' abilities and raising their motivation for learning through activities developing specific knowledge, skills and competence (YOUR SCHOOL HOUR) - PHASE 1 (Ended)
      • BG05M2OP001-2.005 - Maintenance and improvement of the developed rating system of Universities - Phase 1 (Ended)
      • BG05M2OP001-2.006 - School practices - Phase 1 (Ended)
      • BG05M2OP001-2.009 - Support for development of doctoral students , post-doctoral researchers, graduate students and young researchers - PHASE 1 (Ended)
      • BG05M2OP001-2.011 - "Support for success" (Ended)
      • BG05M2OP001-2.012 - Education for tomorrow (Ended)
      • BG05M2OP001-2.013 - Student practices 2 (Ended)
      • BG05M2OP001-2.014 - "Support of the dual education system" (Ended)
      • BG05M2OP001-2.015 - SCHOOL STUDENT PRACTICES – 2 (Ended)
      • BG05M2OP001-2.016 - Modernization of higher education institutions (Ended)
      • BG05M2OP001-3.001 - Support for pre-school education and training of disadvantaged children (Ended)
      • BG05M2OP001-3.002 - Educational integration of students from ethnic minorities and / or asylum or international protection seekers families (Ended)
      • BG05M2OP001-3.003 - Ensuring conditions and resources for creation and development of a supportive environment in kindergartens and schools, in order to provide inclusive training - Phase 1 (Ended)
      • BG05M2OP001-3.004 - "Adult literacy - Phase 1" (Ended)
      • BG05M2OP001-3.005 - Active inclusion in the pre-school education system (Ended)
      • BG05M2OP001-3.006 - LAG Svilengrad-Areal-Ensuring access to quality education in small settlements and hard-to-reach areas (Ended)
      • BG05M2OP001-3.007 - LAG LOM measure 7 "Access for children and students from marginalized communities, including Roma to quality education through integration into the educational system" f (Ended)
      • BG05M2OP001-3.008 - LAG "Glavinitsa-Sitovo Krajunavska Dobrudja" - "I'm learning to succeed" (Ended)
      • BG05M2OP001-3.009 - LAG-Radomir-Zemen, Measure 2.4.1. „Ensuring access to quality education in small settlements and in hard-to-reach areas" (Ended)
      • BG05M2OP001-3.010 - LAG Stambolovo-Kardzhali 54, Sub-measure 2-Educational integration of pupils from marginalised communities (Ended)
      • BG05M2OP001-3.011 - LAG Stambolovo – Kardzhali 54,Sub-measure 1, Support for pre-school education and training of disadvantaged children (Ended)
      • BG05M2OP001-3.012 - LAG "Karlukovski Karst – Cherven Bryag – Iskar", measure "7 "Access to quality education through integrated educational system for children and students from marginalised communities, including Roma". (Ended)
      • BG05M2OP001-3.013 - LAG "Dryanovo - Tryavna - in the heart of the Balkan" - Ensuring access to quality education in small settlements and in difficult-to-reach areas in the municipalities of Dryanovo and Tryavna (Ended)
      • BG05M2OP001-3.014 - LAG - Tundzha - measure 3.9. "Providing equal access to quality education in small settlements" (Ended)
      • BG05M2OP001-3.015 - LAG Hissarya - "Educational integration of children and students from ethnic minorities in Hissarya municipality" (Ended)
      • BG05M2OP001-3.016 - LAG STRUMA Integration via education (Ended)
      • BG05M2OP001-3.017 - Increasing the capacity of pedagogical specialists for work in a multicultural environment (Ended)
      • BG05M2OP001-3.020 - ADULT LITERACY – 2 (Ended)
      • BG05M2OP001-3.021 - LIG Lukovit-Roman Improving access and motivating students from marginalized groups to join the vocational education system (Ended)
      • BG05M2OP001-3.022 - "Improving access and raising the reach of children from marginalized groups in the pre-primary education system in the municipalities of Lukovit and Roman" (Ended)
      • BG05M2OP001-3.023 - LAG Pavlikeni - Polski Trambesh 06 "Ensuring access to quality education in small towns and in hard-to-reach areas" (Ended)
      • BG05M2OP001-3.024 - MIG Lukovit-Roman "Improving access to school education and reducing the percentage of students from marginalized groups who drop out of school early" (Ended)
      • BG05M2OP001-3.025 - LAG "Dryanovo - Tryavna - in the heart of the Balkan" - Ensuring access to quality education in small settlements and in difficult-to-reach areas in the municipalities of Dryanovo and Tryavna (Ended)
      • BG05M2OP001-4.001 - Technical assistance (Ended)
    • Human Resources Development (274)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.001 - Youth Employment (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.002 - Inactive youth (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.003 - New workplace 2015 (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.004 - Improving the quality and efficiency of public services for vulnerable groups on the labor market and employers (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.005 - Training and employment of youth (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.006 - "TRAINING AND EMPLOYMENT" (Terminated)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.007 - Increasing the efficiency of employment policy (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.008 - Safe labour conditions (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.009 - "NATIONAL NETWORK EURES " (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.010 - TRAINING AND EMPLOYMENT (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.011 - "Achieving sustainable and quality employment by improving attractiveness of the profession with low marketing of labour in key development of bulgarian economy sectors " (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.012 - Development of policies and instruments for improvement of working conditions in SMEs part of the industrial network of MNC (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.014 - Financial instruments OPHRD 2014-2020 (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.015 - Specialization in the health care system (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.016 - Vouchers for employees (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.017 - Ready for work (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.018 - "Education of adults, who passed literacy courses" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.020 - Support for entrepreneurship (Terminated)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.021 - TRAINING FOR EMPLOYEES (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.022 - SPECIFIC TRAINING (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.023 - Support for entrepreneurship (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.024 - PARENTS IN EMPLOYMENT (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.025 - The Future of Labor (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.026 - LAG Panagyurishte, Strelcha, Lesichovo - trainings for employees (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.027 - LAG Kostenets 2010 - Good and safe labour conditions (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.028 - WORK (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.029 - "Training and employment on the territory of LAG Ardino - Dzhebel " (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.030 - "MIG Lyaskovets - Strazhitsa Measure MIG03 "Better health and working capacity of the employees in the economy of Lyaskovets and Strazhitsa municipalities" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.031 - LAG Maritza Municipality M03 "Good and safe working conditions" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.032 - " LAG Rakovski - MAGP1/IP5 - “Self-employment, entrepreneurship and business creation, including innovative micro-, small-sized and medium enterprises” (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.033 - LAG "Belovo, Septemvri, Velingrad - adapting workers, enterprises and entrepreneurs to change"" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.034 - LAG Kotel, Sungurlare and Varbitsa - Access to employment and training (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.035 - LAG Isperih-HRDOP 1 “Entrepreneurship development ” (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.036 - "LAG Belovo, Septemvri, Velingrad - providing opportunities for lifelong learning for employed persons" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.038 - LAG - Troyan, Apriltsi, Ugarchin New employment and incentives for micro and small enterprises (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.039 - "LAG Panagurishte, Strelcha, Lesichovo - adapting workers, enterprises and entrepreneurs to change " (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.040 - LAG - Gotse Delchev - Garmen - Hadzhidimovo - MEASURE 8, COMPONENT 1 "Training of unemployed persons" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.041 - LAG Gotse Delchev - Garmen-Hadjidimovo - MEASURE 8, COMPONENT 2 - "Employee Training" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.042 - „LAG - municipalities Momchilgrad and Krumovgrad - trainings for employees" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.043 - LAG Maritza Municipality M02 "Active Inclusion - Young People" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.044 - LAG Pomorie - Procedure 7: Promotion and support of youth employment and access to employment of economically inactive and unemployed people (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.045 - LAG LOM "Access to employment of economically inactive and unemployed people" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.046 - LAG Svilengrad-Area-Access to employment on the territory of LAG Svilengrad-Area (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.047 - LAG LOM "Promotion and Support of Youth Employment" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.048 - LAG Kuklen-Asenovgrad "Good and safe working conditions" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.049 - "LAG Kirkovo - Zlatograd - Access to employment of economically inactive and unemployed persons, including promotion and support of youth employment and investments in raising the qualification of the employees in the territory of LAG Kirkovo - Zlatograd" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.050 - LAG Hissarya - Measure 10 "Access to employment of economically inactive and unemployed persons and investments in raising the qualification of the employed in the territory of the LAG" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.051 - Joint Actions of the Social Partners (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.052 - LAG Svilengrad Areal 1.3. Sustainable integration of the young people's labor market (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.053 - LAG Pomorie - Procedure 8 "Providing equal access to lifelong learning of employees at different ages" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.054 - Support for sustainable business (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.055 - New work places in the territory of the LAG "Dolni Chiflik and Byala (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.056 - LAG Isperih-HRDOP 1 “Entrepreneurship development ” (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.057 - Skills (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.058 - "LAG - Municipality Momchilgrad and Krumovgrad - "Good and safe working conditions" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.059 - LAG Balchik - General Toshevo "Access to employment for job-seekers and inactive persons, the long-term unemployed and persons remote from the labor market through local employment initiatives" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.060 - LAG-Radomir-Zemеn, Measure „Support for employment and qualification of unemployed and inactive persons of all age groups" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.061 - "LAG Glavinitsa-Sitovo the Danube region Dobrudja - Adaptation of workers, enterprises and entrepreneurs to the changes, introduction of social and non-technological innovations in enterprises" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.062 - "LAG - STRALDZHA 2016" - "Improving the Quality of the Labor Force for Sustainable Integration in the Labor Market" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.063 - LAG Ardino - Djebel - "Improving equal access to lifelong learning opportunities" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.064 - LAG Pavlikeni - P. Trambesh measure LAG 02 "Local employment initiatives on the territory of the municipalities of Pavlikeni and Polski Trambesh" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.065 - " LAG Ardino- Djebel - “Self-employment, entrepreneurship and business creation, including innovative micro-, small-sized and medium enterprises” (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.066 - LAG - Gotse Delchev - Garmen - Hadjidimovo, Measure 9 "Support for the development of entrepreneurial ideas on the territory of the LAG - Gotse Delchev - Garmen - Hadjidimovo" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.067 - "Ardino-Djebel LAG - Improved working conditions and adapting workers, enterprises and entrepreneurs to change" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.068 - Measure MIG02 "Local Employment Initiatives on the Territories of Lyaskovets and Strazhitsa" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.069 - "LAG Pavlikeni and Polski Trambesh - Better health and employability of employees in enterprises in the territory of the municipalities of Pavlikeni and Polski Trambesh" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.070 - LAG - STRALDZHA 2016 "- - "Local employment initiatives for jobseekers and inactive persons" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.071 - LAG Kotel, Sungurlare and Varbitsa - "Self-employment, entrepreneurship and enterprise creation, including innovative micro, small and medium-sized enterprises" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.072 - "LAG Tundzha - Access to employment for jobseekers and inactive persons, the long-term unemployed and people remote from the labor market through local employment initiatives " (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.073 - Support for entrepreneurship (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.074 - LAG "Avren-Beloslav", Measure 19.2 / 1.6-2 "Improving equal access to lifelong learning opportunities for all age groups, including through vocational guidance and validation of acquired competencies" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.075 - LAG "Avren-Beloslav", Measure 19.2 / 1.1-1 "Access to employment for jobseekers and inactive persons, the long-term unemployed and persons remote from the labor market through local employment initiatives" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.076 - LAG Kotel, Sungurlare and Varbitsa - Improving equal access to lifelong learning opportunities for all age groups in a formal, non-formal and informal form, updating the knowledge, skills and competencies of the workforce as well as promoting flexible learning processes, including through career guidance and validation of acquired competencies " (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.077 - "Improving access to employment and quality of jobs at the Struma - Simitli, Kresna and Strumyani LAG" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.078 - LAG-Radomir-Zemen, Measure 2.1.7. "Adapting workers, enterprises and entrepreneurs to change" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.079 - "LAG - Dolni chiflik and Byala - "Good and safe working conditions" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.080 - LAG "Dryanovo - Tryavna - in the heart of the Balkan", measure OPRD 01 "New job in the territory of the municipalities of Dryanovo and Tryavna" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.081 - LAG "Dryanovo - Tryavna - in the heart of the Balkan", measure OPRD 02 "Good and safe working conditions for workers on the territory of the municipalities of Dryanovo and Tryavna" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.082 - LAG "Devnya - Aksakovo" - "Investments in education and employment" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.083 - LAG-Radomir-Zemen, Measure 2.1.6. "Enhancement of qualifications and achievement of the knowledge and skills of the employees of all ages" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.084 - „LAG Samokov - Access to employment for job-seekers and inactive people, long-term unemployed and people distanced from the labour market, through local employment initiatives" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.085 - "LAG- MUGLIZH-KAZANLAK-GURKOVO -"Access to the Labor Market for Unemployed and Inactive Persons" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.086 - "LAG Samokov- Adapting workers, enterprises and entrepreneurs to change" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.087 - "Activation of unemployed and inactive persons in the municipalities of Lukovit and Roman" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.088 - "LAG Samokov - Improving equal access to lifelong learning opportunities for all age groups, including through professional orientation and validation of acquired competences" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.089 - LAG Isperih-HRDOP 1 “Entrepreneurship development ” (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.090 - "LAG Panagyurishte, Strelcha, Lesichovo - Adaptation of workers, enterprises and entrepreneurs to change" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.091 - LAG Pomorie - Procedure 7: Promotion and support of youth employment and access to employment of economically inactive and unemployed people (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.092 - LAG Pomorie - Procedure 8 "Providing equal access to lifelong learning of employees at different ages" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.093 - LAG Kotel, Sungurlare and Varbitsa - Improving equal access to lifelong learning opportunities for all age groups in a formal, non-formal and informal form, updating the knowledge, skills and competencies of the workforce as well as promoting flexible learning processes, including through career guidance and validation of acquired competencies " (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.094 - Measure MIG02 "Local Employment Initiatives on the Territories of Lyaskovets and Strazhitsa" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.095 - "LAG - Dolni chiflik and Byala - "Good and safe working conditions" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.096 - Place for children (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.097 - AG "Devnya - Aksakovo" - "Investments in education and employment" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.098 - LAG LOM "Access to employment of economically inactive and unemployed persons" - 2020 (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.101 - LAG Maritza Municipality M02 "Active Inclusion - Young People" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.102 - LAG Lom "Encouragement and supporting youth employment 2020 " (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.103 - LAG Hissarya - Measure 10 "Access to employment of economically inactive and unemployed persons and investments in raising the qualification of the employed in the territory of the LAG" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.106 - Employment for you (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.107 - LAG "Dryanovo - Tryavna - in the heart of the Balkan", measure OPRD 01 "New job in the territory of the municipalities of Dryanovo and Tryavna" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.108 - LAG-Radomir-Zemen, Measure 2.1.6. "Enhancement of qualifications and achievement of the knowledge and skills of the employees of all ages" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.109 - "Dolni Chiflik and Byala" LAG Measure 1."New work places in the territory of the LAG "Dolni Chiflik and Byala" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.110 - "LAG Glavinitsa-Sitovo the Danube region Dobrudja - Adaptation of workers, enterprises and entrepreneurs to the changes, introduction of social and non-technological innovations in enterprises" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.111 - 1.1.3 New jobs for the people from the Struma LAG - Simitli, Kresna and Strumyani (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.113 - LAG Pavlikeni - P. Trambesh measure LAG 02 "Local employment initiatives on the territory of the municipalities of Pavlikeni and Polski Trambesh" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.114 - "LAG Pavlikeni and Polski Trambesh - Better health and employability of employees in enterprises in the territory of the municipalities of Pavlikeni and Polski Trambesh" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.115 - LAG Pomorie - Procedure 7: Promotion and support of youth employment and access to employment of economically inactive and unemployed people (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.116 - LAG "Struma - Simitli, Kresna and Strumyani" measure 1.3.5 Promotion of self-employment and entrepreneurship in LAG "Struma" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.117 - "LAG Samokov - Access to employment for jobseekers and inactive people, the long-term unemployed and people remote from the labor market through local employment initiatives" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.118 - Lukovit-Roman LAG "Activation of unemployed and inactive people in the municipalities of Lukovit and Roman" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.119 - LAG Lyaskovets - Strazhitsa Measure LAG 03 "Better health and working capacity of employees in the economy of the municipalities of Lyaskovets and Strazhitsa." (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.120 - LAG Pomorie - Procedure 8 "Providing equal access to lifelong learning of employees at different ages" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.121 - LAG Balchik - General Toshevo "Access to employment for job-seekers and inactive persons, the long-term unemployed and persons remote from the labor market through local employment initiatives" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.122 - Avren-Beloslav LAG, Measure 19.2 / 1.1-1 "Access to employment for jobseekers and inactive people, the long-term unemployed and people removed from the labor market through local employment initiatives" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.123 - AG "Devnya - Aksakovo" - "Investments in education and employment" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.124 - "LAG- MUGLIZH-KAZANLAK-GURKOVO -"Access to the Labor Market for Unemployed and Inactive Persons" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.125 - LAG Ardino - Djebel - "Improving equal access to lifelong learning opportunities" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.126 - Kotel, Sungurlare and Varbitsa LAG - Access to employment and training (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.127 - Development of digital skills - Component 1 (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.128 - Development of digital skills - Component 2 (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.129 - LAG "Kotel, Sungurlare and Varbitsa" - Maintaining access to lifelong learning opportunities for all age groups in formal, non-formal and informal form, updating the knowledge, skills and competence of the workforce, and promoting flexible learning processes, including through career guidance and validation of acquisition competencies ” (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-1.130 - Employment for you - Component 2 (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.001 - NEW ALTERNATIVES (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.002 - Independent Life (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.003 - Fostering 2015 (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.004 - Services for early childhood development (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.005 - Active inclusion (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.006 - Social entrepreneurship (Terminated)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.007 - Social entrepreneurship (Terminated)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.008 - Support for people with disabilities (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.009 - Find out (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.010 - Social entrepreneurship (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.011 - EQUAL CHANCE (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.012 - Continuing support for deinstitutionalization of children and youth (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.013 - LAG POMORIE "Social and economical integratioin of marginalized groups of the society, incl. the roma community, migrants and others” (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.014 - MIG04 "Social Innovation for Active Social Inclusion" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.015 - CLLD _ LAG Sredets - for a better life (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.017 - LAG Belovo, September, Velingrad - active inclusion, including with a view to promoting equal opportunities and active participation and better employability " (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.019 - Continuing support for deinstitutionalization of children and young people - Providing Social and Integrated Health and Social Services for Children and Families - COMPONENT 1 (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.020 - "Care at home in the territory of the Ardino - Djebel LAG" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.021 - LAG "Belovo, Septemvri, Velingrad - socio-economic integration of marginalized communities like the Roma" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.022 - "LAG Rakovski - MAGP2/IP1 - Social and economic integration of marginalized communities such as the Roma" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.023 - LAG "Panagyurishte, Strelcha, Lesichovo - socio-economic integration of marginalized communities such as Roma" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.024 - LAG - Gotse Delchev - Garmen - Hadjidimovo, Measure 10 "Integration of Marginalized Communities" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.025 - "LAG - municipalities Momchilgrad and Krumovgrad" - "Socio-economic integration of marginalized communities" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.026 - CONTINUING SUPPORT FOR DEINSTITUTIONALIZATION OF CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE - STAGE 2 - Providing Social and Integrated Health and Social Services to Children and Families COMPONENT 2 (Terminated)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.028 - Patronage cares for adults and persons with disabilitie - Component 1 (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.030 - "Better access to sustainable services at an affordable price, health and social services - an integrated approach on the territory of the LAG - LOM" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.031 - "LAG Rakovski - MPAG2/IP4 - “Promoting social entrepreneurship and professional integration in social enterprises and promoting social and solidarity economy in order to enhance access to employment” (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.032 - Social inclusion in the community (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.033 - LIG Isperih "Socio-Economic Integration of Marginalized Communities" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.034 - LAG LOM "Integration of Marginalized Communities, incl. Roma, migrants, others " (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.035 - LАG LOM "Active inclusion of the furthest from the labor market, support for families with children" (Terminated)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.036 - "LAG Momchilgrad-Krumovgrad - Active inclusion, including with a view to promoting equal opportunities and active participation and better employability" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.037 - LAG Balchik - General Toshevo - Measure 19.2 / 2.2-2 "Active inclusion with a view to promoting equal opportunities, improving access to social services and better employability" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.038 - New long-term care for adults and people with disabilities (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.039 - LAG-Municipality of Maritsa M05 "Active inclusion - vulnerable groups" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.040 - Patronage cares for adults and persons with disabilities - Component 2 (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.041 - Better access to sustainable services, incl. health and social services through an integrated approach in the territory of LAG Kirkovo - Zlatograd" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.042 - "LAG Rakovski - MPAG2/IP3 - Improving access to services that are affordable, sustainable and of high quality, including health and social services of general interest” (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.043 - LAG Svilengrad Areal 2.1.Social-economic integration of marginalized communities such as Roma on the territory of LAG Svilengrad Area (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.044 - "LAG Belovo, Septemvri, Velingrad - improving the quality of life of disadvantaged people" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.045 - "LAG Sredets - Social Economic Integration of Marginalized Communities like the Roma" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.046 - LAG "Panagurishte, Strelcha, Lesichovo - Increasing access to affordable, sustainable and high-quality services, including health and social services of general interest " (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.047 - "LAG - municipalities Momchilgrad and Krumovgrad" - "Socio-economic integration of marginalized communities" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.048 - LAG - Troyan, Apriltsi, Ugarchin M4 Social Economy (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.049 - LAG Pomorie - Procedure 10 "Active social inclusion, according to establishment of equal work opportunities and integration for better employability" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.050 - LAG Panagyurishte, Strelcha, Lesichovo - Active inclusion, including with a view to promoting equal opportunities and active participation and better employability " (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.051 - "LAG - Municipalities of Momchilgrad and Krumovgrad " - "Care and Support for Independent Living" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.052 - "LAG Glavinitsa-Sitovo Krajunavska Dobrudja" - Social, Labor and Health Integration (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.053 - MIG05 "Promotion of Local Social Economy Development and New Jobs in Social Enterprises" of the Lyaskovets-Strazhitsa LAG. (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.054 - LAG "Avren-Beloslav" Measure 19.2 / 2.2-3 Active inclusion with a view to promoting equal opportunities, improving access to social services and better employability (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.055 - LAG-Radomir-Zemen, Measure 2.2.3. „Better care for people with disabilities and people over 65 in impossibility of self-service" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.057 - LAG Hissarya - Measure 11 "Integration of Marginalized Communities" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.058 - LAG Hissar - Measure 12 "Active inclusion, including with a view to promoting equal opportunities and active participation and better employability" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.059 - Social entrepreneurship (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.060 - LAG Karlukovski karst – Cherven Bryag – Iskar, Measure 6 "Better access to sustainable services, health and social services through an integrated approach on the territory of LAG Karlukovski karst – Cherven Bryag – Iskar " (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.061 - Support for people with disabilities - Component 2 (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.062 - Social Inclusion of Persons with Mental Disorders and Intellectual Disabilities. (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.063 - LAG Pavlikeni-Polski Trambesh 05 "Promoting Social Entrepreneurship for Employment of Vulnerable Groups on the Labor Market" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.064 - LAG - Troyan, Apriltsi, Ugarchin M3 Integrated and healthy (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.065 - LAG - Gotse Delchev - Garmen - Hadjidimovo - MEASURE 8, COMPONENT 3 "Training of vulnerable groups and measures for labor market integration" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.066 - "LAG-Straldzha-2016" - "Providing access to social inclusion and health services for people with disabilities and people over 65 in the impossibility of self-service" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.067 - LAG-Municipality of Maritsa M05 "Active inclusion - vulnerable groups" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.068 - LAG-Municipality of Maritsa M04 "Socio-economic Integration of Vulnerable Groups" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.069 - LAG Kotel, Sungurlare and Varbitsa - Promoting social entrepreneurship and professional integration in social enterprises and promoting the social and solidarity economy in order to facilitate access to employment " (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.070 - LAG "Kotel, Sungurlare and Varbitsa" - "Socio-economic integration of marginalized communities like the Roma" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.071 - LAG - Gotse Delchev - Garmen - Hadzhidimovo - MEASURE 11 "Better access to sustainable services for the social inclusion of people with disabilities and the self-employed" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.072 - "LAG - STRALDZHA 2016 - Integrated Services for the Socio-Economic Integration of Marginalized Communities like the Roma" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.074 - LAG Pavlikeni-Polski Trambesh Measure "Social Innovations for Active Social Inclusion" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.075 - LAG "Dryanovo - Tryavna - in the heart of the Balkan", measure OPRD 03 "Socio-economic integration of vulnerable groups on the territory of the municipalities of Dryanovo and Tryavna" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.076 - LAG "Dryanovo - Tryavna - in the heart of the Balkan", OPRD measure 04 "Development of a social economy on the territory of Dryanovo and Tryavna municipalities" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.077 - LAG Tundja Active inclusion with a view to promoting equal opportunities, improving access to social and health services and better employability (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.078 - LAG "Devnya - Aksakovo" - "Introducing cross-sectoral services in the community" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.079 - MIG04 "Social Innovation for Active Social Inclusion" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.080 - LAG Lukovit-Roman - Provision of social and health services in the community in the municipalities Lukovit and Roman (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.081 - ,,Social Enterprises for People with Mental Disorders and Intellectual Disabilities'‘‘ (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.082 - Personal development of persons with mental disorders and intellectual disabilities (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.084 - LAG Lukovit-Roman "Inclusion and active inclusion in the territory of Lukovit and Roman municipalities" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.085 - "Socio-economic integration of vulnerable groups in the municipalities of Lukovit and Roman" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.087 - "LAG Samokov - Better care for people with disabilities and people over 65 unable to self-service by providing access to social inclusion and health services" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.088 - LAG "Panagyurishte, Strelcha, Lesichovo - increasing access to affordable, sustainable and high quality services, including health and social services of general interest" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.089 - "LAG Rakovski - MPAG2/IP3 - Improving access to services that are affordable, sustainable and of high quality, including health and social services of general interest” (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.090 - New long-term care for elderly people and people with disabilities - Stage 2 - Provision of new services (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.091 - LAG Lukovit-Roman - Provision of social and health services in the community in the municipalities Lukovit and Roman (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.092 - "LAG Momchilgrad-Krumovgrad - Active inclusion, including with a view to promoting equal opportunities and active participation and better employability" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.093 - CONTINUING SUPPORT FOR DEINSTITUTIONALIZATION OF CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE - STAGE 2 - Providing Social and Integrated Health and Social Services to Children and Families COMPONENT 2 (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.095 - MIG05 "Promotion of Local Social Economy Development and New Jobs in Social Enterprises" of the Lyaskovets-Strazhitsa LAG. (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.096 - LAG Svilengrad Areal 2.1.Social-economic integration of marginalized communities such as Roma on the territory of LAG Svilengrad Area (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.097 - LAG Kotel, Sungurlare and Varbitsa - Promoting social entrepreneurship and professional integration in social enterprises and promoting the social and solidarity economy in order to facilitate access to employment " (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.100 - LAG LOM “Integration of marginalized communities, incl. Roma, migrants, others' - 2020 (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.101 - Patronage cares for adults and persons with disabilities - Component 3 (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.102 - LAG Maglizh, Kazanlak, Gurkovo - "Poverty Reduction and Promotion of Social Inclusion" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.103 - Patronage cares for adults and persons with disabilities - Component 4 (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.104 - LAG "Dryanovo - Tryavna - in the heart of the Balkan", measure OPRD 03 "Socio-economic integration of vulnerable groups on the territory of the municipalities of Dryanovo and Tryavna" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.105 - LAG "Dryanovo - Tryavna - in the heart of the Balkan", OPRD measure 04 "Development of a social economy on the territory of Dryanovo and Tryavna municipalities" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.106 - LAG Hissarya - Measure 11 "Integration of Marginalized Communities" (Terminated)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.107 - LAG "Panagyurishte, Strelcha, Lesichovo - Increasing access to affordable, sustainable and high quality services, including health and social services of general interest" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.108 - Social entrepreneurship (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.109 - "LAG Glavinitsa-Sitovo Krajunavska Dobrudja" - Social, Labor and Health Integration|“ (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.110 - LAG Pomorie - Procedure 10 "Active social inclusion, according to establishment of equal work opportunities and integration for better employability" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.111 - LAG "Struma - Simitli, Kresna and Strumyani" measure 2.3. Sustainable social services for social inclusion (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.112 - LAG Pavlikeni-Polski Trambesh 05 "Promoting Social Entrepreneurship for Employment of Vulnerable Groups on the Labor Market" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.113 - "LAG-Straldzha-2016" - "Providing access to social inclusion and health services for people with disabilities and people over 65 in the impossibility of self-service" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.114 - LAG "Struma - Simitli, Kresna and Strumyani" measure 2.4. Development of social entrepreneurship (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.115 - LAG POMORIE "Social and economical integratioin of marginalized groups of the society, incl. the roma community, migrants and others” (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.116 - MIG Lukovit-Roman "Inclusion and active inclusion in the territory of Lukovit and Roman municipalities" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.117 - "LAG LOM for better access to sustainable services at an affordable price, incl. Health and social services - an integrated approach - 2020 " (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.118 - LAG Pomorie - Procedure 10 "Active social inclusion, according to establishment of equal work opportunities and integration for better employability" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-2.119 - Patronage cares + Component 3 (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-3.001 - Development and implementation of a system for monitoring, evaluation and control of the National Strategy of the Republic of Bulgaria for Roma Integration 2012-2020 (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-3.002 - Employment and social assistance centres (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-3.004 - Optimization and innovation in GLI EA (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-3.005 - " NEW STANDARDS FOR SOCIAL SERVICES " (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-3.006 - Increasing the capacity of staff in the field of child protection, social services and social assistance (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-3.008 - Specialised training of the staff of the MLSP (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-3.009 - Control transferees (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-3.010 - Expertise of the efficiency (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-3.011 - Together against violence (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-3.012 - National system for planning, monitoring and reporting on the implementation of youth policies (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-3.014 - Developing effective policies for respecting children's rights and their participation in the decision-making mechanism in forming government policy towards them (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-3.015 - Integrated trainings for the administration of the labour market and the administration in the social field (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-3.016 - Building a control system over the expertise of working capacity (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-3.017 - Improving working conditions in Bulgaria by reducing the conditions for discrimination (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-3.018 - Improving the efficiency of the income policy and the employability of bulgarian citizens (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-3.021 - Ensuring the quality and effectiveness of social services (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-4.001 - Transnational and Danube Partnerships for Employment and Growth (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-4.002 - Innovative together (Terminated)
      • BG05M9OP001-4.003 - Transnational partnerships (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-4.004 - Transnational partnerships (Terminated)
      • BG05M9OP001-5.001 - Technical Assistance 2014-2020 (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-6.002 - PATRONAGE CARE + (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-6.003 - "SAVE ME" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-6.004 - Patronage cares + Component 2 (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-6.005 - "SAVE ME +" (Ended)
      • BG05M9OP001-6.006 - Solidarity (Ended)
    • Good governance (68)
      • BG05SFOP001-1.001 - Structuring data and analytical activities implementing strategic documents for development of state administration, E-governance and E-justice (Ended)
      • BG05SFOP001-1.002 - Priority projects under the Roadmap for implementation of the Strategy for the development of e-governance in the Republic of Bulgaria for the period 2016-2020 (Ended)
      • BG05SFOP001-1.003 - Improving the effectiveness, efficiency and transparency of the public procurement system (Ended)
      • BG05SFOP001-1.004 - Upgrading the horizontal and central systems of the e-Government (Ended)
      • BG05SFOP001-1.005 - Upgrading and development of the State Hybrid Private Cloud for the needs of the e-Government (Ended)
      • BG05SFOP001-1.006 - Development, upgrade and integration of information systems and registers of NACID to improve the process of providing administrative and information services (Ended)
      • BG05SFOP001-1.007 - Improvement of the National Customs Agency’s fundamental information systems for providing data and services - BICIS (Phase 2) (Ended)
      • BG05SFOP001-1.008 - Development and implementation of the Institutional Architecture of NSSI for priority processes related to pensions and provision of electronic administrative services (Ended)
      • BG05SFOP001-1.010 - Development and upgrade of CRC information systems and registers for increasing the efficiency of the regulatory and control activity and improving the quality of administrative services (Ended)
      • BG05SFOP001-1.011 - Establishment of a Unified Information System (EIS) for the needs of the Financial Supervision Commission (Ended)
      • BG05SFOP001-1.013 - Implementation of Priority Measures from the Roadmap for the Implementation of the Updated Strategy for the Development of eGovernment in the Republic of Bulgaria 2019-2023 (Ended)
      • BG05SFOP001-1.014 - Development of the information system and the public register of the Commission for Protection of Competition (Ended)
      • BG05SFOP001-1.015 - Development and implementation of an e-archiving system (Ended)
      • BG05SFOP001-1.016 - Optimization and electronicization of the registers and work processes in the BFSA (Ended)
      • BG05SFOP001-1.017 - Creation, upgrading and unification of electronic registers of the National Center for Information and Documentation (NACID) in the field of higher education (Ended)
      • BG05SFOP001-1.018 - Establishment of a Unified Public Register for Spatial Planning, Investment Design and Construction Permitting (Ended)
      • BG05SFOP001-1.019 - Establishment of a property management system, including a unified register of state and municipal property (Ended)
      • BG05SFOP001-1.020 - Development and introduction of the architecture of the National Social Security Institute for the processes related to cash benefits, allowances and guaranteed receivables (Ended)
      • BG05SFOP001-1.023 - National Geospatial Platform (Ended)
      • BG05SFOP001-1.024 - Development of a national solution for electronic exchange of social security information EESSI (Ended)
      • BG05SFOP001-1.025 - Improvement of the National Customs Agency’s main information systems for providing data and services - BICIS (Phase 3) (Ended)
      • BG05SFOP001-1.026 - Implementation of CAIS "Corruption Risk Analysis" (Ended)
      • BG05SFOP001-1.027 - Planning, coordination and control in the development and updating of information resources in the administration (Ended)
      • BG05SFOP001-1.029 - Development of electronic administrative services and implementation of additional functionalities in automated information systems in the Ministry of Interior (Ended)
      • BG05SFOP001-2.001 - Strategic projects implementing the Strategy for development of public administration 2014-2020, Environment Protection Policy, Climate Change Policy and Natura 2000 (Ended)
      • BG05SFOP001-2.002 - Introduction of the Common Assessment Framework (CAF) in the administrations (Ended)
      • BG05SFOP001-2.003 - Effective implementation of EU State Aid Rules in the provision of services of general economic interest (Ended)
      • BG05SFOP001-2.004 - Enhancing expert capacity of civil servants (Ended)
      • BG05SFOP001-2.005 - Increasing the efficiency of the transposition of European Union law into Bulgarian legislation and public regulation. (Ended)
      • BG05SFOP001-2.006 - Specialized trainings for the central administration (Ended)
      • BG05SFOP001-2.007 - Improving the system for feedback from users of administrative services and increasing the quality of the administrative service (Ended)
      • BG05SFOP001-2.008 - Overall review and assesment of the national public procurement system in Bulgaria (Ended)
      • BG05SFOP001-2.010 - Improving the financial management and control systems and the internal audit function in the public sector (Ended)
      • BG05SFOP001-2.011 - Improvement of the Concession Policy (Ended)
      • BG05SFOP001-2.012 - Development of the Analytical Capacity of the Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (Ended)
      • BG05SFOP001-2.013 - Increasing the effectiveness of transposing EU law into Bulgarian legislation and public regulation (Ended)
      • BG05SFOP001-2.014 - Developing the capacity for implementation of the Common Assessment Framework (CAF) in public administrations (Ended)
      • BG05SFOP001-2.015 - Trainings for civil servants organized by the Diplomatic Institute of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National Association of the Municipalities in Republic of Bulgaria (Ended)
      • BG05SFOP001-2.016 - Development of a National Environmental Strategy and the development of the Unified Information System on Natura 2000 (Ended)
      • BG05SFOP001-2.017 - Trainings for civil servants organized by the Institute of Public Administration (Ended)
      • BG05SFOP001-2.018 - Identification of civil servants with high potential (Ended)
      • BG05SFOP001-2.019 - Specialized trainings for the territorial administration (Ended)
      • BG05SFOP001-2.021 - Increasing civic participation in the implementation and monitoring of policies and legislation (Terminated)
      • BG05SFOP001-2.022 - Building a unified, effective resource management system in the system of the Ministry of Interior (Ended)
      • BG05SFOP001-2.023 - Support for the development of territorial just transition plans for eight districts (Ended)
      • BG05SFOP001-2.024 - Development of the expertise of the staff of the Ministry of the Interior through specialized trainings (Ended)
      • BG05SFOP001-2.025 - Increasing civic participation in the implementation and monitoring of policies and legislation (Ended)
      • BG05SFOP001-2.026 - Organizational development of the Economic and Social Council and strengthening the role of the organized civil society (Ended)
      • BG05SFOP001-2.027 - Improving inspection control of the Agency for State Financial Inspection (Ended)
      • BG05SFOP001-3.001 - Strategic projects for implementation of the Updated Strategy for Continuation of the Reform in Judiciary System and the Strategy for Introduction of e-Governance and e-Justice in the Justice Sector 2014-2020 (Ended)
      • BG05SFOP001-3.002 - Increasing the competence of magistrates and judicial officials through effective training in the national Institute of Justice (Ended)
      • BG05SFOP001-3.007 - Improvement and updating of policies and rules related to the appraisal and remuneration of court officers and introduction of guarantees for public participation in the selection of jurors by municipal councils (Ended)
      • BG05SFOP001-3.008 - Development and implementation in the judicial system of software for accelerated creation and reproduction of acts and other documents by dictation and automatic conversion of voice-to-text and accompanying processing systems (Ended)
      • BG05SFOP001-4.001 - „Ensuring the functioning of the national network of the 27 district information points“ (Ended)
      • BG05SFOP001-4.002 - Technical assistance for the horizontal structures in charge of programming, monitoring, management, control, coordination, certification and audit of the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) in Bulgaria (Ended)
      • BG05SFOP001-4.003 - Support for increasing the capacity of municipalities for development and implementation of projects co-financed by ESIF (Ended)
      • BG05SFOP001-4.004 - Ensuring the functioning of the national network of 27 regional information centers in the period 2019-2021 (Ended)
      • BG05SFOP001-4.006 - Horizontal support for the efficient management of ESIF (Ended)
      • BG05SFOP001-4.007 - Ensuring the functioning of the National Network of 27 Regional Information Centers 2022-2023 (Ended)
      • BG05SFOP001-6.001 - Providing support to address migration challenges posed by the Russian Federation's military aggression in Ukraine for refugees arriving in the Republic of Bulgaria through a measure implemented by the Ministry of Tourism (Ended)
      • BG05SFOP001-7.001 - Support of SMEs particularly affected by the increase in energy prices through a measure implemented by the Security of the Electricity System Fund (SAFE) (Ended)
    • Rural Development Programme (827)
      • BG06RDNP001-1.001 - Projects selection procedure under submeasure 1.1. "Vocational training and skills acquisition actions" of measure 1 Knowledge transfer and information actions" of the Rural Development Program 2014-2020 (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-1.004 - Процедура чрез подбор на проектни предложения по подмярка 1.2. „Демонстрационни дейности и действия по осведомяване“ от мярка 1 "Трансфер на знания и действия за осведомяване" от Програма за развитие на селските райони за периода 2014-2020 година. (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-2.001 - Project selection procedure under sub-measure 2.2 "Creating advisory services" under the Thematic sub-program of measure 2 "Consulting, farm management and substitution services" of the Rural Development Program 2014-2020. (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-2.002 - процедура по подмярка 2.1.1 „Консултантски услуги за земеделски и горски стопани“ от мярка 2 „Консултантски услуги, услуги по управление на стопанството и услуги по заместване в стопанството“ от Програма за развитие на селските райони 2014-2020 г. (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-4.001 - “Procedure concerning the selection of project proposals № BG06RDNP001-4.001 under sub-measure 4.2. “Investment in processing/marketing of agricultural products” under measure 4 “Investment in physical assets” of the Rural development programme 2014-2020”. (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-4.002 - Sub-measure 4.1.2 "Investments in agricultural holdings under Thematic sub-programme for development of small agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-4.007 - Project selestion procedure № BG06RDNP001-4.007 under submeasure 4.2.2 "Investments in processing / marketing of agricultural products under the Thematic subprogram" from measure 4 "Investments in physical assets" of the Rural Development Programme 2014-2020. (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-4.008 - Targeted admission for farmers at Livestock section under sub-measure 4.1 Investment in Agricultural Holdings of measure 4 Investments in Physical Assets of the Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-4.009 - Procedure by selection of project proposals under sub-measure 4.1.2. "Investments in agricultural holdings" under the Thematic sub-program of measure 4 "Investments in tangible assets" of the Rural Development Program 2014-2020 (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-4.010 - Project proposals from Irrigation Systems EAD for rehabilitation of existing irrigation facilities (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-4.011 - Project proposals from Irrigation Associations and other legal entities for the restoration of existing irrigation irrigation facilities (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-4.012 - Procedure through selection of project proposals under sub-measure 4.1 "Investments in agricultural holdings" of measure 4 "Investments in tangible assets" of the Rural Development Program for the period 2014-2020. (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-4.013 - Procedure through selection of project proposals under sub-measure 4.2 "Investments in processing / marketing of agricultural products" of measure 4 "Investments in tangible assets" of the Rural Development Program for the period 2014-2020. (Terminated)
      • BG06RDNP001-4.014 - Targeted acceptance for project proposals with an investment value of up to EUR 300,000 sub-measure 4.2 "Investments in processing / marketing of agricultural products" of measure 4 "Investments in tangible assets" of the Rural Development Program for the period 2014-2020. (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-4.015 - Procedure through selection of project proposals under sub-measure 4.2 "Investments in processing / marketing of agricultural products" of measure 4 "Investments in tangible assets" of the Rural Development Program for the period 2014-2020. (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-4.016 - Project proposals from Irrigation Systems EAD for rehabilitation of existing irrigation facilities (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-4.017 - Targeted acceptance for project proposals to increase the efficiency of water consumption in agriculture under sub-measure 4.1 "Investments in agricultural holdings" of measure 4 "Investments in tangible assets" of the Rural Development Program for the period 2014-2020. (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-4.018 - Target intake "Investments and activities ensuring protection of environmental components, including RES" under sub-measure 4.2. "Investments in processing/marketing of agricultural products" from measure 4 "Investments in tangible assets" of the Rural Development Program for the period 2014-2020. (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-5.001 - Procedure through selection of project proposals under sub-measure 5.1 "Support for investment in preventive measures aimed at limiting the consequences of possible natural disasters, adverse climatic events and catastrophic events" from measure 5 "Restoration of agricultural production potential and introduction of appropriate preventive measures" of the Rural Development Program 2014-2020 (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-5.002 - Procedure through selection of project proposals under sub-measure 5.2 "Investments for restoration of agricultural land potential and agricultural production potential disturbed by natural disasters, adverse climatic events and catastrophic events" of measure 5 "Restoration of agricultural production potential and introduction of appropriate preventive measures" of the Rural Development Program 2014-2020. (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-5.003 - Procedure through selection of project proposals under sub-measure 5.1 "Support for investment in preventive measures aimed at limiting the consequences of possible natural disasters, adverse climatic events and catastrophic events" from measure 5 "Restoration of agricultural production potential and introduction of appropriate preventive measures" of the Rural Development Program 2014-2020 (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-5.004 - Procedure through selection of project proposals submitted by public entities under sub-measure 5.1 "Support for investments in preventive measures aimed at mitigating the consequences of probable natural disasters, adverse climatic events and catastrophic events" from item 5 "Restoration of agricultural production potential, suffered damage as a result of natural disasters and the introduction of appropriate preventive measures "by the Rural Development Program for the period 2014-2020. (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-6.001 - Selection procedure No BG06RDNP001-6.001 under sub-measure 6.1. “Business start-up aid for young farmers” from measure 6 “Farm and business development” from the Rural Development Programme 2014-2020. (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-6.002 - Selection procedure № BG06RDNP001-6.002 ”Investments directed towards development of crafts” under sub-measure 6.4.1. “Investments supporting non-agricultural activities” of the Rural Development Programme 2014-2020.” (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-6.003 - Selection procedure № BG06RDNP001-6.003 ”Development of services in all sectors and other non-agricultural activities” under sub-measure 6.4.1. “Investments supporting non-agricultural activities” of the Rural Development Programme 2014-2020.” (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-6.004 - Selection procedure № BG06RDNP001-6.004 ”Production of products that are not included in Annex 1 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union” under sub-measure 6.4.1. “Investments supporting non-agricultural activities” of the Rural Development Programme 2014-2020.” (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-6.007 - Selection procedure No BG06RDNP001-6.007 under sub-measure 6.3. "Business start-up aid for the development of small farms" under measure 6 "Farm and business development" of the Rural Development Programme for the period 2014-2020. (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-6.008 - Procedure for the selection of project proposals under sub-measure 6.3 "Starting aid for the development of small farms" from measure 6 "Farm and business development" of the Rural Development Program 2014-2020. (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-6.011 - Procedure through selection of project proposals under sub-measure 6.1 "Start-up aid for young farmers" of measure 6 "Development of farms and enterprises" of the RDP 2014 - 2020 (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-6.012 - Procedure through selection of project proposals under sub-measure 6.3 "Start-up aid for the development of small farms" of measure 6 "Development of farms and enterprises" of the RDP 2014-2020. (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-6.013 - Procedure through selection of project proposals under sub-measure 6.1 "Start-up aid for young farmers" of measure 6 "Development of farms and enterprises" of the RDP 2014 - (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-7.001 - Selection procedure № BG06RDNP001-7.001 Streets "Construction, reconstruction and/or rehabilitation of new and existing streets and pavements and facilities and adjacent facilities under submeasure 7.2. “Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small scale infrastructure” from measure 7 “Main services and renewal of the villages in rural areas” from the Rural development programme 2014-2020 (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-7.002 - Selection procedure No BG06RDNP001-7.002 – School “Reconstruction, repair, equipment and/or furnishing of municipal educational infrastructure of local importance in the rural areas, which includes primary or secondary school financed by the municipal budget or professional high school under § 10 of the Transitional and Final Provisions of the pre-school and school education” under submeasure 7.2. “Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small scale infrastructure” from measure 7 “Main services and renewal of the villages in rural areas” from the Rural development programme 2014-2020. (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-7.004 - Selection procedure No BG06RDNP001-7.004– Kindergarten “Repair, equipment and/or furnishing of municipal educational infrastructure of local importance in the rural areas, which includes kindergarten financed by the municipal budget” under submeasure 7.2. “Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small scale infrastructure” from measure 7 “Main services and renewal of the villages in rural areas” from the rural development programme 2014-2020 (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-7.005 - Selection procedure No BG06RDNP001-7.005 – School sports hall – “Construction of indoor sports infrastructure, including equipment and/or its furnishing in a municipal educational infrastructure of local important where there is no indoor sports infrastructure established and which includes primary or secondary school financed by the municipal budget” under submeasure 7.2. “Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small scale infrastructure” from measure 7 “Main services and renewal of the villages in rural areas” from the Rural development programme 2014-2020. (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-7.006 - Selection procedure - BG06RDNP001-7.006 - Areas “Construction and/or renewal of public spaces designated for permanent response to public needs of municipal importance” under sub-measure 7.2 “Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small scale infrastructure” from measure 7 “Main services and renewal of villages in the rural areas” from the Rural Development Programme 2014-2020. (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-7.007 - Selection procedure BG06RDNP001-7.001 - Sport “Creation, reconstruction, repair, equipment and/or furnishing of sports infrastructure” under sub-measure 7.2 “Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small scale infrastructure” from measure 7 “Main services and renewal of the villages in the rural areas” from the Rural Development Programme 2014-2020. (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-7.008 - Selection procedure BG06RDNP001-7.008 Energy efficiency “Reconstruction, repair, equipment and/or furnishing of municipal buildings providing public services and aiming at improvement of their energy efficiency under sub-measure 7.2 “Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small scale infrastructure from measure 7 “Main services and renewal of the villages in the rural areas” from the Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-7.013 - Selection procedure № BG06RDNP001-7.013 under sub-measure 7.3. "Broadband infrastructure, including its creation, improvement and expansion, passive broadband infrastructure and provision of access to broadband infrastructure and electronic government solutions" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-7.014 - Sub-measure procedure 7.3. "Broadband infrastructure, including its creation, improvement and expansion, passive broadband infrastructure and measures to access solutions through broadband infrastructure and e-government" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-7.015 - Procedure through the selection of project proposals under sub-measure 7.6 "Research and investment related to the maintenance, restoration and cultural and natural heritage of villages" from measure 7 "Basic rural services and rural renewal" of the Rural Development Program for 2014-2020 (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-7.017 - Streets "Construction, reconstruction and/or rehabilitation of new and existing streets and pavements and facilities and adjacent facilities under submeasure 7.2. “Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small scale infrastructure” from measure 7 “Main services and renewal of the villages in rural areas” from the Rural development programme 2014-2020 (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-7.019 - Roads "Construction, reconstruction and/or rehabilitation of existing municipal roads and their facilities and accessories" under sub-measure 7.2. "Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure" from measure 7 "Basic services and renewal of villages in rural areas" of the Rural Development Program for the period 2014-2020. (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-7.020 - Енергийна ефективност „Реконструкция, ремонт, оборудване и/или обзавеждане на общински сгради, в които се предоставят обществени услуги, с цел подобряване на тяхната енергийна ефективност“ по подмярка 7.2. „Инвестиции в създаването, подобряването или разширяването на всички видове малка по мащаби инфраструктура“ от мярка 7 „Основни услуги и обновяване на селата в селските райони“ от Програмата за развитие на селските райони за периода 2014 – 2020 г. (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-7.021 - Вода „Изграждане, реконструкция и/или рехабилитация на водоснабдителни системи и съоръжения в агломерации с под 2000 е.ж. в селските райони“ по подмярка 7.2. „Инвестиции в създаването, подобряването или разширяването на всички видове малка по мащаби инфраструктура“ от мярка 7 „Основни услуги и обновяване на селата в селските райони“ от Програмата за развитие на селските райони за периода 2014 – 2020 г. (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-8.001 - Selection Procedure No BG06RDNP001-8.001 under submeasure 8.6 "Investments in forestry technologies and in the procession, mobilisation and commerce with forestry products" of measure 8 "Investments in the forest areas and improvement of forest viability". (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-8.002 - Sub-measure 8.4 “Restoration of damage to forests from forest fires and natural disasters and catastrophic events” (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-8.003 - Sub-measure 8.3 “Prevention of damage to the forests from forest fires, natural disasters and catastrophic events”. (Terminated)
      • BG06RDNP001-8.004 - Sub-measure 8.3 “Prevention of damage to the forests from forest fires, natural disasters and catastrophic events”. (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-8.005 - Procedure through selection of project proposals under sub-measure 8.1 "Afforestation and maintenance" of measure 8 "Investments in forest area development and improvement of forest viability" of the Rural Development Program 2014-2020 (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-9.001 - Measure 9 "Setting-up of Producer Groups and Organizations" of the 2014-2020 Rural Development Programme (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-16.001 - Project selection procedure under submeasure 16.1. "Support for the establishment and functioning of Operational Groups under EIP-AGRI" of measure 16 "Cooperation" of the Rural Development Program 2014-2020 (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-16.002 - Procedure for the selection of project proposals under sub-measure 16.4 "Support for horizontal and vertical cooperation between actors in the supply chain" of measure 16 "Cooperation" of the Agricultural Development Program 2014-2020. (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-16.003 - Project selsction procedure under submeasure 16.1. "Support for the establishment and functioning of Operational Groups under EIP-AGRI" of measure 16 "Cooperation" of the Rural Development Program 2014-2020 (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-16.004 - Процедура чрез подбор на проектни предложения по подмярка 16.4 „Подкрепа за хоризонтално и вертикално сътрудничество между участниците във веригата на доставки“ от мярка 16 „Сътрудничество“ от Програма за развитие на селските райони за периода 2014-2020 г. (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.001 - Sub-measure 19.2 of measure 19 'Community Led Local Development' (CLLD) from the Rural Development Programme 2014-2020. (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.002 - LAG Pomorie_10_1_7.2. M4 "Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure” (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.003 - LAG Tervel-Krushari: Sub measure 7.2. Investments in the building, improvement or enlargement of all types of small scale infrastructure (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.004 - LAG Troyan, Apriltsi, Ugarchin _66_1_Measure 7.2. "Investments in Creating, Enhancing or Enhancing All Small-Scale Infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.005 - LAG Popovo Submesure 4.1. "Support for investment in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.006 - LAG Popovo Submesure 4.2 "Investment in processing / marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.007 - LAG "Lyaskovets-Strazhitsa". Measure LAG01 "Surveys and investments related to the maintenance, restoration and the cultural and natural heritage of the villages. Preservation, Development and Valorisation of Specific Local Identity and Local Culture " (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.008 - LAG-Razlog, Mesure 4.1. Investment in agricultural holdings (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.009 - LAG-Razlog Measure 4.2. Investments in the processing/marketing of agricultural products. (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.010 - "LAG Harmanli" - Submeasure 7.2. "Investment in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.011 - "LAG Harmanli" - submeasure 4.1. "Investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.012 - LAG Tervel - Krushari: Submeasure 4.2. Investment in processing/marketing of agricultural products (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.013 - "LAG Harmanli" - submeasure 4.2. "Investment in processing / marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.014 - "LAG Novi Pazar - Kaspichani" - Submeasure 7.2. "Investment in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.015 - 4.2.1 "Investment in processing / marketing of agricultural products" LAG Novi pazar - Kaspichan (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.016 - LAG Panagyurishte, Strelcha, Lesichovo - investment in processing / marketing of agricultural products (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.017 - "LAG Harmanli" - submeasure 7.6. "Surveys and investments related to the maintenance, restoration and improvement of the cultural and natural heritage of the villages" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.018 - "LAG Harmanli" - measure 22 "Promotion of local products and services" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.019 - LAG - Municipality of Maritza Measure M01 "Studies and investments related to the maintenance, restoration and the cultural and natural heritage of the villages. Preservation, Development and Valorisation of Specific Local Identity and Local Culture " (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.020 - LAG Popovo Submeasure 7.2. "Investment in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.021 - LAG - Gotse Delchev - Garmen - Hadzhidimovo, Measure 6-7.2 "Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.022 - LAG Slivnitsa – Dragoman Measure 4.2 Investments in the processing / marketing of agricultural products. (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.024 - "LAG - Berkovitsa & Godech"- measure 19.2-4.1 "Investments in agricultural holdings (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.025 - LAG - Gotse Delchev - Garmen - Hadjidimovo, Measure 1-4.1 "Support for investment in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.026 - “Local Action Group High Western Rhodopes - Borino - Dospat - Sarnitsa” - Measure 7.2 “Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small scale infrastructure” (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.027 - LAG Ardino - Djebel - Measure 4.1. "Support for investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.028 - LAG Ardino - Djebel - measure 7.2. "Support for investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure, including investments in renewable energy and energy saving". (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.029 - LAG Slivnitsa – Dragoman Measure 4.1 Investments in agricultural enterprises (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.030 - LAG Zavet - Kubrat: Submeasure "Investments in creating, enhansing all small - scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.031 - LAG - Belovo Septemvri Velingrad - Measure 21 "Preservation, development and valorization of local natural, cultural heritage and traditions". (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.032 - LAG - Maritsa Municipality - Measure M7.2. Investments in creating, improving or expanding all types of small-scale infrastructure (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.033 - LAG Rakovski 4.2 Support for investments in processing/marketing and/or development agricultural products (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.034 - "LAG Rakovski 21 Conservation of local identity via recovering, conservation and animation of cultural heritage in the territory of the LAG of Rakovski" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.035 - LAG Zavet-Kubrat Sub-measure 4.2 "Investment in processing / marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.036 - LAG Pomorie_4.1_M1 "Investments in agricultural enterprises" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.037 - MIG-Lyaskovets-Strazhitsa NGO, Measure LAG7.2 "Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.038 - LAG - Gotse Delchev - Garmen - Hadjidimovo, Measure 7 "Preservation and Promotion of Local Identity, Cultural, Historical and Natural Heritage" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.039 - LAG - Gotse Delchev - Garmen - Hadzhidimovo, Measure 2-4.2 "Support for investment in processing, marketing and / or development of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.040 - LAG Ardino - Djebel - measure 4.2. “Investments in processing/marketing of agricultural products”. (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.041 - LAG Pomorie_4.2_M2 "Investment in processing/marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.042 - Devnya - Aksakovo LAG - Measure 7.2. "Investments in the Creation, Improvement or Expansion of All Small Scale Infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.043 - Devnya - Aksakovo LAG - Measure 7.6. "Survey and investments related to the maintenance, restoration and improvement of the cultural and natural heritage of the villages" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.044 - Devnya - Aksakovo LAG - Measure 3.1.1. "Development of ICT Infrastructure in Municipal Administrative Buildings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.045 - "LAG Harmanli" - submeasure 6.4. "Investment support for non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.046 - LAG Sandanski - Sub-measure 4.2 "Investments in the processing/marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.047 - LAG Zavet - Kubrat: Sub-measure 4.1 "Investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.048 - LAG Galabovo - Opan Submeasure 7.2 "Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure, including investments in renewable energy and energy saving" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.049 - LAG Troyan, Apriltsi, Ugarchin_66_M 4.2. "Investment in processing / marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.052 - LAG Avren - Beloslav Measure 19.2/7.2. "Investments in creating, enhancing or enlargement all small-scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.053 - LAG Kotel, Sungurlare i Varbitsa - Submeasure 7.2. "Support for investment in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure, including investments in renewable energy and energy saving (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.054 - LAG Svilengrad areal 7.11 "Increasing the attractiveness of LAG's territory and stimulating cooperation through the promotion of the cultural, historical and natural heritage" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.055 - LAG Svilengrad Areal - Sub-measure 7.2 "Investments for creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.056 - LAG - Maritza Municipality M6.4.1 "Investments in support of non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.057 - LAG LOM Sub-measure 7.2 "Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure" under Measure 7 "Basic services and rural renewal of rural areas" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.058 - LAG Svilengrad Areal - Submeasure 4.2 "Investment in processing / marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.060 - LAG Zavet - Kubrat: Measure 19.2 - 05 "Partnerships and promotion of rural identity, traditions, culture and nature" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.061 - LAG SAMOKOV: Measure 7.2. Investments in creating, improving or expanding all types of small-scale infrastructure (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.062 - LAG LOM MEASURE 2- 4.2 "Investment in processing / marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.063 - LAG Kotel, Sungurlare and Varbitsa": Sub-measure 4.1 "Support for investment in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.064 - LAG Galabovo - Opan Submeasure 7.1 "The LAG Galabovo - Opan Area unites us" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.067 - LAG Zavet - Kubrat: Sub-measure 6.4 "Investment support for non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.068 - LAG Galabovo - Opan Submeasure 4.1 "Investment in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.069 - LAG Galabovo - Opan Submeasure 4.2 "Investment in processing/ marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.070 - LAG SAMOKOV: Measure 4.2 Investments in processing / marketing of agricultural products (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.071 - "Local Action Group High Western Rhodopes - Borino - Dospat - Sarnitsa" - measure7.6 "Research and investments related to maintenance, recovery and improvement of the cultural and natural heritage of the countries" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.072 - Measure 4 (Code of the RDP measure 2014 - 2020 - 7.2.) - "Support for investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all small scale public infrastructure, including investments in renewable energy and energy saving" from the strategy for community-led local development of the LAG - Lyubimets - Ivaylovgrad. (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.074 - LAG Belovo, September, Velingrad measure 4.1.1 "Investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.075 - LAG LOM Measure 1-4.1 "Investments in agricultural holdings" CLLDS (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.076 - LAG Tervel - Krushari, Measure 4.1. Supporting investments in agricultural holdings (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.077 - LAG - Elhovo - Bolyarovo: Measure 7.2 Investments in creating, improving or expanding all types of small-scale infrastructure from Strategy for Community-Led Local Development (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.078 - LAG Panagyurishte, Strelcha, Lesichovo - support for investments in agricultural holdings (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.079 - LAG Panagyurishte, Strelcha, Lesichovo - Measure 7.2 Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure " (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.080 - LAG minicipalities Elena and Zlataritza 7.2 "Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.081 - LAG municipalities Elena and Zlataritsa sub-measure 7.6 "Surveys and investments related to maintenance, restoration and improvement of the cultural and natural heritage of the villages" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.082 - LAG Sandanski - Sub-measure 7.2. "Investment in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.083 - Selection of Project Proposals for inter-territorial and transnational cooperation under sub-measure 19.3 'Preparation and implementation of cooperative activities of Local Action Groups' of measure 19 'Community Led Local Development' from the Rural Development Programme 2014 - 2020. (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.084 - „LAG Rakovski 7.2 Support for investment in the creation, improvement and expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure, including investments in renewable energy and energy saving" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.085 - Selection of Project Proposals for preparatory activities for inter-territorial and transnational cooperation under sub-measure 19.3 'Preparation and implementation of cooperative activities of Local Action Groups' of measure 19 'Community Led Local Development' from the Rural Development Programme 2014 - 2020. (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.086 - "LAG - Berkovitsa & Godech" - measure 19.2-4.2 "Investments in processing/marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.087 - Local action group LAG Dobrichka, submeasure 19.2-4.2 Investments in processing/marketing of agricultural products (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.090 - "LAG - Berkovitsa & Godech" - measure 19.2-7.2 "Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.091 - LAG "Prespa" - Submeasure 7.2. "Investment in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.092 - Measure 1 (code of measure under the RDP 2014-2020 - 4.1.) Support for investments in agricultural holdings from the Local Community Development Local Development Plan of the LAG - Lyubimets - Ivaylovgrad (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.093 - MIG Devnya-Aksakovo - Measure 4.1 "Investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.094 - LAG Belene-Nikopol, measure 4.2 "Investment in processing/marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.095 - Measure LAG4.1 "Investments in agricultural holdings", NGO "LAG-Lyaskovets-Strazhitsa" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.096 - Measure LAG4.2 "Investment in processing / marketing of agricultural products", NGO "LAG-Lyaskovets-Strazhitsa " (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.097 - 4.1.2. "Investments in agricultural holdings by thematic sub-program for development of small farms" LAG Novi pazar - Kaspichan (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.098 - Local action group LAG Dobrichka sub-measure 19.2-7.2. "Investments in creating, improving or expanding all types of small-scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.099 - 4.1.1 "Support for investments in agricultural holdings" LAG Novi Pazar - Kaspichan (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.100 - LAG Mineralni bani - Chernoochene - measure 7.2. "Support for investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.101 - MIG Vazhod - Vetrino, Valchi dol, Provadiya - Measure 7.2 Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.102 - LAG Sandanski - sub-measure 4.1 "Investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.103 - LAG-Avren Beloslav, Mesure 19.2/ 4.1. Investment in agricultural holdings (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.104 - LAG - Elhovo - Bolyarovo: Measure 4.1. SUPPORT FOR INVESTMENTS IN AGRICULTURAL HOLDINGS from Strategy for Community-Led Local Development (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.105 - LAG Belene-Nikopol, Sub-measure 4.1 "Investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.106 - LAG-Razlog, Measure 8.6 "Investments in technologies for forestry and in the processing, mobilization and trade of forest products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.107 - LAG Slivnitsa - Dragoman Measure 6.4 Investments in support of non-agricultural activities (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.109 - LAG LOM Measure 3-6.4.1 Investments in support of non-agricultural activities (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.110 - LAG "Mineralni bani - Chernoochene" - Measure 4.1. "Support for investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.112 - LAG Ardino - Djebel - Measure 6.4. "Support for investments in establishment and development of non-agricultural activities". (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.113 - A measure consistent with the objectives of Regulation 1305/2013 to stimulate local development "Preserving the local identity by restoring and preserving the intangible cultural and natural heritage of the municipality of Chirpan" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.114 - LAG "Mineralni bani - Chernoochene" - measure 6.4 "Investments in support of non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.115 - LAG Dryanovo- Tryavna Measure 4.1 "Support for investments in agricultural holdings" 2018 (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.116 - LAG Chirpan submeter 4.2. "Support for investment in the processing, marketing and / or development of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.117 - LAG Dryanovo - Tryavna Measure 7.2. "Support for investments in building, improving or enlarging all types of small-scale infrastructure" 2018 (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.119 - LАG Chirpan Measure 6.4. Support for investments in the establishment and development of non-agricultural activities (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.120 - Measure 2 (code of measure under the RDP 2014-2020 - 4.2) Investments in the processing sector from the Community Local Government Local Development Strategy of LAG - Lyubimets - Ivaylovgrad (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.121 - LAG Chirpan under Measure 7.2 "Investments in Creating, Enhancing or Enhancing All Small Scale Infrastructure" of the Community-led Local Development Strategy. (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.122 - MIG Chirpan sub-measure "" Support for Vocational Training and Skills Training " (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.123 - LAG BREZOVO, BRATYA DASKALOVI - sub-measure 7.2. “Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small scale infrastructure” (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.124 - LAG - Belovo, Septemvri, Velingrad - Measure 7.2 "Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.125 - LAG LOM Measure 6 "Investments for the Study, Development and Promotion of the Cultural, Historical and Natural Heritage and Livelihoods in the LAG-LOM Area" from the Community-led Local Development Strategy of the LAG-LOM (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.126 - LAG "Devnya - Aksakovo" - Measure 6.4 "Investment support for non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.127 - LAG - Belovo Septemvri Velingrad - Measure 7.5 "Investments for public use in recreational infrastructure, tourism infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.128 - MIG Chirpan, Measure 7.5 "Investments for public use in recreational infrastructure, tourist infrastructure" of the Community-led Local Development Strategy (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.129 - LAG Popovo Submesure 4.2 "Investment in processing / marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.130 - LAG-Elhovo-Bolyarovo: Measure 4.2 "Investment in the processing/marketing of the agricultural products” from Strategy for Community-Led Local Development (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.134 - LAG - Maglizh, Kazanlak, Gurkovo, Sub-measure 7.2 "Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.135 - LAG Slivnitsa - Dragoman Measure 7.2 Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.136 - LAG Belene-Nikopol, Measure 6.4 "Investment support for non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.138 - Sub-measure 4.1. "Investments in agricultural holdings" under Community Led Local Development strategy of "LAG Brezovo, Bratya Daskalovi". (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.139 - LAG Kuklen-Asenovgrad - Measure 7.2. “Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small scale infrastructure” (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.140 - NGO "LAG Tutrakan-Slivo Pole", Measure 6.4 "Support for investment in the establishment and development of non-agricultural activities". (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.142 - NGO "LAG Tutrakan-Slivo Pole, Measure 7.5" support for public use in infrastructure for recreation, tourist information and a small scale tourist infrastructure " (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.144 - LAG Balchik - General Toshevo - Measure 7.5 "Investments for public use in infrastructure for recreation, tourist infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.145 - MIG Devnya - Aksakovo - Measure 4.2 "Investment in processing /marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.146 - LAG Troyan, Apriltsi, Ugarchin_66_M 6.4.1.Investments in support of non - agricultural activities (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.147 - LAG Sandanski - sub-measure 6.4 "Investments in support of non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.148 - LAG Kirkovo - Zlatograd 7.2. "Investments in creating, improving or expanding all types of small-scale infrastructure (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.149 - "Local Action Group High Western Rhodopes - Borino - Dospat - Sarnitsa"-measure 4.2 Investments in the processing / marketing of agricultural products (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.150 - LAG-Elhovo-Bolyarovo: Measure 6.4.1 "Investments in support of non-agriculrural actitivies" from Strategy for Community-Led Local Development (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.151 - LAG Belovo, Septemvri, Velingrad - Measure 6.4.1 "Investments in support of non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.152 - LAG Belovo, September, Velingrad measure 4.2.1 "Investments in processing / marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.153 - LAG Slivnitsa - Dragoman Measure Мeasure 7.6 Surveys and investments related to the maintenance, restoration and improvement of the cultural and natural heritage of the villages (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.154 - Measure LAG6.4.1 "Investments in support of non-agricultural activities", NGO "LAG-Lyaskovets-Strazhitsa" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.156 - LAG Rakovski 6.4 Investments in support of non-agricultural activities (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.157 - LAG Momchilgrad -Krumovgrad - mesure 4.1.1 "Support for investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.158 - LAG Pavlikeni-Polski Trambesh: 7.2. "Investment in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.160 - "LAG Momchilgrad - Krumovgrad - 4.2.1 investment in processing/marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.161 - LAG Byala Slatina - 4.1 "Support for investmesnts in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.162 - LAG - Tundzha-Measure 7.5. "Investments for public use in infrastructure for recreation and tourism infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.163 - LAG Hissarya, Measure 3 "Investments in support of non-agricultural activities" of the Rural Development Program 2014-2020 (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.164 - "LAG -Nova Zagora_M 7.2" Investments in Creating, Enhancing or Enhancing All Small-Scale Infrastructure " (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.165 - "MIG Glavinitsa - Sitovo Krajunavska Dobrudja" - Measure 4.1. Investments in agricultural holdings (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.166 - LAG Momchilgrad - Krumovgrad - Measure 7.2. "Investments in creating, improving or expanding all types of small-scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.167 - LAG Hissarya, Measure 6 "Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure" of the Rural Development Program 2014-2020 (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.168 - "LAG Sredets - Sub-measure 7.2" Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure "from Measure 7" Main services and renovation of rural villages " (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.170 - LAG municipalities Elena and Zlataritsa sub-measures 4.1. "Investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.171 - LAG municipalities Elena and Zlataritsa sub-measures 4.2. "Investment in processing / marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.172 - LAG Galabovo - Opan Submeasure 6.4 "Investment support for nonagricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.173 - Measure 3 (code of measure under the RDP 2014-2020 - 6.4) - "Support for investment in the establishment and development of non-agricultural activities" from the Community-led local development strategy of LAG - Lyubimets - Ivaylovgrad (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.174 - "LAG Rakovski 4.1 Investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.175 - "LAG Sredets under measure 4.1 Investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.176 - LAG Byala Slatina 4.2 "Investments in processing/marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.177 - MIG Glavinitsa-Sitovo Krajunavska Dobrudzha " - Measure 4.1.2. "Investments in agricultural holdings by Thematic sub-program for development of small farms " (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.178 - "LAG Sredets-Sub-Measure 4.2. "Investment in processing / marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.179 - SOVI of the LAG - Nova Zagora Measure 4.1 Investments in agricultural holdings (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.180 - LAG Yablanitsa Pravets Measure 7.2 Investments in creating, improving or expanding all types of small-scale infrastructure (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.181 - LAG-Elhovo-Bolyarovo: Measure 8.6 Investments in forestry technologies and in the processing, mobilization and marketing of forest products (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.182 - LAG YABLANITSA PRAVETS - submeasure 7.6 Surveys and investments related to the maintenance, restoration and improvement of the cultural and natural heritage of the villages (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.183 - LAG-Popovo Submesure 6.4 "Investment support for non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.185 - LAG LOM measure 5-7.5 "Investments for public use in infrastructure for recreation, tourist infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.186 - LAG Kuklen-Asenovgrad Sub-measure 4.1. "Investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.187 - Measure 6.4.1. - "Investment support for non-agricultural activities" from The Strategy for community - led local development of ​​the "LAG - Straldzha 2016" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.188 - "LAG Sredets - sub-measure 6.4 Investments in support of non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.189 - LAG SAMOKOV - Measure 4.1 "Support for investments in farms" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.190 - LAG Slivnitsa - Dragoman Measure 7.5 Investments for public use in recreational infrastructure, tourism infrastructure (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.191 - "LAG - Berkovitsa & Godech" - measure19.2-6.4. "Investment support for non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.194 - Sub-measure 8.3 “Prevention of damage to the forests from forest fires, natural disasters and catastrophic events”. (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.195 - LAG Kirkovo-Zlatograd - Measure 6.4 - Investments for support of non - agricultural activities (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.196 - LAG Zavet - Kubrat: Sub - measure 8.6 “Investments in technologies for forestry and in the processing, mobilization and trade of forest products” (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.197 - "LAG Sredets - Sub-measure 7.6" Study and investments related to maintenance and restoration of the cultural and natural heritage of the villages " (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.198 - Prespa LAG - Municipality of Banite, Laki and Chepelare - Measure 8.6 Investments in technologies for forestry and in the processing, mobilization and trade of forest products (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.199 - LAG Stambolovo - Kardzhali 54, Measure 7.2. "Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.200 - LAG Stambolovo - Kardzhali 54 Submeasure m 7.6 "Studies and investments associated with maintenance, restoration and improvement of the cultural and natural heritage of villages" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.201 - MIG - Maglizh, Kazanlak, Gurkovo, Sub-measure 4.1 "Investment in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.202 - LAG-Kirkovo-Zlatograd Measure 7.5.1 "Investment for recreation and tourist infrastructure and preservation of the intangible cultural and natural heritage in the territory of LAG Kirkovo - Zlatograd" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.203 - LAG Panagyurishte, Strelcha, Lesichovo - Measure 7.5 Investments for public use in infrastructure for recreation, tourist infrastructure. (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.204 - "LAG Panagyurishte, Strelcha, Lesichovo - Measure 21 Conservation, development and valorisation of specific local identities and local culture". (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.205 - LAG Panagyurishte, Strelcha, Lesichovo - Measure 6.4.1 "Investments in support of non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.206 - LAG Prespa - Municipality of Banite, Laki and Chepelare - 6.4.1 Investments in support of non-agricultural activities (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.207 - Prespa LAG - municipality of Banite, Lucky and Chepelare - Sub-measure 4.1 "Investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.208 - "LAG Novi Pazar - Kaspichani" - Submeasure 7.2. "Investment in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.209 - "LAG Glavinitsa-Sitovo Krajunavska Dobrudja" - measure 19.05. "Study, conservation and utilization of natural resources and cultural heritage on the territory of the municipalities of Glavinitsa and Sitovo" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.210 - LAG "Mineralni bani - Chernoochene" - Measure 7.5 "Investments for public use in infrastructure for recreation, tourist infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.211 - LAG "Prespa"- Municipality of Banite, Laki and Chepelare - Measure 7.5 "Investments for public use in recreational infrastructure, tourism infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.212 - LAG Pavlikeni - Polski Trambesh, Measure 4.1. "Investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.213 - LAG municipalities Elena and Zlataritsa sub-measures 6.4.1. "Investments in support of non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.214 - LAG "Stambolovo - Kardzhali 54", Measure 4.1. "Investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.215 - LAG Stambolovo - Kardzhali 54, sub-measure 4.1.2. "Investments in agricultural holdings by thematic sub-program for development of small farms" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.216 - LAG Stambolovo - 54 Kardzhali, Measure 4.2. "Investment in processing / marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.217 - "LAG - Maglizh, Kazanlak, Gurkovo, sub-measure 4.2. Investment in processing / marketing of agricultural products " (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.218 - LAG - Tundzha - Measure 20 "Marketing, promotion and certification of local heritage, products and foods on the territory of the LAG - Tundzha" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.219 - LAG - Berkovitsa and Godech - 19.2-8.6 "Investments in technologies for forestry and in the processing, mobilization and trade of forest products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.220 - LAG Byala Slatina 7.2 "Investments in creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.221 - LAG Byala Slatina 7.6. "Studies and investments related to the maintenance, restoration and improvement of the cultural and natural heritage of the villages" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.222 - LAG Galabovo - Opan Submeasure 7.2 "Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure, including investments in renewable energy and energy saving" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.224 - LAG Kirkovo-Zlatograd Measure 4.1 - Support for investments in agricultural holdings (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.225 - LAG Kirkovo-Zlatograd Measure 4.2 Support for investment in processing, marketing and / or development of agricultural products (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.226 - LAG - Aytos - Measure 7.2. "Investments in creating, improving or expanding all types of small-scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.227 - LAG Balchik - General Toshevo - Measure 1305 / 7.8. "Building a Local Identity" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.228 - “Local Action Group High Western Rhodopes - Borino - Dospat - Sarnitsa” - Measure 7.2 “Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small scale infrastructure” (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.230 - LAG Svilengrad Areal - Investments in support of non-agricultural activities on the territory of LAG Svilengrad Areal (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.231 - Selection procedure for project proposals BG06RDNP001-19.231 MIG DOLNI CHIFLIK AND BYALA - Measure 7.2. Investments in creating, improving or expanding all types of small-scale infrastructure (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.232 - LAG Dobrichka submeasure 19.2-4.1 Investments in agricultural holdings (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.233 - "LAG - Berkovitsa & Godech"- measure 19.2-4.1 "Investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.234 - LIG Perushtitsa-Rhodopi Sub-measure 7.2. "Investments in the creation, improvement or extension of all types of small scale infrastructure" from Measure 7 "Main services and rural renewal of rural areas" of the RDP 2014-2020 (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.235 - LАG Struma - Simitli, Kresna and Strumyani - Measure 7.2. "Investments in creating, improving or expanding all types of small-scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.236 - LAG Kostinbrod-Svoge- measure 7.5 "Investments for public use in recreational infrastructure, tourist information and small-scale tourist infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.237 - LAG Kostinbrod-Svoge measure 7.2 "Support for investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure, including investments in renewable energy and energy saving" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.238 - LAG minicipalities Elena and Zlataritza 7.2 "Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.239 - LAG Isperih, 4.1 Investments in agricultural holdings (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.240 - LAG Zawet - Kubrat Submeasure 7.5 "Investments for public use in infrastructure for recreation, tourist infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.241 - LAG Pomorie, Procedure 3 "Investments aiming establishment of non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.242 - LAG YABLANICA PRAVETS - 4.1 "Investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.244 - MIG Vazhod - Vetrino, Valchi dol, Provadia - Measure 4.1 Investments in agricultural holdings (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.246 - LAG Pomorie - Procedure 5 "Investments in tourist and recreational Infrastructure for public use" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.247 - LAG Hissarya - Measure 1. ''Support for investments in agricultural holdings"' (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.248 - “Local Action Group High Western Rhodopes - Borino - Dospat - Sarnitsa” - submeasure 6.4.1. "Investment support for non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.249 - LAG -Tundza - Measure 7.2. "Investments in creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.250 - MIG Vazhod - Vetrino, Valchi dol, Provadia -Measure 6.4.1 Investments in support of non - agricultural activities (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.251 - MIG-Tutrakan-Slivo Pole NGO, Measure 7.2 Support for investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure, including investments in renewable energy and energy saving " (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.252 - NUTS MIG Tutrakan - Slivo Pole, Measure 7.6 "Investigation and investments related to the maintenance, restoration and restoration of culture and natural heritage" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.253 - "LAG Belene-Nikopol, measure 7.2 "Investments in creating, improving or expanding all types of small-scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.254 - LAG - Gotse Delchev - Garmen - Hadjidimovo, Measure 6-7.2 "Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.255 - LAG Ardino - Djebel - Measure 7.6 - "Research and investments related to the maintenance, restoration and improvement of the cultural and natural heritage on the territory of the Ardino-Dzhebel LAG" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.256 - LAG municipalities Elena and Zlataritsa - sub-measure 6.4.2 "Investments in support of non-agricultural activities under the thematic sub-program for development of small farms" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.257 - LAG Hissar, Measure 2. "Support for investments in the processing / marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.258 - LAG Slivnitsa – Dragoman Measure 4.1 Investments in agricultural enterprises (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.259 - LAG Ardino - Djebel - measure 8.6 - "Support for investments in technologies for forestry and in the processing, mobilization and trade of forest products". (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.260 - "LAG - Berkovitsa & Godech" - measure 19.2-4.2 "Investments in processing/marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.261 - LAG Balchik-General Toshevo - Measure 4.1. "Investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.262 - LAG "Prespa"- Municipality of Banite, Laki and Chepelare - Measure 7.5 "Investments for public use in recreational infrastructure, tourism infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.263 - LAG Pavlikeni - Polski Trambesh, Measure 7.5 "Investments for public use in recreation, tourism infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.264 - MIG TERVEL-KRUSHARI Under Measure 6.4. "Investments in support of non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.265 - LAG Byala Slatina 6.4 "Investments in support of non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.266 - LAG-Radomir-Zemen, Measure 4.1 "Support for investment in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.267 - LAG Isperih - RDP measure 4.2 "Investment in processing and marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.268 - LAG-Razlog, Measure 7.2. "Investments in creating, improving or expanding all types of small-scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.269 - Measure 20 "Creation of local tourism products related to the local heritage, products and food" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.270 - LAG- Aytos - Measure 6.4.1 "Investments in support of non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.271 - Project Selection Procedure BG06RDNP001-19.271 LAG "DOLNI CHIFLIK AND BYALA" Measure 7.7 "Development of Territorial Identity and Marketing of the Destination Dolni Chiflik and Byala" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.272 - LAG "Karlukovski Karst – Cherven Bryag – Iskar", Measure 1-4.1 "Support for investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.273 - Measure 7 "Development of the tourist potential on the territory of the LAG Hissarya" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.274 - LAG Hissarya - Measure 8 "Studies and investments related to the maintenance, restoration and improvement of the cultural and natural heritage of the villages" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.275 - "LAG Karlukovski Karst – Cherven Bryag – Iskar", Measure 2-4.2"Support for investments in processing, marketing and/or development of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.276 - LAG "Karlukovski Karst – Cherven Bryag – Iskar", Measure 3-6.4.1 "Investments in support of non-agricultural activities" . (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.278 - LAG Dolna Mitropolia – Dolni Dabnik Measure 7.2 "Investments in creating, improving or expanding all types of small-scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.279 - LAG Momchilgrad - Krumovgrad - measure 6.4.1 "Investments in support of non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.280 - LAG Vazhod-Vetrino, Valchi dol, Provadia - Measure 22 Conservation, development and valorisation of specific local identities and local culture (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.281 - LAG Slivnitsa - Dragoman Measure 6.4 Investments in support of non-agricultural activities (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.282 - LAG-Radomir-Zemen, Measure 6.4.1 "Investment support for non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.284 - "LAG - Berkovitsa & Godech" - measure 19.2-7.2 "Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.285 - Local Action Group High Western Rhodopes - Borino - Dospat - Sarnitsa - submeasure 8.6 "Investments in technologies for forestry and in the processing, mobilization and trade of forest products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.286 - LAG Svilengrad Areal, measure 7.5 "Investments for public use in infrastructure, tourist infrastructure and small-scale tourist infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.287 - Prespa LAG - Municipality of Banite, Laki and Chepelare -Measure7.6 "Research and investments related to maintenance, recovery and improvement of the cultural and natural heritage of the countries" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.288 - Measure 5 (Code of the RDP measure 2014-2020 - 7.5) - "Support for public use in recreational infrastructure, tourist information and small-scale tourist infrastructure" from the Community-led local development strategy of LAG - Lyubimets - Ivailovgrad " (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.289 - LAG TERVAL - KRUSHARI Sub-measure 7.2 "Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.290 - LAG Vazhod-Vetrino, Valchi dol, Provadia - Measure 7.5 Investments for public use in recreation, tourist infrastructure (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.292 - LAG - Maritza Municipality - Measure M7.5. Investments for public use in infrastructure for recreation, tourist infrastructure (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.293 - Prespa LAG - municipality of Banite, Lucky and Chepelare - Sub-measure 4.1.2 "Investments in agricultural holdings by thematic sub-program for development of small farms" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.294 - LAG Byala Slatina 4.2 "Investments in processing/marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.295 - LAG municipalities Elena and Zlataritsa - 4.1.2. "Investments in agricultural holdings by thematic sub-program for development of small farms" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.296 - LIG Isperih, Measure 6.4. "Investments in support of non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.297 - LAG - Gotse Delchev - Garmen - Hadjidimovo, Measure 3-6.4 "Investments in support of non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.298 - LAG "Devnya - Aksakovo" - Measure 7.5 "Investments for public use in infrastructure for recreation, tourist infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.299 - LAG Kostinbrod-Svoge measure 7.2 "Support for investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure, including investments in renewable energy and energy saving" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.300 - LAG Zavet - Kubrat: Submeasure "Investments in creating, enhansing all small - scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.301 - LAG Slivnitsa - Dragoman Measure 7.2 Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.303 - "LAG SAMOKOV- Measure 7.5 „Investments for public use in recreational infrastructure, tourism infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.304 - Local Action Group (LAG) - Dolna Mitropolia - Dolni Dabnik Measure 4.1 "Investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.305 - LAG Tutrakan - Slivo Pole, Measure 4.2 "Investment in processing and marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.306 - LAG Tutrakan-Plum field, Measure 4.1 "Support for investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.307 - Devnya-Aksakovo LAG - Measure 7.2 "Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.308 - Devnya - Aksakovo LAG - Measure 7.6. "Survey and investments related to the maintenance, restoration and improvement of the cultural and natural heritage of the villages" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.309 - LAG "Devnya – Aksakovo"-Measure 4.1 "investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.310 - Local Action Group (LAG) - Dolna Mitropolia-Dolni Dabnik Measure 4.2 "Investments in processing/marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.312 - LAG "Karlukovski Karst – Cherven Bryag – Iskar", Measure 4-7.2. "Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.313 - "LAG - Berkovitsa & Godech"- measure 19.2-4.1 "Investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.314 - Local Action Group (LAG) - Dolna Mitropolia-Dolni Dabnik Measure 6.4.1 "Investment support for non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.315 - "LAG-Berkovitsa and Godech" - measure 19.2-7.6 "Preservation and inclusion in the local cultural, historical and natural heritage - Forward to the heritage - the heritage unites us" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.316 - „MIG-Berkovitsa and Godech -- Measure 19.2-7.5 "Support for public use in recreation, tourist information and small-scale tourist infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.317 - LAG Balchik - General Toshevo - Measure 4.2. "Investment in processing / marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.320 - LAG Belene - Nikopol, Measure 1.3 „Short-term exchange of experience and visits to agricultural and forestry holdings“ (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.321 - LAG Belene - Nikopol, Measure 8.1 "Support for afforestation and creation of forests" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.323 - LAG Stambolovo - Kardzhali 54, Sub-measure 6.4.1 "Investments in support of non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.324 - LAG Stambolovo - Kardzhali 54 ”Sub-measure 7.5“ Investments for public use in recreation, tourist infrastructure ” (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.325 - LAG "Mineralni bani - Chernoochene" 4.2 "Investments in processing/marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.326 - LAG "Mineral bani - Chernoochene" 4.1.2 "Investments in agricultural holdings under a thematic sub-program for the development of small farms" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.327 - LAG "Mineral Baths - Chernoochene" 7.6 "Studies and investments related to the maintenance, restoration and improvement of the cultural and natural heritage of villages" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.328 - LAG municipalities Elena and Zlataritsa sub-measure 7.6 "Surveys and investments related to maintenance, restoration and improvement of the cultural and natural heritage of the villages" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.330 - LAG Vazhod-Vetrino, Valchi dol, Provadia - Measure 4.2. "Investment in processing / marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.332 - 4.1.1 "Support for investments in agricultural holdings" LAG Novi Pazar - Kaspichan (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.333 - LAG Aytos Measure 4.1.1 "Support for investment in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.334 - LAG - Aytos - Measure 7.5. "Investments for public use in leisure, tourist infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.335 - 4.1.2. "Investments in agricultural holdings by thematic sub-program for development of small farms" LAG Novi pazar - Kaspichan (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.336 - LAG Balchik - General Toshevo - Measure 6.4. Investment support for non-agricultural activities (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.337 - 4.2.1 "Investment in processing / marketing of agricultural products" LAG Novi pazar - Kaspichan (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.338 - LAG Tervel - Krushari Sub-measure 19.7.6 "Support for the maintenance, restoration and improvement of cultural and natural heritage in the territory" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.339 - LAG Galabovo - Opan Submeasure 7.1 "The LAG Galabovo - Opan Area unites us" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.340 - LAG Galabovo - Opan Submeasure 4.2 "Investment in processing/ marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.342 - LAG Isperih, 4.1 Investments in agricultural holdings (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.343 - LAG Galabovo - Opan Submeasure 6.4 "Investment support for nonagricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.344 - LAG Kuklen-Asenovgrad measure 6.4. "Investment support for non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.346 - LAG Straldzha 2016 Measure 4.1.Investments in agricultural holdings (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.348 - LAG Slivnitsa – Dragoman Measure 4.1 Investments in agricultural enterprises (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.349 - LAG Popovo Submeasure 7.2. "Investment in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.350 - LAG Dryanovo- Tryavna, Measure 4.1 "Support for investments in agricultural holdings" 2020 (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.351 - LAG Dryanovo - Tryavna - in the heart of the Balkan - Measure 6.4.1. Investments in support of non-agricultural activities (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.352 - LAG Dryanovo - Tyavna - Measure 4.2. "Investment in processing/marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.353 - LAG Sredets - sub-measure 7.5 "Investments for public use in recreation infrastructure, tourist infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.354 - Selection of Project Proposals for preparatory activities for inter-territorial and transnational cooperation under sub-measure 19.3 'Preparation and implementation of cooperative activities of Local Action Groups' of measure 19 'Community Led Local Development' from the Rural Development Programme 2014 - 2020. (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.355 - Selection of Project Proposals for inter-territorial and transnational cooperation under sub-measure 19.3 'Preparation and implementation of cooperative activities of Local Action Groups' of measure 19 'Community Led Local Development' from the Rural Development Programme 2014 - 2020. (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.356 - LAG Slivnitsa - Dragoman Measure 6.4 Investments in support of non-agricultural activities (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.357 - Pavlikeni - Polski Trambesh LAG, Measure 4.2 "Investment in processing / marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.358 - LAG-Radomir-Zemen, Measure 7.2. "Investing in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.359 - LAG Perushtitsa-Rodopi, Sub-measure 6.4 "Investment support for non-agricultural activities" of measure 6 "Development of farms and enterprises" of the RDP 2014-2020. (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.360 - Local Action Group (LAG) - Dolna Mitropolia - Dolni Dabnik Measure 7.5."Investments for public use in infrastructure, tourist information and a small scale tourist infrastructure " (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.361 - LAG Pavlikeni - Polski Trambesh Measure 6.4 "Investments in support of non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.362 - LAG Glavinitsa - Sitovo Kraydunacska Dobrudja - Measure 4.2. Investment in processing / marketing of agricultural products (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.363 - LAG Glavinitsa - Sitovo Kraydunavska Dobrudja, Measure 7.5. "Investments for public use in recreation, tourism infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.364 - LAG - Berkovitsa and Godech - 19.2-8.6 "Investments in technologies for forestry and in the processing, mobilization and trade of forest products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.365 - "LAG - Berkovitsa & Godech" - measure 19.2-4.2 "Investments in processing/marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.366 - Sub-measure 8.3 “Prevention of damage to the forests from forest fires, natural disasters and catastrophic events”. (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.368 - LAG-Razlog, Measure 8.6 "Investments in technologies for forestry and in the processing, mobilization and trade of forest products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.369 - LAG - Popovo - Measure 7.5 "Investments for public use in recreational infrastructure, tourism infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.370 - "LAG SAMOKOV- мeasure 6.4.1 "Investments in support of non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.371 - LAG SAMOKOV - Measure 8.6 "Investments in technologies for forestry and in the processing, mobilization and trade of forest products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.372 - Sub-measure 19.1 “Support for preparation activities” in the part of small projects of measure 19 "Community-led local development" of Rural Development Program 2014-2020 (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.373 - LAG Pavlikeni - Polski Trambesh - 01 "Protection, conservation and valorization of cultural and natural heritage on the territory of the municipalities of Pavlikeni and Polski Trambesh" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.374 - "LAG Momchilgrad - Krumovgrad - 4.2.1 Investment in processing/marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.375 - LAG "Dryanovo - Tryavna - in the heart of the Balkan" - Measure 1.1. "Vocational training and skills acquisition" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.376 - LAG Dryanovo - Tryavna - in the heart of the Balkan - Measure 7.5. "Investments in public use in recreation infrastructure, tourist infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.377 - LAG "Dryanovo - Tryavna - in the heart of the Balkan" - Measure 7.6 "Studies and investments related to the maintenance, restoration and cultural and natural heritage of the villages" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.378 - LAG "Dryanovo - Tryavna - in the heart of the Balkans" - Measure 8.6. "Investments in forestry technologies and in the processing, mobilization and trade of forest products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.379 - LAG's LLP - Nova Zagora, Measure 6.4.1 Investments in support of non-agricultural activities (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.380 - "LAG - Berkovitsa & Godech" - measure19.2-6.4. "Investment support for non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.381 - "LAG - Berkovitsa & Godech" - measure 19.2-7.2 "Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.382 - LAG LOM Measure 3-6.4.1 Investments in support of non-agricultural activities (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.383 - LAG Dobrichka submeasure 19.2-6.4 Investments in support of non - agricultural activities (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.385 - LAG Zavet-Kubrat Sub-measure 4.2 "Investment in processing / marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.386 - „MIG Ardino – Dzhebel myarka 120 “Povishavane na atraktivnostta i prosperiteta na teritoriyata na MIG, chrez populyarizirane na kulturno-istoricheskoto i prirodno nasledstvo” . 169/5000 LAG Ardino - Jebel Measure 120 "Increasing the attractiveness and prosperity of the LAG through the promotion of cultural, historical and natural heritage". (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.387 - LAG Ardino - Jebel - Measure 7.5 "Support for public use in recreation, tourist information and small-scale tourist infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.388 - LAG Isperih - RDP measure 4.2 "Investment in processing and marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.389 - LAG Sandanski - Sub-measure 8.3 "Helping prevent forest damage from forest fires, natural disasters and catastrophic events" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.390 - Selection procedure for project proposals BG06RDNP001-19.390 LAG "DOLNI CHIFLIK AND BYALA" - Measure 4.1 "Investments in agricultural farms" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.391 - LAG-Radomir-Zemen, Measure 7.6. "Studies and investments related to the maintenance, restoration and improvement of the cultural and natural heritage of villages" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.392 - LAG Momchilgrad -Krumovgrad - mesure 4.1.1 "Support for investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.393 - Selection procedure for project proposals BG06RDNP001-19.393 LAG "Dolni Chiflik and Byala" - Measure 4.2. "Investments in processing / marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.395 - MIG Isperih - Measure 7.4 „Investments in the development, improvement or extension of local basic services for the rural population, including entertainment and culture, and related infrastructure“ (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.397 - Procedure for selection of project proposals BG06RDNP001-19.397 LAG "DOLNI CHIFLIK AND BYALA" - Measure 7.5 “Investments for public use in recreation, tourist infrastructure” (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.398 - Measure 20 "Creation of local tourism products related to the local heritage, products and food" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.399 - LAG LOM Sub-measure 7.2 "Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure" under Measure 7 "Basic services and rural renewal of rural areas" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.401 - LAG Dobrichka sub-measure 19.2- 7.5 "Support for public use in recreation, tourist information and small-scale tourist infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.402 - LAG Momchilgrad - Krumovgrad - Measure 7.5 "Investments for public use in recreation, tourism infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.403 - Devnya-Aksakovo LAG - Measure 4.2 "Investments in processing / marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.405 - LAG LOM Measure 1-4.1 "Investments in agricultural holdings" CLLDS (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.406 - LAG Isperih, 4.1 Investments in agricultural holdings (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.407 - MIG TERVEL - CRUSHERS Submeasure 4.1. Support for Investments in Farms to the Community-led Local Development Strategy (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.408 - LAG - Gotse Delchev - Garmen - Hadjidimovo, Measure 6-7.2 "Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.409 - LAG Sredets under measure 1.1 "Vocational training and skills acquisition (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.410 - "LAG Brezovo, Bratya Daskalovi" Submeasure 6.4. "Investment support for non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.411 - LAG-Razlog, Measure 4.2 "Investments in processing/marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.412 - LAG Avren-Beloslav 19.2 / 7.5 "Investments for public use in recreation, tourist infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.413 - LAG LOM Measure 6 "Investments for the Study, Development and Promotion of the Cultural, Historical and Natural Heritage and Livelihoods in the LAG-LOM Area" from the Community-led Local Development Strategy of the LAG-LOM (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.414 - LAG - Gotse Delchev - Garmen - Hadjidimovo, Measure 1-4.1 "Support for investment in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.415 - LAG Isperih Measure 21 "Isperih - open spaces, attractive living environment, preserved heritage, culture, nature" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.416 - LAG Isperih Measure 1.3 "Short-term exchange of experience and visits to farms" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.417 - LAG Byala Slatina 4.1 "Support for investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.418 - MIG TERVEL-KRUSHARI Under Measure 6.4. "Investments in support of non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.419 - LAG Yablanitsa Pravets- 4.2 Investment in processing / marketing of agricultural products (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.420 - LAG Lukovit-Roman - measure 19-4.1 "Investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.421 - Lukovit-Roman LAG - MEASURE 19-6.4 "Investments in support of non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.422 - Kostinbod-Svoge LAG BG06RDNP001-19.422 Sub-measure 6.4.1 "Investment support for non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.423 - Lukovit-Roman LAG measure 19-4.2 "Investments in processing / marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.425 - LAG Momchilgrad - Krumovgrad, measure 21 "Preservation, development and valorization of local cultural heritage" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.426 - LAG-Radomir-Zemen, Measure 7.5. "Investments for public use in recreation infrastructure, tourist infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.427 - LAG Perushtitsa-Rhodopes - 4.2 "Investments in processing / marketing of agricultural products" from measure 4. "Investments in tangible assets" of the Rural Development Program for the period 2014 - 2020. (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.429 - LAG LOM MEASURE 2- 4.2 "Support for Investment in processing / marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.431 - LAG Slivnitsa - Dragoman Measure 7.5 Investments for public use in recreational infrastructure, tourism infrastructure (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.433 - LAG Balchik - General Toshevo - Measure 1305 / 7.8. "Building a Local Identity" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.434 - "LAG Glavinitsa-Sitovo Krajunavska Dobrudja" - measure 19.05. "Study, conservation and utilization of natural resources and cultural heritage on the territory of the municipalities of Glavinitsa and Sitovo" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.435 - Measure LAG4.2 "Investment in processing / marketing of agricultural products", NGO "LAG-Lyaskovets-Strazhitsa " (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.436 - "LAG - Berkovitsa & Godech"- measure 19.2-4.1 "Investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.437 - „LAG - Troyan, Apriltsi, Ugarchin M 1.3. Short-term exchange of experience and visits to agricultural and forestry farms ” (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.439 - LAG “Brezovo, Bratya Daskalovi” submeasure 7.5. “Investments in recreation infrastructure, tourist information and small-scale tourist infrastructure for public use” (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.440 - LAG Nova Zagora - Measure 7.5 "Investments for public use in recreation infrastructure, tourist infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.441 - LAG-Nova Zagora, Measure 4.2 "Investments in processing / marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.442 - Procedure for selection of project proposals BG06RDNP001-19.442 LAG "DOLNI CHIFLIK AND BYALA" - Measure 6.4 "Investments in support of non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.444 - MIG Perushtitsa-Rodopi Submeasure 7.5. "Investments for public use in infrastructure for recreation, tourist information and small-scale tourist infrastructure" of measure 7 of the RDP 2014-2020. (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.445 - LAG Chirpan Measure 4.1. "Support for investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.446 - LAG Chirpan Measure 4.2. "Support for investments in the processing, marketing and / or development of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.447 - MIG Chirpan Measure 6.4. Support for investments in the establishment and development of non-agricultural activities (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.448 - MIG Chirpan Measure 7.2. "Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.449 - MIG Chirpan Measure 7.5. "Investments for public use in recreation infrastructure, tourist infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.450 - LAG Chirpan Measure 7 "Preservation of the local identity through restoration and protection of the intangible cultural and natural heritage of the municipality of Chirpan" Measure in line with the objectives of Regulation 1305/2013 to stimulate local development (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.451 - Kostinbrod-Svoge LAG sub-measure 4.1 "Investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.452 - LAG Kostinbrod-Svoge 4.2 Investments in processing / marketing of agricultural products (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.453 - LAG - Gotse Delchev - Garmen - Hadjidimovo, Measure 3-6.4 "Investments in support of non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.454 - LAG-Popovo Submesure 6.4 "Investment support for non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.455 - LAG Dryanovo - Tryavna Measure 7.2. "Support for investments in building, improving or enlarging all types of small-scale infrastructure" 2020 (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.456 - LAG Troyan, Apriltsi, Ugarchin_66_M_7.5."Investments for public use in recreation infrastructure, tourist infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.457 - LAG Dolna Mitropolia - Dolni Dabnik Measure 7.02. "Stimulating local development and activity on the territory of the LAG by promoting the cultural and historical tangible and intangible heritage and sports" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.458 - LAG-Radomir-Zemen, Measure 4.2 "Investments in processing/marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.459 - LAG Isperih, 4.1 Investments in agricultural holdings (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.460 - "LAG - Berkovitsa & Godech" - measure 19.2-4.2 "Investments in processing/marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.461 - "LAG - Berkovitsa & Godech" - measure 19.2-7.2 "Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.462 - „MIG-Berkovitsa and Godech -- Measure 19.2-7.5 "Support for public use in recreation, tourist information and small-scale tourist infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.463 - "LAG-Berkovitsa and Godech" - measure 19.2-7.6 "Preservation and inclusion in the local cultural, historical and natural heritage - Forward to the heritage - the heritage unites us" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.464 - LAG Galabovo - Opan Submeasure 4.2 "Investment in processing/ marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.466 - LAG-Municipality of Maritsa - Measure M4.1 "Investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.467 - LAG - Gotse Delchev - Garmen - Hadjidimovo, Measure 6-7.2 "Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.469 - LAG "Prespa - municipalities of Banite, Lucky and Chepelare" - sub-measure 7.2. "Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.470 - Local action group LAG Dobrichka, submeasure 19.2-4.2 Investments in processing/marketing of agricultural products (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.471 - LAG-Radomir-Zemen, Measure 19.5. "Preservation, development, valorization and marketing of local heritage and identity" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.472 - Measure MIG7.5. "Investments for public use in recreation infrastructure, tourist infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.473 - "LAG Kotel, Sungurlare and Varbitsa - Measure 8.6 Support for investments in forestry technologies and processing, mobilization and trade of forest products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.474 - LAG-Municipality of Maritsa - Measure M4.2 "Investments in processing / marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.475 - MIG Lukovit-Roman - a measure19-7.2 "Investing in the creation, improvement or extension of all types of small-scale infrastructure" of the Community-led Local Development Strategy of Lukovit-Roman Local Initiative Group (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.476 - Sub-measure 19.1 “Support for preparation activities” in the part of small projects of measure 19 "Community-led local development" of Rural Development Program 2014-2020 (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.477 - LAG Isperih - RDP measure 4.2 "Investment in processing and marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.478 - LAG DOBRICHKA sub-measure 19.2- 7.6 Storage and inclusion of the fortune in the LAG Dobrichka territory" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.479 - LIG Isperih, Measure 6.4. "Investments in support of non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.480 - LAG Vazhod - Vetrino, Valchi dol, Provadia -Measure 6.4.1 Investments in support of non - agricultural activities (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.481 - LAG-Elhovo-Bolyarovo: Measure 7.5. "Investments for public use in recreation infrastructure, tourist infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.482 - LAG Kostenets 2010 – „Investments in agricultural holdings” (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.484 - NGO "LAG Tutrakan-Slivo Pole, Measure 7.5" support for public use in infrastructure for recreation, tourist information and a small scale tourist infrastructure " (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.486 - LAG - Elhovo - Bolyarovo: Measure 20 "Marketing, promotion and certification of local heritage, products and food" of the Strategy for Community-led local development of NGO "LAG-Elhovo-Bolyarovo" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.487 - Measure 21 "Preservation and development of local identities and valorization of the local cultural heritage on the territory of LAG-Popovo" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.488 - Popovo LAG - Measure 22 "Promotion of social inclusion and preservation of the demographic potential for achieving economic growth on the territory of Popovo LAG" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.492 - "LAG -Nova Zagora 7.2" Investments in Creating, Enhancing or Enhancing All Small-Scale Infrastructure " (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.493 - "LAG - Berkovitsa & Godech"- measure 19.2-4.1 "Investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.494 - Measure 21 "Conservation and Promotion of Cultural, Historical and Natural Heritage on the territory of the Tutrakan - Slivo Pole LAG (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.495 - LAG Isperih, 4.1 Investments in agricultural holdings (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.496 - LAG TERVEL- KRUSHARI Under Measure 6.4. "Investments in support of non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.499 - LAG-Elhovo-Bolyarovo: Measure 8.6 Investments in forestry technologies and in the processing, mobilization and marketing of forest products (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.500 - LAG TERVEL - KRUSHARI Submeasure 4.2. Investment in processing/marketing of agricultural products (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.501 - LAG Kostenets 2010 – 6.4.1. „Investments in support of non-agricultural activities“ (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.503 - LAG - Belovo Septemvri Velingrad - Measure 21 "Preservation, development and valorization of local natural, cultural heritage and traditions". (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.504 - LAG Dryanovo- Tryavna, Measure 4.1 "Support for investments in agricultural holdings" 2020 (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.505 - LAG Dryanovo - Tyavna - Measure 4.2. "Investment in processing/marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.506 - LAG Dryanovo - Tryavna - in the heart of the Balkan - Measure 6.4.1. Investments in support of non-agricultural activities (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.507 - LAG-Radomir-Zemen, Measure 7.6. "Studies and investments related to the maintenance, restoration and improvement of the cultural and natural heritage of villages" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.508 - LAG "Mineralni bani - Chernoochene" - measure 6.4 "Investments in support of non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.509 - LAG Sandanski - Sub-measure 8.3 "Helping prevent forest damage from forest fires, natural disasters and catastrophic events" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.510 - Lukovit-Roman LAG - measure 19-7.5 "Investments for public use in recreation infrastructure, tourist infrastructure" of the Strategy for community-led local development of "Local Initiative Group Lukovit-Roman" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.511 - LAG-Elhovo-Bolyarovo: Measure 4.2 "Investment in the processing/marketing of the agricultural products” from Strategy for Community-Led Local Development (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.512 - LAG Byala Slatina 7.2 "Investments in creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.513 - LAG Byala Slatina 4.1 "Support for investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.514 - LAG Byala Slatina 6.4 "Investments in support of non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.515 - Lag Kotel, Sungurlare and Varbitsa measure 6.4 "Support for investments in the establishment and development of non-agricultural activities (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.517 - MIG Kotel, Sungurlare and Varbitsa: Sub-measure 7.5. "Support for public use in leisure infrastructure, tourist information and small-scale tourist infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.518 - LAG-Municipality of Maritsa - Measure M4.1 "Investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.519 - LAG Sandanski - sub-measure 7.5 "Investments for public use in recreation infrastructure, tourist information and small-scale tourist infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.520 - LAG "Lyaskovets-Strazhitsa". Measure LAG01 "Surveys and investments related to the maintenance, restoration and the cultural and natural heritage of the villages. Preservation, Development and Valorisation of Specific Local Identity and Local Culture " (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.521 - LAG Straldzha 2016 Measure 22 "Marketing and promotion of traditional local productions, products and local culture" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.522 - „MIG-Berkovitsa and Godech -- Measure 19.2-7.5 "Support for public use in recreation, tourist information and small-scale tourist infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.523 - LAG-Municipality of Maritsa - Measure M4.2 "Investments in processing / marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.524 - LAG Dolna Mitropolia - Dolni Dabnik Measure 1.3 "Short-termexchange of experience in the management of agricultural and forestry holdings and visits to agricultural and forestry holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.525 - Measure 5 (Code of the RDP measure 2014-2020 - 7.5) - "Support for public use in relaxation infrastructure, tourist information and small-scale tourist infrastructure" from the Community-led local development strategy of LAG - Lyubimets - Ivailovgrad " (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.526 - MIG Lukovit-Roman measure19 -7.6 "Support for research and investment related to maintenance, restoration and improvement of the cultural and natural heritage of villages, the landscape in rural areas and sites of high natural value, including relevant socio-economic aspects, and actions to raise awareness on environmental issues " (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.528 - LAG - Belovo, Septemvri, Velingrad - Measure 7.2 "Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.529 - LAG Perushtitsa-Rhodopes - 4.2 "Investments in processing / marketing of agricultural products" from measure 4. "Investments in tangible assets" of the Rural Development Program for the period 2014 - 2020. (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.530 - LAG Association - Troyan, Apriltsi, Ugyrchin: Measure 8.6. «Investments in forestry technologies and in the processing, mobilization and trade of forest products» (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.531 - "LAG Troyan, Apriltsi, Ugarchin_66_ M 6.4.1. Investments in support of non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.532 - "LAG - Berkovitsa & Godech" - measure 19.2-4.2 "Investments in processing/marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.534 - "LAG-Berkovitsa and Godech" - measure 19.2-7.6 "Preservation and inclusion in the local cultural, historical and natural heritage - Forward to the heritage - the heritage unites us" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.535 - "LAG - Berkovitsa & Godech" - measure 19.2-7.2 "Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.536 - LAG - Aytos - Measure 7.2. "Investments in creating, improving or expanding all types of small-scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.537 - Kotel, Sungurlare and Varbitsa LAG Measure 7.6 "Studies and investments related to maintenance, restoration and improvement of the cultural and natural heritage on the territory of Kotel, Sungurlare and Varbitsa LAGs" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.539 - Measure 4 (Code of the RDP measure 2014 - 2020 - 7.2.) - "Support for investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all small scale public infrastructure, including investments in renewable energy and energy saving" from the strategy for community-led local development of the LAG - Lyubimets - Ivaylovgrad. (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.540 - LAG Isperih, 4.1 Investments in agricultural holdings (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.541 - Measure LAG4.1 "Investments in agricultural holdings", NGO "LAG-Lyaskovets-Strazhitsa" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.542 - Measure 2 (code of measure under the RDP 2014-2020 - 4.2) Investments in the processing sector from the Community Local Government Local Development Strategy of LAG - Lyubimets - Ivaylovgrad (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.543 - Prespa LAG - Municipality of Banite, Laki and Chepelare - Measure 8.6 Investments in technologies for forestry and in the processing, mobilization and trade of forest products (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.544 - LAG-Radomir-Zemen, Measure 4.2 "Investments in processing/marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.546 - LAG "Prespa - municipalities of Banite, Lucky and Chepelare" - sub-measure 7.2. "Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.547 - MIG TERVEL - CRUSHERS Submeasure 4.1. Support for Investments in Farms to the Community-led Local Development Strategy (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.548 - LAG TERVAL - KRUSHARI Sub-measure 7.2 "Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.550 - MIG Vazhod - Vetrino, Valchi dol, Provadiya - Measure 7.2 Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.551 - LAG - Berkovitsa and Godech - 19.2-8.6 "Investments in technologies for forestry and in the processing, mobilization and trade of forest products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.552 - LAG - Troyan, Apriltsi, Ugarchin M 7.2. Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.554 - LAG LOM Measure 1-4.1 "Investments in agricultural holdings" CLLDS (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.555 - МИГ САМОКОВ: Mярка 7.2. Инвестиции в създаването, подобряването или разширяването на всички видове малка по мащаби инфраструктура (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.556 - LAG Slivnitsa - Dragoman Measure 7.5 Investments for public use in recreational infrastructure, tourism infrastructure (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.558 - LAG Balchik - General Toshevo - Measure 7.5 "Investments for public use in infrastructure for recreation, tourist infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.559 - LAG - Kirkovo-Zlatograd - Measure 7.5.1 "Investments for recreation and tourist infrastructure and preservation of intangible cultural and natural heritage on the territory of LAG Kirkovo - Zlatograd" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.560 - LAG Dryanovo - Tryavna - in the heart of the Balkan - Measure 7.5. "Investments in public use in recreation infrastructure, tourist infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.561 - LAG Dryanovo - Tryavna Measure 7.2. "Support for investments in building, improving or enlarging all types of small-scale infrastructure" 2020 (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.562 - LAG-Razlog, Measure 6.4. "Support for investments in the establishment and development of non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.563 - LAG "Dryanovo - Tryavna - in the heart of the Balkan" - Measure 7.6 "Studies and investments related to the maintenance, restoration and cultural and natural heritage of the villages" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.564 - LAG Belene-Nikopol, Sub-measure 4.1 "Investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.565 - LAG Belene-Nikopol, measure 4.2 "Investment in processing/marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.566 - "LAG Belene-Nikopol, measure 7.2 "Investments in creating, improving or expanding all types of small-scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.567 - LAG Zavet - Kubrat: Sub-measure 6.4 "Investment support for non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.568 - LAG Galabovo - Opan Submeasure 6.4 "Investment support for nonagricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.569 - Perushtitsa-Rhodope LAG, Measure 21 "Preservation and development of local identities and valorization of the local cultural heritage on the territory of Perushtitsa-Rhodope LAG" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.570 - LAG Novi pazar - Kaspichan, MEASURE 6.4.1 "INVESTMENT IN SUPPORT OF NON-AGRICULTURAL ACTIVITIES" (Terminated)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.571 - LAG Kirkovo-Zlatograd Measure 7.2. Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small public infrastructure (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.572 - "LAG Novi Pazar - Kaspichani" - Submeasure 7.2. "Investment in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.573 - LAG Popovo Submesure 4.2 "Investment in processing / marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.574 - 4.1.2. "Investments in agricultural holdings by thematic sub-program for development of small farms" LAG Novi pazar - Kaspichan (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.575 - LAG Svilengrad Areal - Submeasure 4.2 "Investment in processing / marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.577 - LAG Pomorie, Procedure 3 "Investments aiming establishment of non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.578 - LAG Isperih Measure 21 "Isperih - open spaces, attractive living environment, preserved heritage, culture, nature" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.579 - LAG Slivnitsa - Dragoman Measure 7.2 Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.580 - LAG - Gotse Delchev - Garmen - Hadjidimovo, Measure 7 "Preservation and Promotion of Local Identity, Cultural, Historical and Natural Heritage" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.581 - „MIG-Berkovitsa and Godech -- Measure 19.2-7.5 "Support for public use in recreation, tourist information and small-scale tourist infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.582 - "LAG - Berkovitsa & Godech"- measure 19.2-4.1 "Investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.583 - LAG - Nova Zagora Measure 4.1 Investments in agricultural holdings (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.584 - "LAG Sredets - Sub-measure 7.2" Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure "from Measure 7" Main services and renovation of rural villages " (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.586 - "LAG Momchilgrad - Krumovgrad - 4.2.1 Investment in processing/marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.587 - LAG Kostenets 2010 – 7.2 „Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small scale infrastructure” (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.588 - LAG Kirkovo-Zlatograd - Measure 6.4. "Investments in support of non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.591 - LAG - Elhovo - Bolyarovo: Measure 4.1. SUPPORT FOR INVESTMENTS IN AGRICULTURAL HOLDINGS from Strategy for Community-Led Local Development (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.592 - LAG - Belovo Septemvri Velingrad - Measure 7.5 "Investments for public use in recreational infrastructure, tourism infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.593 - LAG Belovo, September, Velingrad measure 4.1.1 "Investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.594 - LIG Isperih, Measure 6.4. "Investments in support of non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.595 - LAG "Mineralni bani - Chernoochene" - Measure 7.5 "Investments for public use in infrastructure for recreation, tourist infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.596 - LAG Mineralni bani - Chernoochene - measure 7.2. "Support for investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.597 - "Kotel, Sungurlare and Varbitsa LAG": Measure 120. "Increasing the attractiveness and prosperity of the LAG by promoting the cultural, historical and natural heritage" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.598 - LAG TERVEL- KRUSHARI Under Measure 6.4. "Investments in support of non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.599 - LAG-Radomir-Zemen, Measure 6.4.1 "Investment support for non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.601 - LAG HISYARYA - Measure 6 "Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.602 - LAG HISARYA - Measure 7 "" Development of the tourist potential on the territory of LAG Hissarya " (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.603 - LAG Isperih, 4.1 Investments in agricultural holdings (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.604 - LAG - Elhovo - Bolyarovo: Measure 7.2 Investments in creating, improving or expanding all types of small-scale infrastructure from Strategy for Community-Led Local Development (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.605 - LAG Pomorie_4.2_M2 "Investment in processing/marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.606 - "Investments for public use in recreation infrastructure, tourist infrastructure" of the LAG - Maglizh, Kazanlak, Gurkovo. (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.607 - Selection of Project Proposals for inter-territorial and transnational cooperation under sub-measure 19.3 'Preparation and implementation of cooperative activities of Local Action Groups' of measure 19 'Community Led Local Development' from the Rural Development Programme 2014 - 2020. (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.608 - LAG Panagyurishte, Strelcha, Lesichovo - Measure 7.2 Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure " (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.609 - LAG - Maritza Municipality - Measure M7.5. Investments for public use in infrastructure for recreation, tourist infrastructure (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.610 - Procedure through selection of project proposals under Sub-measure 19.1 "Aid for preparatory activities" of measure 19 "Community-led local development" of the Rural Development Program for the period 2014 - 2020. (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.611 - LAG Panagyurishte, Strelcha, Lesichovo - Measure 7.5 Investments for public use in infrastructure for recreation, tourist infrastructure. (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.612 - "LAG Panagyurishte, Strelcha, Lesichovo - Measure 21 Conservation, development and valorisation of specific local identities and local culture". (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.613 - MIG-Lyaskovets-Strazhitsa NGO, Measure LAG7.2 "Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.614 - "LAG Perushtitsa-Rodopi Submeasure 7.2. "Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure" of measure 7 "Basic services and renewal of rural villages" of the RDP for the period 2014 - 2020 "of The strategy for community-led local development of the Perushtitsa-Rhodope LAG (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.615 - LAG-Troyan, Apriltsi, Ugarchin M 7.5. "Investments for public use in recreation infrastructure, tourist infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.616 - LAG-Radomir-Zemen, Measure 7.2. "Investing in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.617 - LAG "Panagyurishte, Strelcha, Lesichovo - Measure 4.1.1 Support for investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.618 - LAG Tutrakan-Slivo Pole NGO, Measure 7.5" support for public use in infrastructure for recreation, tourist information and a small scale tourist infrastructure " (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.619 - LAG Tutrakan-Slivo Pole NGO, Measure 7.2 Support for investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure, including investments in renewable energy and energy saving " (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.620 - LAG Panagyurishte, Strelcha, Lesichovo - Measure 4.2.1 Investments in processing / marketing of agricultural products (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.621 - LAG Dryanovo- Tryavna, Measure 4.1 "Support for investments in agricultural holdings" 2020 (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.622 - LAG Dryanovo - Tyavna - Measure 4.2. "Investment in processing/marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.623 - LAG Dryanovo - Tryavna - in the heart of the Balkan - Measure 6.4.1. Investments in support of non-agricultural activities (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.624 - "LAG SREDETS - sub-measure 6.4 Investments in support of non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.625 - LAG-Radomir-Zemen, Measure 4.1 "Support for investment in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.626 - LAG Ardino - Djebel - measure 7.2. "Support for investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure, including investments in renewable energy and energy saving". (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.627 - LAG Kostenets 2010 – 4.2 „Investments in processing / marketing of agricultural products“ (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.628 - LAG Isperih Measure 1.3 "Short-term exchange of experience and visits to farms" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.629 - „LAG Rakovski 7.2 Support for investment in the creation, improvement and expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure, including investments in renewable energy and energy saving" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.630 - LAG-Municipality of Maritsa - Measure M4.1 "Investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.631 - MIG Isperih - Measure 7.4 „Investments in the development, improvement or extension of local basic services for the rural population, including entertainment and culture, and related infrastructure“ (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.632 - LAG Kirkovo-Zlatograd-Measure 4.1 "Support for investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.633 - LAG Balchik-General Toshevo - Measure 4.1. "Investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.634 - LAG Momchilgrad - Krumovgrad - Measure 7.2. "Investments in creating, improving or expanding all types of small-scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.635 - LAG-Elhovo-Bolyarovo: Measure 6.4.1. Investments in Support of Non-Agricultural Activities of the Community-Based Local Development Strategy (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.636 - LAG "Mineralni bani - Chernoochene" - Measure 4.1. "Support for investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.637 - LAG-Municipality of Maritsa - Measure M4.2 "Investments in processing / marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.638 - Selection procedure for project proposals BG06RDNP001-19.638 LAG "Dolni Chiflik and Byala" - Measure 4.2. "Investments in processing / marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.639 - Measure 2 (code of measure under the RDP 2014-2020 - 4.2) Investments in the processing sector from the Community Local Government Local Development Strategy of LAG - Lyubimets - Ivaylovgrad (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.640 - LAG Avren-Beloslav 19.2 / 7.5 "Investments for public use in recreation, tourist infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.641 - LAG Dobrichka submeasure 19.2-4.1 Investments in agricultural holdings (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.642 - LAG Pavlikeni - Polski Trambesh Measure 6.4 "Investments in support of non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.643 - LAG Popovo Submeasure 7.2. "Investment in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.645 - Measure 4 (Code of the RDP measure 2014 - 2020 - 7.2.) - "Support for investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all small scale public infrastructure, including investments in renewable energy and energy saving" from the strategy for community-led local development of the LAG - Lyubimets - Ivaylovgrad. (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.646 - LAG Kirkovo-Zlatograd-Measure 4.2 "Support for investment in the processing, marketing and / or development of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.648 - LAG Sandanski - Sub-measure 8.1 "Aid for afforestation and forestation" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.649 - LAG Pavlikeni - Polski Trambesh, Measure 4.1. "Investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.650 - "Investment in the creation, improvement or extension of all types of small-scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.651 - LAG Momchilgrad - Krumovgrad - Measure 7.5 "Investments for public use in recreation, tourism infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.652 - LAG - Maglizh, Kazanlak, Gurkovo under sub-measure 7.2. "Investment in the creation, improvement or extension of all types of small-scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.654 - Measure 3 (code of measure under the RDP 2014-2020 - 6.4) - "Support for investment in the establishment and development of non-agricultural activities" from the Community-led local development strategy of LAG - Lyubimets - Ivaylovgrad (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.655 - LAG Zavet - Kubrat: Submeasure "Investments in creating, enhansing all small - scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.656 - LAG LOM Measure 4- 7.2 "Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure" of measure 7 "Basic services and renewal of rural villages" - 2022 (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.657 - LAG -Tundza - Measure 7.2. "Investments in creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.658 - LAG - Belovo Septemvri Velingrad - Measure 7.5 "Investments for public use in recreational infrastructure, tourism infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.659 - LAG - Belovo, Septemvri, Velingrad - Measure 7.2 "Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.660 - "LAG - Straldzha 2016" Measure 22 "Marketing and promotion of traditional local productions, products and local culture" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.663 - LAG BREZOVO, BRATYA DASKALOVI - sub-measure 7.2. “Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small scale infrastructure” (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.664 - LAG Belovo, September, Velingrad measure 4.1.1 "Investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.665 - LAG Byala Slatina 4.1 "Support for investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.667 - LAG Ardino - Djebel - Measure 4.1. "Support for investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.668 - LAG Svilengrad Areal - Sub-measure 7.2 "Investments for creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.670 - LAG Panagyurishte, Strelcha, Lesichovo-Measure 6.4.1 "Investments in support of non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.671 - LAG “Brezovo, Bratya Daskalovi” submeasure 7.4. "Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of basic services at local level for the rural population, including recreation and cultural activities, as well as the relevant infrastructure ” of measure 7 of Regulation 1305/2013. (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.672 - Lukovit-Roman LAG: measure 19-4.2 "Investments in processing / marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.673 - LAG "Devnya - Aksakovo" - Measure 6.4 "Investment support for non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.674 - LAG "Brezovo,Bratya Daskalovi " submeasure 21 "Preservation and development of local identities and valorization of local cultural heritage on the territory of LAG Brezovo,Bratya Daskalovi " (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.676 - LAG-STRALDZA 2016 measure 4.1. "Investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.678 - LAG municipalities Elena and Zlataritsa sub-measures 4.1. "Investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.679 - LAG Kostinbrod-Svoge measure 7.2 "Support for investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure, including investments in renewable energy and energy saving" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.680 - LAG Dobrichka submeasure 19.2-6.4 Investments in support of non - agricultural activities (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.681 - Local action group LAG Dobrichka sub-measure 19.2-7.2. "Investments in creating, improving or expanding all types of small-scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.682 - "LAG SAMOKOV- Measure 7.5 „Investments for public use in recreational infrastructure, tourism infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.683 - LAG Balchik - General Toshevo - Measure 4.2. "Investment in processing / marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.684 - MIG Byala Slatina Measure 6.4 "Investments in support of non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.685 - LAG Zavet - Kubrat: Sub-measure 4.1 "Investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.686 - LAG6.4.1 "Investments in support of non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.688 - LAG-Razlog, Measure 7.2. "Investments in creating, improving or expanding all types of small-scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.689 - LAG Prespa - Municipality of Banite, Laki and Chepelare - 6.4.1 Investments in support of non-agricultural activities (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.691 - LAG Kostinbrod-Svoge- measure 7.5 "Investments for public use in recreational infrastructure, tourist information and small-scale tourist infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.692 - LAG Slivnitsa - Dragoman Measure 7.2 Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.693 - LAG Kuklen-Asenovgrad measure 7.5 "Investments for public use in recreational infrastructure, tourist information and small-scale tourist infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.694 - LAG - Gotse Delchev - Garmen - Hadjidimovo, Measure 3-6.4 "Investments in support of non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.696 - NGO "LAG Tutrakan-Slivo Pole", Measure 6.4 "Support for investment in the establishment and development of non-agricultural activities". (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.697 - LAG Tutrakan-Slivo Pole NGO, Measure 7.5" support for public use in infrastructure for recreation, tourist information and a small scale tourist infrastructure " (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.699 - MIG01 "Studies and investments related to the maintenance and restoration of the cultural and natural heritage of villages. Preservation, development and valorization of the specific local identity and local culture" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.701 - LAG of the municipalities of Elena and Zlataritsa 7.5 "Investments for public use in recreation infrastructure, tourist infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.702 - LAG Galabovo - Opan Submeasure 7.2 "Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure, including investments in renewable energy and energy saving" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.703 - MIG STRUMA - SIMITLI, KRESNA AND STRUMYANI MEASURE 4.1 "Support for investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.709 - LAG Popovo Submesure 4.1. "Support for investment in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.710 - LAG Ardino - Djebel - Measure 6.4. "Support for investments in establishment and development of non-agricultural activities". (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.711 - Kostinbrod-Svoge LAG Sub-measure 6.4.1 "Investment support for non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.712 - LAG Kostenets 2010 – 7.6 „Researches and investments related to maintenance, restoration and improvement of the cultural and natural heritage of villages“. (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.714 - LAG “Brezovo, Bratya Daskalovi” submeasure 7.5. “Investments in recreation infrastructure, tourist information and small-scale tourist infrastructure for public use” (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.715 - LAG Zavet - Kubrat: Measure 19.2 - 05 "Partnerships and promotion of rural identity, traditions, culture and nature" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.716 - LAG "Panagyurishte, Strelcha, Lesichovo - Measure 4.1.1 Support for investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.717 - "LAG Harmanli" - submeasure 4.1. "Investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.718 - "LAG Harmanli" - submeasure 6.4. "Investment support for non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.719 - LAG Vazhod-Vetrino, Valchi dol, Provadia - Measure 7.5 Investments for public use in recreation, tourist infrastructure (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.720 - "LAG-Berkovitsa and Godech" - measure 19.2-7.6 "Preservation and inclusion in the local cultural, historical and natural heritage - Forward to the heritage - the heritage unites us" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.722 - "LAG - Berkovitsa & Godech" - measure 19.2-7.2 "Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.723 - LAG Lukovit-Roman: measure 19-6.4 "Investments in support of non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.724 - Local Action Group (LAG) - Dolna Mitropolia - Dolni Dabnik Measure 7.5."Investments for public use in infrastructure, tourist information and a small scale tourist infrastructure " (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.725 - LAG - Berkovitsa & Godech - measure 19.2-4.1 "Investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.726 - LAG - Berkovitsa and Godech - 19.2-8.6 "Investments in technologies for forestry and in the processing, mobilization and trade of forest products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.727 - "MIG-STRALDJA 2016" measure 7.5 "Investments for public use in recreation infrastructure, tourist infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.728 - LAG Svilengrad Areal, Measure 4.1 Investment in agricultural holdings (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.729 - "LAG - Berkovitsa & Godech" - measure 19.2-4.2 "Investments in processing/marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.730 - LAG "Mineral Baths - Chernoochene" 7.6 "Studies and investments related to the maintenance, restoration and improvement of the cultural and natural heritage of villages" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.731 - LAG Dryanovo - Tryavna Measure 7.2. "Support for investments in building, improving or enlarging all types of small-scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.732 - LAG Dryanovo - Tryavna - in the heart of the Balkan - Measure 7.5. "Investments in public use in recreation infrastructure, tourist infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.734 - LAG Svilengrad Areal - Investments in support of non-agricultural activities on the territory of LAG Svilengrad Areal (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.735 - LAG Momchilgrad - Krumovgrad - measure 6.4.1 "Investments in support of non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.736 - LAG Hissarya, Measure 3 "Investments in support of non-agricultural activities" of the Rural Development Program 2014-2020 (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.737 - LAG Isperih, 4.1 Investments in agricultural holdings (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.738 - LIG Isperih, Measure 6.4. "Investments in support of non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.739 - LAG Belene-Nikopol, Measure 6.4 "Investment support for non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.740 - MIG Isperih - Measure 7.4 „Investments in the development, improvement or extension of local basic services for the rural population, including entertainment and culture, and related infrastructure“ (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.741 - LAG-Razlog, Mesure 4.1. Investment in agricultural holdings (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.742 - MIG Chirpan measure 4.1. "Support for investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.744 - MIG Chirpan measure 4.2. "Support for investment in processing, marketing and/or development of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.745 - LAG Popovo Submesure 4.2 "Investment in processing / marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.746 - LAG "Devnya – Aksakovo"-Measure 4.1 "investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.747 - Devnya-Aksakovo LAG - Measure 4.2 "Investments in processing / marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.748 - Measure 6.4.1. - "Investment support for non-agricultural activities" from The Strategy for community - led local development of ​​the "LAG - Straldzha 2016" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.752 - Measure 1 (code of measure under the RDP 2014-2020 - 4.1.) Support for investments in agricultural holdings from the Local Community Development Local Development Plan of the LAG - Lyubimets - Ivaylovgrad (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.753 - LAG "Devnya - Aksakovo" - Measure 6.4 "Investment support for non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.754 - LAG - Municipality of Maritza Measure M01 "Studies and investments related to the maintenance, restoration and the cultural and natural heritage of the villages. Preservation, Development and Valorisation of Specific Local Identity and Local Culture " (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.755 - LAG "Devnya - Aksakovo" - Measure 7.5 "Investments for public use in infrastructure for recreation, tourist infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.756 - LAG Pavlikeni - Polski Trambesh Measure 6.4 "Investments in support of non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.757 - Measure MIG7.5. Investments for public use in recreation infrastructure, tourism infrastructure (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.759 - MIG Vazhod - Vetrino, Valchi dol, Provadia - Measure 4.1 Investments in agricultural holdings (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.760 - LAG Vazhod-Vetrino, Valchi dol, Provadia - Measure 4.2. "Investment in processing / marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.762 - LAG TERVAL - KRUSHARI Sub-measure 7.2 "Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.763 - MIG Sredets, under measure 4.1 Investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.764 - "LAG Brezovo, Bratya Daskalovi" Submeasure 6.4. "Investment support for non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.765 - LAG Kirkovo-Zlatograd-Measure 4.1 "Support for investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.766 - LAG Kirkovo-Zlatograd-Measure 4.2 "Support for investment in the processing, marketing and / or development of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.767 - LAG "Mineralni bani - Chernoochene" - Measure 4.1. "Support for investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.768 - "Investment in the creation, improvement or extension of all types of small-scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.769 - LAG-Radomir-Zemen, Measure 4.1 "Support for investment in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.770 - LAG Avren-Beloslav 19.2/4.1 "Investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.771 - Measure 4 (Code of the RDP measure 2014 - 2020 - 7.2.) - "Support for investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all small scale public infrastructure, including investments in renewable energy and energy saving" from the strategy for community-led local development of the LAG - Lyubimets - Ivaylovgrad. (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.772 - LAG Belovo, Septemvri, Velingrad - Measure 6.4.1 "Investments in support of non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.773 - LAG Pavlikeni-Polski Trambesh: 7.2. "Investment in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.774 - LAG Kostenets 2010 – 7.5 „Investments for public use in infrastructure for recreation, tourist infrastructure“ (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.775 - LAG LOM Measure 6 "Investments for the Study, Development and Promotion of the Cultural, Historical and Natural Heritage and Livelihoods in the LAG-LOM Area" from the Community-led Local Development Strategy of the LAG-LOM (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.776 - "LAG KUKLEN-ASENOVGRAD 21 Preservation and development of local identity and valorization of the local cultural and natural heritage on the territory of LAG Kuklen - Asenovgrad" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.777 - LAG Brezovo, Bratya Daskalovi" Sub-measure 4.1. "Investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.778 - "LAG -Nova Zagora 7.2" Investments in Creating, Enhancing or Enhancing All Small-Scale Infrastructure " (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.779 - Local Action Group (LAG) - Dolna Mitropolia - Dolni Dabnik Measure 4.1 "Investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.781 - Measure 20 "Creation of local tourism products related to the local heritage, products and food" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.782 - LAG Novi pazar - Kaspichan, MEASURE 6.4.1 "INVESTMENT IN SUPPORT OF NON-AGRICULTURAL ACTIVITIES" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.783 - 4.1.1 "Support for investments in agricultural holdings" LAG Novi Pazar - Kaspichan (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.784 - LAG-Municipality of Maritsa - Measure M4.1 "Investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.785 - LAG - Maritza Municipality M6.4.1 "Investments in support of non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.788 - LAG Svilengrad-Topolovgrad - Submeasure 4.2 "Investment in processing / marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.789 - LAG Popovo Submeasure 7.2. "Investment in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.790 - LAG Kostenets 2010 – 6.4.2 „Investments in support of non-agricultural activities under the thematic sub-program for development of small farms“ (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.791 - LAG Galabovo - Opan Submeasure 6.4 "Investment support for nonagricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.792 - Local Action Group (LAG) - Dolna Mitropolia-Dolni Dabnik Measure 6.4.1 "Investment support for non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.793 - LAG Momchilgrad -Krumovgrad - mesure 4.1.1 "Support for investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.794 - Selection procedure for project proposals BG06RDNP001-19.794 LAG "Dolni Chiflik and Byala" - Measure 4.2. "Investments in processing / marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.795 - 7.6 Studies and investments related to the maintenance and restoration of the cultural and natural heritage of the villages LAG Kostinbrod-Svoge (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.796 - 8.1 Support for afforestation and creation of forest massifs LAG Kostinbrod-Svoge (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.797 - Project Selection Procedure BG06RDNP001-19.797 LAG "DOLNI CHIFLIK AND BYALA" Measure 7.7 "Development of Territorial Identity and Marketing of the Destination Dolni Chiflik and Byala" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.798 - LAG Dolna Mitropolia - Dolni Dabnik Measure 7.02. "Stimulating local development and activity on the territory of the LAG by promoting the cultural and historical tangible and intangible heritage and sports" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.799 - LAG Dolna Mitropolia – Dolni Dabnik Measure 7.2 "Investments in creating, improving or expanding all types of small-scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.800 - Devnya - Aksakovo LAG - Measure 3.1.1. "Development of ICT Infrastructure in Municipal Administrative Buildings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.801 - Devnya-Aksakovo LAG - Measure 7.2 "Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.804 - LAG Rakovski 6.4 Investments in support of non-agricultural activities (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.805 - LAG-Radomir-Zemen, Measure 4.1 "Support for investment in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.806 - LAG Lukovit-Roman: measure 19-6.4 "Investments in support of non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.807 - "LAG Momchilgrad - Krumovgrad - 4.2.1 Investment in processing/marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.808 - LAG Slivnitsa - Dragoman Measure Мeasure 7.6 Surveys and investments related to the maintenance, restoration and improvement of the cultural and natural heritage of the villages (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.809 - 4.1.1 "Support for investments in agricultural holdings" LAG Novi Pazar - Kaspichan (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.810 - "LAG Novi Pazar - Kaspichani" - Submeasure 7.2. "Investment in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.811 - LAG - Maritsa Municipality - Measure M7.2. Investments in creating, improving or expanding all types of small-scale infrastructure (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.812 - LAG Tutrakan-Slivo Pole NGO, Measure 7.2 Support for investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure, including investments in renewable energy and energy saving " (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.813 - LAG BREZOVO, BRATYA DASKALOVI - sub-measure 7.2. “Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small scale infrastructure” (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.814 - Measure 3 (code of measure under the RDP 2014-2020 - 6.4) - "Support for investment in the establishment and development of non-agricultural activities" from the Community-led local development strategy of LAG - Lyubimets - Ivaylovgrad (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.815 - LAG Kostenets – Dolna banya – 4.1.2 „Investments in agricultural holdings under the Thematic sub-programme for development of small farms“ (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.816 - LAG Balchik-General Toshevo - Measure 4.1. "Investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.817 - Measure 5 (Code of the RDP measure 2014-2020 - 7.5) - "Support for public use in relaxation infrastructure, tourist information and small-scale tourist infrastructure" from the Community-led local development strategy of LAG - Lyubimets - Ivailovgrad " (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.818 - LAG Svilengrad-Topolovgrad, measure 7.5 "Investments for public use in infrastructure, tourist infrastructure and small-scale tourist infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.819 - LAG "Brezovo,Bratya Daskalovi " submeasure 21 "Preservation and development of local identities and valorization of local cultural heritage on the territory of LAG Brezovo,Bratya Daskalovi " (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.821 - LAG - Aytos - Measure 7.2. "Investments in creating, improving or expanding all types of small-scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.822 - LAG Svilengrad-Topolovgrad - Sub-measure 7.2 "Investments for creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.823 - LAG - Aytos - Measure 7.5. "Investments for public use in leisure, tourist infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.824 - LAG- Aytos - Measure 6.4.1 "Investments in support of non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.825 - LAG Kostenets – Dolna banya 8.3 „Preventing damage to forests from forest fires, natural disasters and catastrophic events“ (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.827 - LAG Nova Zagora-Sliven Measure 4.1 Investments in agricultural holdings (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.829 - LAG Pavlikeni - Polski Trambesh, Measure 4.1. "Investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.831 - LAG Slivnitsa - Dragoman Measure 7.2 Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.832 - LAG STRALDZA - SLIVEN 2023 measure 4.1. "Investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.835 - LAG Balchik - General Toshevo - Measure 7.5 "Investments for public use in infrastructure for recreation, tourist infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.837 - Kostinbrod-Svoge LAG Sub-measure 6.4.1 "Investment support for non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.838 - LAG Sandanski - sub-measure 4.1 "Investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.839 - Lukovit-Roman LAG: measure 19-4.2 "Investments in processing / marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.840 - "LAG Troyan, Apriltsi, Ugarchin_66_ M 6.4.1. Investments in support of non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.842 - LAG Kostinbrod-Svoge measure 7.2 "Support for investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure, including investments in renewable energy and energy saving" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.843 - Kostinbrod-Svoge LAG sub-measure 4.1 "Investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.844 - LAG Sandanski - Sub-measure 4.2 "Investments in the processing/marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.845 - LAG "Devnya - Aksakovo" - Measure 7.5 "Investments for public use in infrastructure for recreation, tourist infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.846 - Devnya - Aksakovo LAG - Measure 3.1.1. "Development of ICT Infrastructure in Municipal Administrative Buildings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.847 - LAG Svilengrad-Topolovgrad - Sub-measure 7.2 "Investments for creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.849 - LAG Vazhod - Vetrino, Valchi dol, Provadia -Measure 6.4.1 Investments in support of non - agricultural activities (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.850 - LAG Kirkovo-Zlatograd Measure 7.2. Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small public infrastructure (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.851 - LAG Sandanski - sub-measure 6.4 "Investments in support of non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.852 - LAG Tundzha--Sliven - Valley of Tundzha - Measure 7.2. "Investments in creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.853 - LAG Tundzha -Sliven- Valley of Tundzha -Measure 7.5. "Investments for public use in infrastructure for recreation and tourism infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.854 - LAG Slivnitsa - Dragoman Measure 7.2 Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.855 - Devnya-Aksakovo LAG - Measure 7.2 "Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.856 - LAG-Razlog, Measure 6.4. "Support for investments in the establishment and development of non-agricultural activities" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.857 - LAG Svilengrad-Topolovgrad, measure 7.5 "Investments for public use in infrastructure, tourist infrastructure and small-scale tourist infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.858 - LAG Brezovo, Bratya Daskalovi" Sub-measure 4.1. "Investments in agricultural holdings" (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.860 - LAG Slivnitsa - Dragoman Measure 6.4 Investments in support of non-agricultural activities (Ended)
      • BG06RDNP001-19.861 - LAG - Elhovo - Bolyarovo: Measure 7.2 Investments in creating, improving or expanding all types of small-scale infrastructure from Strategy for Community-Led Local Development (Ended)
    • Maritime and Fisheries Programme (204)
      • BG14MFOP001-1.001 - Diversification and new forms of income (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-1.002 - Health and safety (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-1.003 - Permanent cessation of fishing activities (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-1.004 - Limiting the impact of fishing on the marine environment and adapting fisheries to species conservation (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-1.006 - Protection and restoration of marine biodiversity and ecosystems and compensation regimes in the framework of sustainable fishing activities (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-1.007 - Added value, product quality and use of unwanted catches (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-1.008 - Fishing ports, landing sites, auction halls and shelters (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-1.009 - Fishing ports, landing sites, auction halls and shelters (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-1.010 - Added value, product quality and use of unwanted catches (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-1.011 - Diversification and new forms of income (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-1.013 - Added value, product quality and use of unwanted catches (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-1.014 - Protection and restoration of marine biodiversity and ecosystems and compensation regimes in the framework of sustainable fishing activities (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-1.015 - Health and safety (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-1.016 - Diversification and new forms of income (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-1.017 - Support for fishing vessel owners and fishermen to overcome the economic consequences of the outbreak of COVID-19 due to temporary cessation of fishing activities (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-1.019 - "Fishing ports, landing piers, fish markets and boat docks" Sector "Investments aimed at construction and / or modernization of berths" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-1.020 - Support for fishing vessel owners and fishermen to overcome the economic consequences of the outbreak of COVID-19 due to temporary cessation of fishing activities (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-1.021 - Health and safety (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-1.023 - Added value, product quality and use of unwanted catches (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-1.024 - "Fishing ports, landing piers, fish markets and boat docks" Sector "Investments aimed at construction and / or modernization of berths" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-1.026 - Temporarily suspending fishing activities as a result of Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine, which threatens the security of fishing activities or impedes the economic viability of fishing operations (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-1.027 - "Fishing ports, landing piers, fish markets and boat docks", sector "Investments in existing fishing ports" and sector "Investments aimed at construction and/or modernization of marinas" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-1.028 - "Temporary cessation of fishing activities as a result of Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine, which threatens the security of fishing activities or impedes the economic viability of fishing operations" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-2.001 - Innovation within maritime sectors (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-2.002 - Productive investments in aquaculture (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-2.003 - Encouraging new aquaculture farmers practising sustainable aquaculture (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-2.005 - Aquaculture providing environmental services (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-2.006 - Productive investments in aquaculture - "Recirculation systems" sector and "Construction of new as well as expansion and modernisation of existing aquaculture farms" sector (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-2.007 - Productive investments in aquaculture - "Small projects" sector (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-2.008 - Productive investments in aquaculture (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-2.009 - Productive investments in aquaculture - "Small projects" sector (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-2.010 - Encouraging new aquaculture farmers practising sustainable aquaculture (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-2.011 - Productive investments in aquaculture (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-2.012 - Encouraging new aquaculture farmers practising sustainable aquaculture (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-2.013 - Productive investments in aquaculture - "Small projects" sector (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-2.014 - Support for fish and other aquatic organisms to overcome the economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-2.015 - Productive investments in aquaculture - "Small projects" sector (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-2.016 - Productive investments in aquaculture (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-2.017 - Support for fish and other aquatic organisms to overcome the economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-2.018 - Financial instruments under the "Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Program" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-2.019 - Productive investments in aquaculture (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-2.020 - Productive investments in aquaculture - "Small projects" sector (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-3.001 - Control and enforcement (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-3.002 - Data collection within the framework of the fisheries National Data Collection Programme 2014 -2016 (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-3.003 - Data collection within the framework of the fisheries National Data Collection Programme 2014 -2016 (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.001 - Preparatory support for community–led local development strategies (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.002 - Implementation of community–led local development strategies (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.003 - FLAG Pomorie "Measure 5.4 Processing of fishery and aquaculture products in the Pomorie FLAG" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.004 - FLAG HWR:Batak-Devin-Dospat Measure 5.4 Processing of fishery and and aquaculture products (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.005 - FLAG Burgas - Kameno Measure 5.4 "Processing of fishery and aquaculture products in FLAG Burgas - Kameno" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.006 - FLAG VBA 2.1.1.Improving access to fishing infrastructure and increasing blue potential (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.007 - Ecological and sustainable fisheries area (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.008 - FLAG-SHKB-2.1.1 "Investments in a diverse public infrastructure related to the fishing community and the marine potential of the territory" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.009 - Adding value to fisheries (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.010 - Diversification and new forms of income (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.011 - Entrepreneurship of young people in the fisheries and aquaculture sector and skills acquisition (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.012 - FLAG "HWR Batak-Devin-Dospat" Measure 7.1 "Support for infrastructure and services related to small farms and tourism in favor of small fishing communities". (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.013 - FLAG PAZARDZHIK - Measure: 1.1. Production investments in the fisheries and aquaculture sector (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.014 - FLAG BBA Byala-Dolni chiflik-Avren Measure 3 Support for infrastructure and activities to improve the living environment and protect the environment through the effective use of environmental assets (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.016 - FLAG BBA Byala-Dolni chiflik-Avren Measure 2 Support for investments in non fisheries and aquaculture activities in other sectors of the maritime economy, mainly in tourism and the development of tourist attractions with the aim of additional employment and jobs creation (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.017 - Investments in processing and marketing in the fisheries and aquaculture sector in the FLAG "NESEBAR-MESEMVRIA" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.018 - FLAG Pomorie Measure 1.8 "Fishing ports, landing docks, fish markets and sheltered boats" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.019 - FLAG Pazardjik Measure: 1.2. "Creating added value for products in the Fisheries and Aquaculture sector" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.020 - FLAG Pomorie Measure 2 "Diversification within or outside of fisheries for Pomorie Fisheries" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.021 - FLAG-SHKB-1.1.2 "Creation of added products and processing of fishery and aquaculture products" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.022 - FLAG-SHKB-1.2.2 “Diversification and new forms of income and job creation” (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.023 - FLAG-SHKB-1.1.1 “Productive investments in aquaculture” (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.024 - FLAG-SHKB-1.2.1 "Improving the health, safety and working conditions of fishermen" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.025 - FLAG-SHKB-2.2.1 "Restoration and improvement of the natural heritage, culture and sport of the fisheries territory" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.026 - FLAG Pazardzhik - Measure: 2.1. "Diversifying economic activities within the fisheries sector" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.027 - FLAG Pomorie Measure 1 "Support for innovations in fisheries and aquaculture in FLAG Pomorie" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.028 - FLAG BSEC Byala-Dolni Chiflik-Avren Measure 4 Support for creating partnerships, developing innovative ideas, promoting the region for investment and tourism, diversifying cultural and social life, lifelong learning and acquiring knowledge and skills (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.029 - FLAG BBA Byala-Dolni chiflik-Avren Measure 1 Support for investment in innovation and support for fisheries and aquaculture, added value and diversification within the fisheries sector (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.030 - Development and promotion of the identity in the FLAG territory of the Community-led Local Development Strategy of the Burgas-Kameno FLAG (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.031 - FLAG "VZR: Batak-Devin-Dospat" Measure 7.2 Environmental protection in the fisheries territory in order to preserve their attractiveness, renewal and development of coastal fishing settlements and preserve and develop the natural and cultural heritage (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.032 - FLAG "VZR: Batak-Devin-Dospat" Measure 1.1 "Diversification and new forms of income (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.033 - FLAG "VZR: Batak-Devin-Dospat" Measure 2.2. Productive investments in aquaculture (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.034 - Promoting local resources and supporting the development of retail-scale infrastructure in the FLAG "NESEBAR-MESEMVRIA" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.035 - Development of new tourist products and attractions in the FLAG "NESEBAR-MESEMVRIA" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.036 - FLAG Pazardzhik - Measure: 3.2. "Supporting the development of retail scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.037 - Support for the creation of new services for the population in the fisheries territory of the Flag "Nessebar-Mesemvria" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.038 - FLAG Pomorie Measure 3 "Improving and utilising the environmental assets of FLAG Pomorie on Fisheries and Aquaculture, and mitigating the impact of climate change" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.039 - FLAG Pomorie Measure 4 "Investing in the quality of life and attractiveness of the fisheries area" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.040 - FLAG Pomorie Measure 5 "Strengthening the role of Pomorie Fisheries Communities in local development and management of local fisheries and maritime resources" by the FLAG Pomorie (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.041 - FLAG Burgas-Kameno procedure 1.8 "Fishing ports, landing sites, auction halls and shelters" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.042 - FLAG Burgas-Kameno measure 2.2 “Productive investments in aquaculture on the territory of FLAG Burgas-Kameno” (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.043 - FLAG Burgas-Kameno Measure 1.1 "Diversification and new forms of income" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.044 - FLAG Burgas-Kameno Measure 2.3 "Promoting new aquaculture producers developing sustainable aquaculture" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.045 - Measure 1.2 "Diversification of activities and services in the fisheries sector in the NESEBAR-MESEMBRIA FLAG" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.046 - "Measure 2.1 Encouraging innovation and cooperation between different sectors in the FLAG "NESEBAR-MESEMVRIA" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.047 - FLAG "Pazardzhik" - Measure: 2.2. Diversification into activities outside the Fisheries and Aquaculture sectors (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.048 - FLAG Pazardzhik Measure: 3.1 "Promoting the development of sustainable fishing tourism in the fisheries area" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.049 - FLAG Samokov - Measure 01 "Production investments in aquaculture" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.050 - FLAG Samokov - Measure 02 "Processing of fishery and aquaculture products" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.051 - FLAG Samokov - Measure 04 "Support for infrastructure and services related to the renewal and development of the fisheries area" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.052 - FLAG VBA 2.1.1.Improving access to fishing infrastructure and increasing blue potential (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.053 - Ecological and sustainable fisheries area (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.054 - Adding value to fisheries (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.055 - Diversification and new forms of income (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.056 - FLAG Samokov - Measure 03 "Diversification of the fisheries territory into activities such as tourism, culture and services" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.057 - FLAG Samokov - M05 "Preserving local identity through restoration, preservation and animation of cultural and historical heritage on the territory of FLAG Samokov" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.058 - FLAG Samokov - Measure 06 "Conservation and restoration of aquatic biodiversity and improvement of ecosystems" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.059 - FLAG PAZARDZHIK - Measure: 1.1. Production investments in the fisheries and aquaculture sector (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.060 - FLAG Pomorie Measure 4 "Investing in the quality of life and attractiveness of the fisheries area" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.061 - FLAG "Pazardjik" - Measure: 1.2. "Creating added value for products in the Fisheries and Aquaculture sector" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.062 - FLAG Burgas-Kameno procedure 1.8 "Fishing ports, landing sites, auction halls and shelters" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.063 - FLAG HWR:Batak-Devin-Dospat Measure 5.4 Processing of fishery and and aquaculture products (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.064 - FLAG "HWR Batak-Devin-Dospat" Measure 7.1 "Support for infrastructure and services related to small farms and tourism in favor of small fishing communities". (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.065 - Measure 5.4 "Processing of fishery and aquaculture products" of FLAG Burgas - Kameno (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.066 - Мeasure 2.2 “Productive investments in aquaculture on the territory of FLAG Burgas-Kameno” (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.067 - "Measure 1.1 Investments in processing and marketing in the fisheries and aquaculture sector in the FLAG "NESEBAR-MESEMVRIA" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.068 - Measure 1.2 "Diversification of activities and services in the fisheries sector in the NESEBAR-MESEMBRIA FLAG" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.069 - FLAG VBA 2.1.1.Improving access to fishing infrastructure and increasing blue potential (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.070 - FLAG BBA Byala-Dolni chiflik-Avren Measure 2 Support for investments in non fisheries and aquaculture activities in other sectors of the maritime economy, mainly in tourism and the development of tourist attractions with the aim of additional employment and jobs creation (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.071 - FLAG BSEC Byala-Dolni Chiflik-Avren Measure 4 Support for creating partnerships, developing innovative ideas, promoting the region for investment and tourism, diversifying cultural and social life, lifelong learning and acquiring knowledge and skills (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.072 - Promoting local resources and supporting the development of retail-scale infrastructure in the FLAG "NESEBAR-MESEMVRIA" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.073 - FLAG Pazardzhik - Measure: 3.2. "Supporting the development of retail scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.074 - FLAG "Pazardzhik" - Measure: 3.1 "Promoting the development of sustainable fishing tourism in the fisheries area" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.075 - FLAG "VZR: Batak-Devin-Dospat" Measure 7.2 Environmental protection in the fisheries territory in order to preserve their attractiveness, renewal and development of coastal fishing settlements and preserve and develop the natural and cultural heritage (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.076 - "Measure 2.1 Encouraging innovation and cooperation between different sectors in the FLAG "NESEBAR-MESEMVRIA" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.077 - FLAG Burgas-Kameno Measure 2.3 "Promoting new aquaculture producers developing sustainable aquaculture" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.078 - FLAG-SHKB-1.2.2 "Diversification and new forms of income and job creation" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.079 - FLAG-SHKB-1.1.1 "Productive investments in aquaculture" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.080 - FLAG Pomorie Measure 4 "Investing in the quality of life and attractiveness of the fisheries area" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.081 - FLAG Pomorie Measure 1 "Support for innovations in fisheries and aquaculture in FLAG Pomorie" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.082 - FLAG Pomorie Measure 5 "Strengthening the role of Pomorie Fisheries Communities in local development and management of local fisheries and maritime resources" by the FLAG Pomorie (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.083 - FLAG Pomorie Measure 2 "Diversification within or outside of fisheries for Pomorie Fisheries" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.084 - FLAG Pomorie Measure 3 "Improving and utilising the environmental assets of FLAG Pomorie on Fisheries and Aquaculture, and mitigating the impact of climate change" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.085 - FLAG Pomorie Measure 1.8 "Fishing ports, landing docks, fish markets and sheltered boats" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.086 - FLAG Pazardzhik - Measure: 2.1. "Diversifying economic activities within the fisheries sector" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.087 - FLAG "PAZARDZHIK" - Measure: 1.1. "Production investments in the fisheries and aquaculture sector" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.088 - FLAG Samokov - Measure 02 "Processing of fishery and aquaculture products" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.089 - Adding value to fisheries (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.090 - FLAG Samokov - Measure 03 "Diversification of the fisheries territory into activities such as tourism, culture and services" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.091 - Measure 1.2 "Diversification of activities and services in the fisheries sector in the NESEBAR-MESEMBRIA FLAG" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.092 - FLAG BBA Byala-Dolni chiflik-Avren Measure 1 Support for investment in innovation and support for fisheries and aquaculture, added value and diversification within the fisheries sector (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.093 - FLAG BBA Byala-Dolni chiflik-Avren Measure 2 Support for investments in non fisheries and aquaculture activities in other sectors of the maritime economy, mainly in tourism and the development of tourist attractions with the aim of additional employment and jobs creation (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.094 - FLAG VBA 2.1.1. (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.096 - Development of new tourist products and attractions in the FLAG "NESEBAR-MESEMVRIA" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.097 - Support for the creation of new services for the population in the fisheries territory of the Flag "Nessebar-Mesemvria" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.098 - Development and promotion of the identity in the FLAG`s territory of the Strategy for Community-led Local Development of FLAG Burgas-Kameno (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.099 - "Measure 1.1 Investments in processing and marketing in the fisheries and aquaculture sector in the FLAG "NESEBAR-MESEMVRIA" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.100 - Measure 5.4 "Processing of fishery and aquaculture products" of FLAG Burgas - Kameno (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.101 - МИРГ БЧС Бяла-Долни чифлик-Аврен Мярка 3 Подкрепа за инфраструктура и дейности за подобряване средата на живот и опазване на околната среда чрез ефективно използване на екологичните дадености (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.102 - FLAG Samokov - Measure 02 "Processing of fishery and aquaculture products" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.103 - FLAG-SHKB-2.1.1 "Investments in diverse public infrastructure related to the fishing community and the maritime potential of the territory" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.104 - FLAG-SHKB-1.1.1 "Productive investments in aquaculture" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.105 - FLAG-SHKB-1.1.2 "Creation of added value and processing of fishery and aquaculture products" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.106 - FLAG-SHKB-1.2.1 "Improving the health, safety and working conditions of fishermen" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.107 - FLAG-SHKB-1.2.2 "Diversification and new forms of income and job creation" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.108 - FLAG Samokov - Measure 01 "Production investments in aquaculture" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.109 - Measure 2.2 “Productive investments in aquaculture on the territory of FLAG Burgas-Kameno” (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.110 - Measure 1.1 Diversification and new forms of income on the territory of FLAG Burgas-Kameno (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.111 - FLAG BBA Byala-Dolni chiflik-Avren Measure 1 Support for investment in innovation and support for fisheries and aquaculture, added value and diversification within the fisheries sector (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.112 - Promoting local resources and supporting the development of retail-scale infrastructure in the FLAG "NESEBAR-MESEMVRIA" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.113 - FLAG Pomorie Measure 3 "Improving and utilising the environmental assets of FLAG Pomorie on Fisheries and Aquaculture, and mitigating the impact of climate change" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.114 - FLAG "HWR Batak-Devin-Dospat" Measure 7.1 "Support for infrastructure and services related to small farms and tourism in favor of small fishing communities". (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.115 - FLAG "VZR: Batak-Devin-Dospat" Measure 7.2 Environmental protection in the fisheries territory in order to preserve their attractiveness, renewal and development of coastal fishing settlements and preserve and develop the natural and cultural heritage (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.116 - FLAG "Pazardzhik" - Measure: 3.2. "Supporting the development of retail scale infrastructure" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.117 - FLAG Samokov - Measure 04 "Support for infrastructure and services related to the renewal and development of the fisheries area" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.118 - FLAG Pomorie Measure 2 "Diversification within or outside of fisheries for Pomorie Fisheries" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.119 - FLAG Samokov - Measure 03 "Diversification of the fisheries territory into activities such as tourism, culture and services" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.120 - FLAG "Pazardzhik" - Measure: 2.2. Diversification into activities outside the Fisheries and Aquaculture sectors (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.121 - FLAG "Pazardzhik" - Measure: 3.1 "Promoting the development of sustainable fishing tourism in the fisheries area" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.122 - FLAG Samokov - Measure 02 "Processing of fishery and aquaculture products" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.123 - Development of new tourist products and attractions in the FLAG "NESEBAR-MESEMVRIA" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.124 - Support for the creation of new services for the population in the fisheries territory of the Flag "Nessebar-Mesemvria" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.125 - FLAG Pomorie Measure 3 "Improving and utilising the environmental assets of FLAG Pomorie on Fisheries and Aquaculture, and mitigating the impact of climate change" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.126 - Development and promotion of the identity in the FLAG`s territory of the Strategy for Community-led Local Development of FLAG Burgas-Kameno (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-4.127 - FLAG Samokov - Measure 02 "Processing of fishery and aquaculture products" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-5.001 - Production and marketing plans (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-5.003 - Marketing measures (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-5.004 - Processing of fishery and aquaculture products (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-5.005 - Processing of fishery and aquaculture products (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-5.006 - Marketing measures (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-5.007 - Processing of fishery and aquaculture products (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-5.010 - Marketing measures (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-5.011 - Marketing measures (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-5.012 - Production and marketing plans (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-5.013 - Support for processors of fishery and aquaculture products to overcome the economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-5.014 - Processing of fishery and aquaculture products (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-5.015 - Support for processors of fishery and aquaculture products to overcome the economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-5.016 - Production and marketing plans (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-5.017 - Processing of fishery and aquaculture products (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-5.018 - Production and marketing plans (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-5.019 - Marketing measures (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-5.020 - Marketing measures - Fishing sector (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-5.021 - Marketing measures - Aquaculture sector (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-5.022 - Marketing measures - sector "Processing of fishery and aquaculture products" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-5.023 - "Marketing measures - Fishing sector (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-5.024 - Marketing measures - Aquaculture sector (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-5.025 - Marketing measures - sector "Processing of fishery and aquaculture products" (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-6.001 - Integrated Maritime Surveillance (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-6.003 - Improvement of the knowledge on the state of the marine environment (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-6.004 - Improvement of the knowledge on the state of the marine environment (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-6.005 - Improvement of the knowledge on the state of the marine environment (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-6.006 - Increasing knowledge about the state of the marine environment. (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-7.001 - Technical assistance (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-7.002 - Technical assistance (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-7.003 - Technical assistance (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-7.004 - Technical assistance (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-7.005 - Technical assistance (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-7.006 - Technical assistance (Ended)
      • BG14MFOP001-7.007 - Technical assistance (Ended)
    • Transport and transport infrastructure (12)
      • BG16M1OP001-1.001 - Development of railway infrastructure along the “core” and "comprehensive" Trans-European Transport Network - Infrastructure projects (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP001-1.002 - Development of railway infrastructure along the “core” and "comprehensive" Trans-European Transport Network - Technical assistance (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP001-1.003 - Extension of Line 3 of the metro in the town of Sofia, section of ul. Shipka - sq. Geo Milev - zh.k. Slatina - Arena Armeec Hall / Tech Park Sofia - Blvd. Tsarigradsko shose, including the purchase of metro trains for the subway lines (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP001-2.001 - Development of road infrastructure along the „core” and “comprehensive” TEN-T - infrastrucrure projects (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP001-2.002 - Development of road infrastructure along the „core” and “comprehensive” TEN-T - Technical assistance (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP001-3.001 - Improvement of intermodal transport services for passengers and freights and development of sustainable urban transport (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP001-4.001 - Innovations in management and services - establishment of modern infrastructure for traffic management and transport safety improvement (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP001-4.002 - Implementing intelligent transport systems and improving the safety and security of inland waterways and port transport (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP001-4.003 - Increasing the capacity of the Bulgarian Black Sea ports (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP001-5.001 - Technical assistance (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP001-5.002 - Budget lines (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP001-6.001 - Supporting SMEs particularly affected by energy price increasesthrough measure implemented by the Electricity System SecurityFund (SAFE) (Ended)
    • Environment (78)
      • BG16M1OP002-1.001 - Support for the regional investment planning of WSS sector (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP002-1.002 - Preparation of strategic environmental assessments for the adoption of River basin management plans for the period 2016 - 2021, and Marine Strategy and the Programme of measures. (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP002-1.003 - Supporting the effectiveness, management and institutional capacity in relation to the implementation of the WSS sector reform (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP002-1.004 - Development and implementation of methods for analysis of water, sediment and biota and equipping the laboratories of the Executive Environment Agency (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP002-1.006 - Implementation of early WSS projects (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP002-1.007 - Preparation of regional feasibility study for water supply and sanitation for the territory of Sofia Municipality (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP002-1.008 - Further development and/or optimization of the networks for control and operational monitoring of the groundwater chemical status (Terminated)
      • BG16M1OP002-1.009 - Implementation of early WSS projects - component 2 (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP002-1.010 - Completion of the water quantity monitoring systems (Terminated)
      • BG16M1OP002-1.011 - Improvement of drinking water quality monitoring (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP002-1.012 - Further development and/or optimization of the networks for control and operational monitoring of the groundwater chemical status (Terminated)
      • BG16M1OP002-1.013 - Extension of water quantitative monitoring networks (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP002-1.015 - Providing financial contribution under Priority Axis 1 "Water" of OPE 2014-2020 for financial instruments (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP002-1.016 - Cosntruction of WSS infrastructure (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP002-1.017 - Preparation and development of the third River Basins Management Plans for 2022-2027 period (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP002-1.018 - Support for the regional investment planning of WSS sector – Phase II (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP002-1.019 - Completion and equipment of the networks for control and operational monitoring of the groundwater chemical status (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP002-1.020 - WSS construction in Sofia Municipality (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP002-2.001 - Design and construction of composting installations for separately collected green and/or biodegradable waste, including provision of the necessary equipment and of facilities and technic for separate waste collection of green and biodegradable waste (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP002-2.002 - Combined procedure for design and construction of composting installations and installations for preliminary treatment of municipal waste (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP002-2.003 - Providing financial contribution under Priority Axis 2 "Waste" of OPE 2014-2020 for financial instruments (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP002-2.004 - Design and construction of anaerobic installations for separately collected biodegradable waste (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP002-2.005 - Design and construction of composting installations for separately collected green and/or biodegradable waste (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP002-2.006 - Second combined procedure for design and construction of composting installations and of installations for preliminary treatment of municipal waste (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP002-2.007 - Completion of project “Implementation of a decentralized model for bio-waste management in one of the Waste Management Regions in Bulgaria, incl. construction of the necessary technical infrastructure - a separate collection system and a recycling facility for the collected bio-waste” (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP002-2.008 - Design and construction of installation for cogeneration in Sofia with recovery of RDF – third phase of the integrated system for municipal waste management of Sofia municipality (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP002-2.009 - Implementation of demonstration projects for waste management (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP002-2.010 - Recultivation of the landfills for closure subject of the infringement procedure on case С-145/14 (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP002-2.011 - Recultivation of municipal landfills that do not meet the regulatory requirements and are subject to the Decision of the Court of the European Union from July 16, 2015 - second (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP002-3.001 - Development of management approach for Natura 2000 network and for management of the National Prioritized Action Framework (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP002-3.002 - Identifying and complementing the establishment of marine Natura 2000 sites (Terminated)
      • BG16M1OP002-3.003 - Analyses and research of species and habitats, subject to reporting under art.17 of Habitats Directive and art. 12 of Birds Directive (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP002-3.004 - Increasing stakeholder awareness for Natura 2000 network (Terminated)
      • BG16M1OP002-3.005 - Identifying and complementing the establishment of marine Natura 2000 sites (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP002-3.006 - Increasing stakeholder awareness for Natura 2000 network (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP002-3.007 - Improvement of species and habitats conservation status on the territory of Natura 2000 network within national parks, natural parks and managed nature reserves (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP002-3.008 - LAG Pomorie Open call 6: "Improving the natural conservation of species of Natura 2000 Network according to the community-led local development approach, which is being applied in the territory of LAG Pomorie. (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP002-3.009 - "LAG Tutrakan-Slivo Pole ", Measure 109 OPE "Improving the Conservation Status of Natura 2000 Species through the BOPP Approach" (Terminated)
      • BG16M1OP002-3.010 - LAG Svilengrad Areal, "Improving the conservation status of species in Natura 2000 network through the CLLD approach on the territory of LAG Svilengrad Areal" (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP002-3.011 - LAG Hissarya, Measure 9 of the CLLD - "Improvement of the conservation status of Natura 2000 species through the CLLD approach in the territory of LAG Hissarya" (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP002-3.012 - LAG "Stambolovo – Kardzhali 54" Improvement of the conservation status of species in the Natura 2000 network through the CLLD approach in the territory of the LAG "Stambolovo – Kardzhali 54" (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP002-3.013 - LAG Belene-Nikopol, Improvement of the conservation status of Natura 2000 species through the CLLD approach in the territory of LAG Belene-Nikopol (Terminated)
      • BG16M1OP002-3.014 - LAG "Dryanovo-Tryavna - in the heart of the Balkan", Measure 109 OPE "Improving the Conservation Status of Natura 2000 Species through the CLLD Approach" (Terminated)
      • BG16M1OP002-3.015 - Implementation of priority measures in wetlands (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP002-3.016 - Improving the conservation status of birds (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP002-3.017 - LAG SAMOKOV "Improvement of the conservation status of Natura 2000 species through the CLLD approach in the territory of LAG Samokov" (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP002-3.019 - Shared vision on Natura 2000 network in Bulgaria (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP002-3.020 - Development/update of species action plans (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP002-3.021 - Improvement of the conservation status of habitat types (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP002-3.022 - Improvement of the conservation status of steppe habitats trough purchase of land (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP002-3.023 - LAG "Dryanovo-Tryavna - in the heart of the Balkan", Measure 109 OPE "Improving the Conservation Status of Natura 2000 Species through the CLLD Approach" (Terminated)
      • BG16M1OP002-3.027 - Improving the conservation status of birds - 2 (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP002-3.028 - LAG Svilengrad Areal, "Improving the conservation status of species in Natura 2000 network through the CLLD approach on the territory of LAG Svilengrad Areal-2" (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP002-3.029 - "LAG Tutrakan-Slivo Pole ", Measure 109 OPE "Improving the Conservation Status of Natura 2000 Species through the BOPP Approach" (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP002-3.030 - LAG Belene-Nikopol "Improvement of the conservation status of Natura 2000 species through the CLLD approach in the territory of LAG Belene-Nikopol" (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP002-3.031 - Shared vision on Natura 2000 network in Bulgaria - 2 (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP002-3.032 - LAG "Dryanovo-Tryavna - in the heart of the Balkan", Measure 109 OPE "Improving the Conservation Status of Natura 2000 Species through the CLLD Approach" (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP002-3.033 - Impovemnt of the conservation status of natural habitat types - 2 (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP002-3.035 - Improving the conservation status of forest natural habitats and supporting ecosystem services provided by forests through silvicultural practices and afforestation (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP002-4.001 - Establishment of six centers to increase the population preparedness for an adequate response to floods and subsequent crises (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP002-4.002 - Pilot project for establishment of a National real time water management system (NRTWMS) – Iskar river (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP002-4.003 - Landslide prevention and resilience in order to reduce the landslide risks (incl. on the national road network) (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP002-4.004 - Measures related to flood risk prevention and management (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP002-4.005 - Implementation of studies and assessments for the development of the second Flood Risk Management Plans 2022-2027 (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP002-4.006 - Integration, upgrade and optimization of the processes on prevention, preparedness and response to natural based risks (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP002-4.009 - Expansion of the System for early warning and announcement (SEWA) of the population at LAU level and modernization of the SEWA of the executive authorities (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP002-5.001 - Establishment of information system for reporting ambient air quality data as part of the National real-time air quality monitoring system (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP002-5.002 - Elaboration/update of municipal plans for ambient air quality (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP002-5.003 - Measures for improvement of the ambient air quality (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP002-5.004 - Measures addressing the transport as a source of air pollution (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP002-5.005 - Elaboration/update of municipal plans for ambient air quality – 2 (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP002-6.001 - Technical Assistance for the Managing Authority of Operational Programme “Environment 2014-2020” (Terminated)
      • BG16M1OP002-6.002 - "Technical Assistance for Management and Implementation of Operational Programme "Environment 2014-2020 "" (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP002-7.001 - Supporting the provision of basic needs of the Ukrainian refugees through measure, applied by the Ministry of Tourism (CARE) (Ended)
      • BG16M1OP002-8.001 - Supporting SMEs particularly affected by energy price increases through measure implemented by the Electricity System Security Fund (SAFE) (Ended)
    • Regions in growth (65)
      • BG16RFOP001-1.001 - Implementation of Integrated Plans for Urban Regeneration and Development 2014-2020-Sofia (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP001-1.002 - Implementation of Integrated Plans for Urban Regeneration and Development 2014-2020-Varna (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP001-1.003 - Implementation of Integrated Plans for Urban Regeneration and Development 2014-2020-Plovdiv (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP001-1.004 - Implementation of Integrated Plans for Urban Regeneration and Development 2014-2020-Burgas (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP001-1.005 - Implementation of Integrated Plans for Urban Regeneration and Development 2014-2020-Ruse (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP001-1.006 - Implementation of Integrated Plans for Urban Regeneration and Development 2014-2020-Stara Zagora (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP001-1.007 - Implementation of Integrated Plans for Urban Regeneration and Development 2014-2020-Pleven (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP001-1.008 - Implementation of Integrated Plans for Urban Regeneration and Development 2014-2020-Blagoevgrad (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP001-1.009 - Implementation of Integrated Plans for Urban Regeneration and Development 2014-2020-Veliko Tarnovo (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP001-1.010 - Implementation of Integrated Plans for Urban Regeneration and Development 2014-2020-Vidin (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP001-1.011 - Implementation of Integrated Plans for Urban Regeneration and Development 2014-2020-Dobrich (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP001-1.012 - Implementation of Integrated Plans for Urban Regeneration and Development 2014-2020-Haskovo (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP001-1.013 - Implementation of Integrated Plans for Urban Regeneration and Development 2014-2020-Pazardzhik (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP001-1.014 - Implementation of Integrated Plans for Urban Regeneration and Development 2014-2020-Shumen (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP001-1.015 - Implementation of Integrated Plans for Urban Regeneration and Development 2014-2020-Sliven (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP001-1.016 - Implementation of Integrated Plans for Urban Regeneration and Development 2014-2020-Gabrovo (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP001-1.017 - Implementation of Integrated Plans for Urban Regeneration and Development 2014-2020-Yambol (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP001-1.018 - Implementation of Integrated Plans for Urban Regeneration and Development 2014-2020-Pernik (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP001-1.019 - Implementation of Integrated Plans for Urban Regeneration and Development 2014-2020-Vratza (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP001-1.020 - Implementation of Integrated Plans for Urban Regeneration and Development 2014-2020-Lovech (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP001-1.021 - Implementation of Integrated Plans for Urban Regeneration and Development 2014-2020-Kardjali (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP001-1.022 - Implementation of Integrated Plans for Urban Regeneration and Development 2014-2020-Smolyan (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP001-1.023 - Implementation of Integrated Plans for Urban Regeneration and Development 2014-2020-Razgrad (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP001-1.024 - Implementation of Integrated Plans for Urban Regeneration and Development 2014-2020-Kazanlak (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP001-1.025 - Implementation of Integrated Plans for Urban Regeneration and Development 2014-2020-Assenovgrad (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP001-1.026 - Implementation of Integrated Plans for Urban Regeneration and Development 2014-2020-Montana (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP001-1.027 - Implementation of Integrated Plans for Urban Regeneration and Development 2014-2020-Gorna Oryahovica (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP001-1.028 - Implementation of Integrated Plans for Urban Regeneration and Development 2014-2020-Gotse Delchev (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP001-1.029 - Implementation of Integrated Plans for Urban Regeneration and Development 2014-2020-Dupnitsa (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP001-1.030 - Implementation of Integrated Plans for Urban Regeneration and Development 2014-2020-Kustendil (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP001-1.031 - Implementation of Integrated Plans for Urban Regeneration and Development 2014-2020-Silistra (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP001-1.032 - Implementation of Integrated Plans for Urban Regeneration and Development 2014-2020-Dimitrovgrad (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP001-1.033 - Implementation of Integrated Plans for Urban Regeneration and Development 2014-2020-Targovishte (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP001-1.034 - Implementation of Integrated Plans for Urban Regeneration and Development 2014-2020-Lom (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP001-1.035 - Implementation of Integrated Plans for Urban Regeneration and Development 2014-2020-Petrich (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP001-1.036 - Implementation of Integrated Plans for Urban Regeneration and Development 2014-2020-Svishtov (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP001-1.037 - Implementation of Integrated Plans for Urban Regeneration and Development 2014-2020-Velingrad (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP001-1.038 - Implementation of Integrated Plans for Urban Regeneration and Development 2014-2020-Karlovo (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP001-1.039 - Implementation of Integrated Plans for Urban Regeneration and Development 2014-2020-Panagyurishte (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP001-1.040 - Implementation of Integrated Plans for Urban Regeneration and Development 2014-2020-Investment programme (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP001-1.041 - Implementation of Integrated Plans for Urban Regeneration and Development 2014-2020-Sofia-major project (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP001-1.042 - Investment Support Through Financial Instruments for Sustainable Urban Development within Operational Programme "Regions in Growth" 2014-2020 (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP001-2.001 - Energy efficiency in the peripheral areas (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP001-2.002 - Energy efficiency in the peripheral areas- 2 (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP001-2.003 - Energy efficiency in the peripheral areas- 3 (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP001-3.001 - Culture and Sport at School (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP001-3.002 - Support for the professional schools in Bulgaria (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP001-3.003 - Support for the Universities in the Republic of Bulgaria (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP001-3.004 - Sports at school (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP001-4.001 - Regional Health Infrastructure (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP001-4.002 - Regional health infrastructure-2 (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP001-4.003 - Fighting COVID 19 (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP001-5.001 - "Support for deinstitutionalization of children care" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP001-5.002 - Support for deinstitutionalization of social services for adults and people with disabilities" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP001-6.001 - Investment Support Through Financial Instruments for Regional Tourism within Operational Programme "Regions in Growth" 2014-2020 (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP001-6.002 - Development of tourist attractions (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP001-7.001 - Regional roads (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP001-7.002 - Road safety (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP001-8.004 - Budget line for Agency "Road infrstructure" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP001-8.005 - "The budget line for specific beneficiaries under Priority Axis 3 - MES, MYS, MC" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP001-8.006 - Support for OPRD beneficiaries for effective and efficient implementation of the RDP (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP001-9.001 - Measures to cope with pandemic (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP001-10.001 - Support SMEs particularly affected by energy price increases through a measure implemented by the Electricity System Security Fund (SAFE) (Ended)
    • Innovations and competitiveness (154)
      • BG16RFOP002-1.001 - Support for Introducing Innovation in Enterprises (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-1.002 - Support for development of innovation by startups (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-1.003 - Phase 2 of project "Establishment of science and technology park" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-1.004 - Development of a modern industrial property system by supporting the activity of the Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-1.005 - Development of Product and Process Innovation (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-1.006 - Devnya-Aksakovo LAG - Supporting the Implementation of Innovation in Enterprises (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-1.007 - LAG Belovo, Septemvri, Velingrad - Support for the introduction of innovation in enterprises (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-1.008 - LAG Avren-Beloslav - "Support for innovation in enterprises" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-1.009 - LAG - Maritza Municipality M06 "Support for the development of innovations from start-ups" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-1.010 - LAG Pomorie - Procedure 11 : Technological progress and innovation" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-1.012 - LAG Balchik - General Toshevo - "Support for the introduction of innovations in enterprises" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-1.013 - LAG " Dolni chiflik and Byala" - M1 " Support for the development of innovations from start-ups" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-1.014 - LAG-Radomir-Zemen, Measure 1.1.1. "Increasing the innovation activity of the enterprises from the territory of the LAG-Radomir-Zemen" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-1.015 - "LAG Panagyurishte, Strelcha, Lesichovo - support for the introduction of innovation in enterprises". (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-1.016 - "Development of innovation clusters" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-1.017 - LAG - Gotse Delchev - Garmen - Hadjidimovo - Measure 4 "Support for the development and implementation of innovations in SMEs" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-1.018 - Establishment and development of Regional Innovation Centers (RIC) (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-1.021 - LAG Avren-Beloslav - "Support for innovation in enterprises" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-1.022 - Stimulating introduction of innovation by existing enterprises (Terminated)
      • BG16RFOP002-1.023 - LAG Hissarya - Measure 4 "Support for the development and implementation of innovation in SMEs" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-1.024 - LAG-Radomir-Zemen, Measure 1.1.1. "Increasing the innovation activity of the enterprises from the territory of the LAG-Radomir-Zemen" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-1.026 - Devnya-Aksakovo LAG - Supporting the Implementation of Innovation in Enterprises (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-1.027 - Establishment and development of Regional Innovation Centers (RIC) (Terminated)
      • BG16RFOP002-1.028 - LAG Pomorie - Procedure 11 : Technological progress and innovation" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-1.029 - LAG Struma - Simitli, Kresna and Strumyani - Measure 1.1.1 Support for innovation implementation in enterprises (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-1.031 - LAG Avren-Beloslav "Support for the implementation of innovations in enterprises" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-1.032 - LAG-Radomir-Zemen, Measure 1.1.1. "Increasing the innovation activity of the enterprises from the territory of the LAG-Radomir-Zemen" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-1.034 - LAG "Maglizh, Kazanlak, Gurkovo" - "Support for the development and implementation of innovations in SMEs" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-1.035 - LAG Pomorie - Procedure 11 : Technological progress and innovation" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-1.036 - LAG-Radomir-Zemen, Measure 1.1.1. "Increasing the innovation activity of the enterprises from the territory of the LAG-Radomir-Zemen" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.001 - Improving production capacity of SMEs (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.002 - „Development of the Management Capacity and Growth of SMEs” (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.003 - "Creating pre-requisites for sustainable development and successful integration of Bulgarian enterprises on the European and international markets by supporting the activity of BSMEPA" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.004 - "Provision of Institutional support for SAMTS to increase efficiency of market surveillance, metrological surveillance and quality control of liquid fuel" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.005 - Enhancement of the Effectiveness and the Efficiency of the Services offered by the Commission for Consumer Protection for the Bulgarian Enterprises (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.006 - "Positioning Bulgaria as known and preferred destination through support provided to Invest Bulgaria Agency" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.007 - Financial instruments under OP "Innovation and Competitiveness" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.008 - Providing institutional support to the Executive Agency "Bulgarian Accreditation Service" (EA BAS) to improve the quality infrastructure (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.009 - Development of clusters in Bulgaria (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.010 - Providing institutional support to the Ministry of Tourism for activities related to increase in SMEs capacity in the sphere of tourism (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.011 - "Improvement of the business environment for Bulgarian producers and creation of conditions for equipment testing through support for the activity of the Bulgarian Institute of Metrology (BIM)" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.012 - LAG - Troyan, Apriltsi, Ugarchin "Improving production capacity in SMEs within the territory of LAG Troyan, Apriltsi, Ugarchin» (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.013 - LAG - Maritza Municipality M08 "Improving Production Capacity in SMEs in the LAG" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.014 - LAG Kostenets 2010 - "Improving production capacity of SMEs" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.015 - Support for SMEs to grow through pilot implementation of voucher schemes by the Bulgarian Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Promotional Agency (BSMEPA) (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.016 - LAG - Panagurishte, Strelcha, Lesichovo - Improving production capacity in SMEs (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.017 - "LAG municipality of Momchilgrad and Krumovgrad - Improving production capacity of SMEs" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.018 - LAG Ardino - Dzhebel "Improving Production Capacity in SMEs in the Ardino - Djebel LAG" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.019 - LIG Isperih OPSI 1 Growth capacity of SMEs (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.020 - LAG Belovo, Septemvri, Velingrad - Improving Production Capacity in SMEs (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.021 - Devnya - Aksakovo LAG - Growth capacity of SMEs (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.022 - LAG Belene-Nikopol "Improving production capacity in SMEs within the territory of LAG Belene-Nikopol" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.023 - LAG - Gotse Delchev - Garmen - Hadjidimovo - "Technological innovation and implementation of standards in SMEs (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.024 - Promotion of Entrepreneurship (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.025 - LAG Svilengrad Area "Capacity for development of SMEs on the territory on LAG Svilengrad Area" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.026 - Increasing the productivity and the export potential of SMEs within the LAG " (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.027 - LAG Avren-Beloslav "Improving Production Capacity in SMEs" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.028 - LAG LOM Measure 13 "Improving SME Growth Capacity in the LAG-LOM" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.029 - LAG Avren-Beloslav "Development of Managerial Capacity and Growth of SMEs" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.030 - LAG Mineralni bani - Chernoochene - "Improving production capacity of SMEs" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.031 - LAG "Dryanovo - Tryavna - in the heart of the Balkan" - "Improvement of production capacity in SMEs on the territory of the LAG "Dryanovo - Tryavna - in the heart of the Balkan" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.032 - LAG Balchik - General Toshevo - "Improving production capacity in SMEs" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.033 - LAG Kirkovo Zlatograd - IC-2.2 - "Improvement of production capacity in SMEs on the LAG territory - Kirkovo and Zlatograd" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.034 - Voucher scheme for provision of consultancy services for issuance of securities on the capital markets (Terminated)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.035 - LAG Pomorie - Procedure 12: "Growth capacity of SMEs" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.036 - LAG Ardino - Dzhebel "Increasing the competitiveness of SMEs on the territory of the LAG by creating opportunities for local business, incl. through diversification and alternative activities ". (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.037 - LAG Kotel, Sungurlare and Varbitsa "Increasing productivity and export potential of SMEs on the territory of the LAG" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.038 - LAG Avren-Beloslav "Development of Managerial Capacity and Growth of SMEs" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.039 - "LAG Balchik - General Toshevo" - "Access to finance to support entrepreneurship" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.040 - Improving production capacity of SMEs (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.041 - LAG Avren-Beloslav "Access to finance for entrepreneurship" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.042 - "LAG Tutrakan-Slivo Pole", Measure OPIC 1 Capacity for growth of SMEs (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.043 - LAG-Radomir-Zemen, Measure 1.1.2 "Increasing productivity and export potential of SMEs on the territory of the LAG-Radomir-Zemen" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.044 - LAG Balchik - General Toshevo - "Development of Managerial Capacity and Growth of SMEs" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.045 - The production capacities of SME from the territory of the LAG Kuklen - Asenovgradare foreseen. (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.047 - LAG Byala Slatina 2.2 "Improvement of production capacity in SMEs in the municipality of Byala Slatina" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.048 - LAG - Municipality of Maritsa M07 "Promotion of entrepreneurship and improvement of the level of survival of SMEs from the territory of the LAG" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.049 - LAG "Dolni Chiflik and Byala" - Measure 2. "Improvement of Production Capacity in SMEs" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.050 - LAG Belovo, Septemvri, Velingrad - Improving Production Capacity in SMEs (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.051 - LAG-Tundzha - Improving production capacity in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.052 - Implementation of measures for internationalisation of Bulgarian SMEs by supporting the activities of the Bulgarian Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Promotion Agency (BSMEPA) (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.053 - MIG "Devnya-Aksakovo" - "Support the entrepreneurship" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.054 - LAG - Kotel, Sungurlare and Varbitsa measure 001 - 1 "Increasing the competitiveness of SMEs on the territory of the LAG by creating opportunities for local business, including through diversification and alternative activities" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.055 - LAG - Troyan, Apriltsi, Ugarchin "Improvement of production capacity in SMEs on the territory of the LAG - Troyan, Apriltsi, Ugyrchin" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.056 - LAG Mineralni bani - Chernoochene - "Improving production capacity of SMEs" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.057 - LIG Isperih OPSI 1 Growth capacity of SMEs (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.058 - LAG Karlukovski karst - Cherven bryag- Iskar - Measure 8 "Improving production capacity in SMEs within the territory of LAG Karlukovski karst - Cherven bryag- Iskar" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.059 - LAG Lukovit-Roman "Improvement of production capacity in SMEs in Lukovit and Roman municipalities" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.060 - LAG Ardino - Dzhebel "Improving production capacity in SMEs in the LAG Ardino - Djebel" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.061 - LAG - Gotse Delchev - Garmen - Hadzhidimovo - Measure 5 "Technological renewal and implementation of standards in SMEs" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.062 - LAG Byala Slatina 2.2 "Improvement of production capacity in SMEs in the municipality of Byala Slatina" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.063 - LAG Hissarya Measure 5 "Technological renewal and implementation of standards in SMEs" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.064 - Provision of support to the Bulgarian Institute of Metrology to ensure effectiveness and sustainability of the national quality infrastructure. (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.065 - LAG Svilengrad Area "Capacity for SME Growth on the territory of LAG Svilengrad Area" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.066 - LAG-Radomir-Zemen, Measure 1.1.2 "Increasing productivity and export potential of SMEs on the territory of the LAG-Radomir-Zemen" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.069 - LAG Karlukovski karst - Cherven bryag- Iskar - Measure 8 "Improving production capacity in SMEs within the territory of LAG Karlukovski karst - Cherven bryag- Iskar" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.070 - LAG Struma- Simitli, Kresna i Strumyani- Measure 2.2. "Improving the production capacity of SMEs" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.071 - LAG LOM “Improving SME Growth Capacity on the territory of LIG LOM - 2020 " (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.072 - LAG Ardino - Dzhebel "Increasing the competitiveness of SMEs on the territory of the LAG by creating opportunities for local business, incl. through diversification and alternative activities ". (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.073 - Support for micro and small enterprises for overcoming the economical impact of the COVID-19 pandemic (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.074 - "LAG Tutrakan-Slivo Pole", Measure OPIC 1 Capacity for growth of SMEs (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.075 - LAG Pomorie - call for proposals: "Growth capacity of SMEs" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.076 - LAG Balchik - General Toshevo - "Development of Managerial Capacity and Growth of SMEs" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.077 - Supporting medium-sized enterprises to overcome the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.078 - LAG "Dolni Chiflik and Byala" - Measure 2. "Improvement of production capacity in SMEs" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.079 - Support for SMEs operating bus services to overcome the economic consequences of COVID-19 through the implementation of support scheme by the Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications (MTITC). (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.080 - Support for SMEs in the tourism sector to overcome the economic consequences of COVID-19 through the implementation of support scheme by the Ministry of Tourism (MoT) (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.081 - LAG - Panagyurishte, Strelcha, Lesichovo - improving production capacity in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.082 - The production capacities of SME from the territory of the LAG Kuklen - Asenovgradare foreseen. (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.083 - Voucher scheme for providing information and communication technology services (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.084 - MIG "Devnya-Aksakovo" - "Support the entrepreneurship" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.085 - LAG Avren-Beloslav "Access to finance in support of entrepreneurship" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.086 - LAG Avren-Beloslav "Development of management capacity and growth of SMEs" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.087 - LAG Avren-Beloslav "Improvement of production capacity in SMEs" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.089 - Support for Small Enterprises with Turnover above 500 000 BGN to Overcome the Economic Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.090 - LAG "Dryanovo - Tryavna - in the heart of the Balkan" - "Improvement of production capacity in SMEs on the territory of the LAG "Dryanovo - Tryavna - in the heart of the Balkan" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.091 - Support to SMEs carrying out bus transport services to overcome the economic consequences of COVID-19 pandemic. (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.092 - Support to SMEs registered in line with the Tourism Act as tour operator or travel agent to overcome the economic consequences of COVID-19 (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.094 - Working capital support for SMEs affected by temporary anti-epidemic measures through the implementation of a support scheme by the National Revenue Agency (NRA) (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.095 - Working capital support for SMEs affected by temporary anti-epidemic measures (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.097 - Providing of additional information in connection with the continuation of support under procedure BG16RFOP002-2.095 "Working capital support for SMEs affected by temporary anti-epidemic measures" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.098 - LIG Isperih OPSI 1 Growth capacity of SMEs (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.100 - LAG Lukovit-Roman "Improvement of production capacity in SMEs in Lukovit and Roman municipalities" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.102 - LAG-Radomir-Zemen, Measure 1.1.2 "Increasing productivity and export potential of SMEs on the territory of the LAG-Radomir-Zemen" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.103 - Development of sustainable business environment by ensuring effective supervision in the field of quality control of liquid and solid fuels (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.104 - "LAG-Maglizh, Kazanlak, Gurkovo" - Supporting the production of capacity in SMEs on the territory of LAG "Maglizh, Kazanlak, Gurkovo" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.105 - "LAG-Maglizh, Kazanlak, Gurkovo" - "Support for Entrepreneurship Development" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.107 - LAG Ardino - Dzhebel "Improving production capacity in SMEs in the LAG Ardino - Djebel" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.108 - LAG Balchik - General Toshevo - "Development of Managerial Capacity and Growth of SMEs" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.109 - "Tundzha LAG - Improving the production capacity of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.110 - LAG Svilengrad Area "Capacity for SME Growth on the territory of LAG Svilengrad Area" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.111 - LAG Belovo, Septemvri, Velingrad - Improving Production Capacity in SMEs (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.112 - LAG Struma- Simitli, Kresna i Strumyani- Measure 2.2. "Improving the production capacity of SMEs" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.113 - LAG Balchik - General Toshevo - "Development of Managerial Capacity and Growth of SMEs" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.114 - LAG Hissarya Measure 5 "Technological renewal and implementation of standards in SMEs" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-2.115 - "LAG Tutrakan-Slivo Pole", Measure OPIC 1 Capacity for growth of SMEs (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-3.001 - Energy efficiency for SMEs (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-3.002 - Increasing the energy efficiency in large enterprises (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-3.003 - Sustainable energy development of Bulgarian enterprises through provision of support to SEDA. (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-3.004 - Подкрепа за пилотни и демонстрационни инициативи за ефективно използване на ресурсите (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-3.005 - Ensure sustainable energy development of Bulgarian enterprises through provision of support for the activities carried out by the Sustainable Energy Development Agency (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-4.001 - Technical Assistance for completion of the preparatory activities necessary for the launch of the construction of the Bulgaria - Serbia Gas Interconnector (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-4.002 - Construction of Gas Interconnector Greece - Bulgaria (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-4.003 - Technical assistance for completion of the preparatory works needed for the start of the construction of the gas interconnector Bulgaria - Serbia. (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-5.001 - Финансиране на основни и допълнителни възнаграждения на служителите от УО и всички други съпътстващи ги разходи съгласно националното законодателство и съществуващите добри практики (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-5.002 - Подкрепа за ефективно и ефикасно изпълнение на дейностите, свързани с програмирането, управлението, наблюдението, оценката и контрола на ОПИК съгласно действащото законодателство (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-5.003 - Предоставяне на адекватна и навременна информация на обществото относно възможностите за финансиране по ОПИК, критериите, правилата и процедурите за участие и нейното изпълнение (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-5.004 - Укрепване капацитета на кандидатите и бенефициентите на ОПИК за участие в изпълнението на програмата и по-доброто използване на финансовите й ресурси (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-5.005 - Provision of technical assistance for the successful implementation of Operational Programme "Innovation and Competitiveness" 2014-2020 (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-6.001 - Financial instruments under Priority Axis 6 "Recovery of SMEs" of OP "Innovation and Competitiveness" (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-6.002 - Recovery of SMEs by improving energy efficiency (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-7.001 - Support to cover the basic needs of refugees from Ukraine through a measure implemented by the Ministry of Tourism (Ended)
      • BG16RFOP002-8.001 - Support of SMEs particularly affected by energy price increases through a measure implemented by the Electricity System Security Fund (SAFE) (Ended)
    • Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (25)
      • BG65AMNP001-1.001 - "Improvement of the available accommodation capacity and of the infrastructure,service and living conditions for TCNs and asylum seekers", BG/AMIF–SO1–NO1–A1 (Ended)
      • BG65AMNP001-1.002 - "Improvement of the social and psychological assistance mechanism in the phase of adaptation, including measures to improve the identification of vulnerable persons", BG/AMIF – SO1 - NO1 - A4 (Ended)
      • BG65AMNP001-1.003 - Enhancement of the administrative capacity, training of translators and social workers; Ensuring provision of legal consultations and translation for asylum seekers third country nationals; Improvement of the social and psychological assistance mechanism in the phase of adaptation, including measures to improve the identification of vulnerable persons as well as measures to address their procedural and reception needs. (Ended)
      • BG65AMNP001-1.005 - "Improvement of the asylum system in the Republic of Bulgaria" (Ended)
      • BG65AMNP001-1.006 - "Enhancing initially established administrative capacity; Legal consultations and translation/interpretation for asylum seekers who are third country nationals; social and psychological assistance during the initial adaptation phase." (Ended)
      • BG65AMNP001-1.007 - "Improvement of the infrastructure, living conditions of the available accommodation capacity for asylum seekers " (Ended)
      • BG65AMNP001-1.009 - Ensuring running costs and costs for food and security for asylum seekers and hiring additional staff for SAR. (Ended)
      • BG65AMNP001-1.010 - Measures to improvement of the social and psychological assistance mechanism in the phase of adaptation, ensuring provision of legal assistance and translation; modernization of the National System EURODAC; Implementation of measures to improve the administrative capacity; Implementation of measures aimed at facilitating the initial adaptation of persons granted with international protection. (Ended)
      • BG65AMNP001-1.011 - Provision of operating costs such as security services, food and running costs for SAR centers and hiring additional staff for SAR (Ended)
      • BG65AMNP001-1.012 - Support for unaccompanied minors, seeking international protection (Ended)
      • BG65AMNP001-2.001 - "Education and training for TCN's, received international protection", BG/AMIF–SO2–NO2–A1 (Ended)
      • BG65AMNP001-2.002 - "Provision of administrative and legal guidance, medical, psychological and social care for TCN's, received international protection", BG/AMIF–SO2–NO2–A2 (Ended)
      • BG65AMNP001-2.003 - "Provision of administrative and legal guidance, medical, psychological and social care for TCN's, received international protection", BG/AMIF–SO2–NO2–A2 (Ended)
      • BG65AMNP001-2.004 - Integration and legal migration - support and training for TCNs, information campaigns in the countries of origin before departing and for the receiving society (Ended)
      • BG65AMNP001-2.005 - Integration and legal migration - Measures implementing the Action Plan on the integration of third country nationals. (Ended)
      • BG65AMNP001-2.007 - Measures implementing the Action Plan on the integration and return of third country nationals. Awareness raising information campaigns for the receiving society. Setting up forced return monitoring system. (Ended)
      • BG65AMNP001-3.001 - "Development of forced return monitoring system", BG/AMIF – SO3 – NO1 – A1 (Ended)
      • BG65AMNP001-3.002 - "Implementation of compulsory administrative measures to TNC's and covering translation.", BG/AMIF – SO3 - NO2 – A2 (Ended)
      • BG65AMNP001-3.004 - "Conduction of consultations for encouraging voluntary return",BG/AMIF – SO3 – NO1 – A2 (Ended)
      • BG65AMNP001-3.005 - Measures implementing the EU Action Plan on return. Setting up sustainable forced return monitoring system. Voluntary return and reintegration assistance in the countries of origin. (Ended)
      • BG65AMNP001-3.006 - Provision of operational costs, implementation of removal operations and cooperation with consular missions of counties of origin. (Ended)
      • BG65AMNP001-3.007 - Providing financing for operational costs for SHTAFs at Migration directorate - Ministry of Interior. (Ended)
      • BG65AMNP001-3.008 - Осигуряване на средства за оперативни разходи за обекти на дирекция „Миграция“ – МВР, в които са настанени граждани на трети държави.. (Ended)
      • BG65AMNP001-5.001 - Transfer and Relocation (Ended)
      • BG65AMNP001-5.002 - Resettlement (Ended)
    • Internal Security Fund (54)
      • BG65ISNP001-1.001 - Establishment of secure communication link to the consulates with the National Visa Centre (NVC). Providing consulates with alternative communication channels with limited access to Virtual Private Network (VPN) network., BG/ISF – SO1 – NO1 – А2 (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-1.002 - Further development of the software and hardware of N.VIS and the interfaces for EU VIS and migration to the VIS Mail, reconstruction, renovation and modernization of consulates as well as additional biometric desks at consulates with greatest number of visa applications Further development of the software and hardware of N.VIS and the interfaces for EU VIS and migration to the VIS Mail, reconstruction, renovation and modernization of consulates as well as additional biometric desks at consulates with greatest number of visa applications and increasing of trainings of the officials applying the Union acquis in the field of visa policy (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-1.003 - Conducting an information campaign on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria in order to reduce the rate of denied US visas for Bulgarian citizens, type B1 (business visa) and type B2 (tourism, pleasure or visiting) (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-2.001 - Целите на настоящата Покана по процедура на директно предоставяне на БФП са дефинирани в съответствие с целите на Националната програма на България за подпомагане от Фонд „Вътрешна сигурност“ за периода 2014 – 2020 и РЕПС 515/2014г. Процедурата е насочена към изпълнение на Специфична цел 2, Национална цел 6, Специфично действие 1 на Националната програма на България за подпомагане от Фонд „Вътрешна сигурност“: “Доставка на автомобил с мобилна система за наблюдение”. Процедурата цели да допринесе за разширяване възможността за участие в операции, организирани от Агенция ФРОНТЕКС за гарантиране на сигурност и противодействие на миграционния натиск по външните граници на ЕС и модернизиране на оборудването за наблюдение на външните сухоземни граници чрез закупуване на мобилна система за наблюдение (МСН). Целите на настоящата покана са в съответствие със следната специфична цел съгласно чл.3, т. 2б на РЕПС 515/2014: подпомагане на интегрираното управление на границите, включително насърчаване на допълнителна хармонизация на мерките, свързани с управлението на границите, в съответствие с общите стандарти на Съюза и чрез обмен на информация между държавите членки и между държавите членки и агенцията Frontex, за да се осигури, от една страна, еднаква и висока степен на контрол и защита на външните граници, включително чрез справяне с незаконната имиграция, и, от друга страна, безпроблемно преминаване на външните граници в съответствие с достиженията на правото от Шенген, като същевременно се гарантира достъп до международна закрила на лицата, които се нуждаят от такава, в съответствие с договорените от държавите членки задължения в областта на правата на човека, включително принципа на забраната за връщане. Настоящата покана е насочена към изпълнение на ангажимент поет с Многогодишната програма на Р България във връзка с чл. 7 т. 1 и т. 2 от Приложение 2 към РЕПС 515/2014 за закупуване на превозни средства и оперативно оборудване, които се считат за необходими за разгръщане по време на съвместни операции от агенцията Frontex и се предоставят на разположение на агенцията Frontex в съответствие с член 7, параграф 5, втора и трета алинея от Регламент (ЕО) № 2007/2004“. (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-2.002 - Delivery of specialized equipment for effective border control at external borders, including IT and office equipment. BG/ISF - SO2 - NO6 - A12. (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-2.003 - "Improvement of the TETRA system capabilities by software upgrade for improvement of the cooperation and exchange of information in the area of responsibility of border police at the EU external borders." (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-2.004 - Establishing of integrated system for video surveillance of BCPs of Republic of Bulgaria, providing protection of the relevant border area and control for vehicles crossing the BCPs at the external borders. (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-2.005 - Enhancement of the effectiveness of the border control through delivery of external border control equipment including new normal and all-terrain patrolling and specialized vehicles. (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-2.006 - Providing access to ICAO PKD system, BG/ISF-SO2-NO5 (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-2.007 - Development of the National coordination centre in Sofia; National coordination center upgraded and National situational picture analysis layer upgraded.Training of the Border Police staff on the EU legal instruments in the field of border control. as well as on the specific tasks in the process of border control, including foreign language training;Development of N.SIS by provision of additional functionalities for the Main and Back-up Computer and Communication Computer centres. Building of specialised centre for joint border control with Romanian border police on Danube River vessels traffic in Vidin. Improvement of the security and reliability of Ministry of Interior data transfer network at the European Union external borders by implementation of system for collecting, storing and analysis of information for the activities of the end users and devices. Providing access to the ICAO PKD system. (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-2.008 - "Operational support for effective border control" (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-2.009 - Delivery of border-police patrol boat - Frontex equipment (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-2.011 - "Increasing of administrative and technical capacity of MoI in the field of border control" (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-2.012 - Modernization of the equipment for technical expertise of documents and delivery of new technical equipment for EURODAC (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-2.013 - Development and implementation of ETIAS and support in effective upgrading of SIS (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-2.014 - Delivery of equipment, protective means and consumables for protection of the health of police officers and prevent the spread of COVID-19 at the borders of Republic of Bulgaria. (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-2.015 - Повишаване на капацитета на ГДГП с оглед осигуряване на допълнителна подкрепа за целите на граничния контрол по външните граници, включително временните външни граници с потенциално или очаквано висок миграционен натиск (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-2.017 - Hiring additional, temporary staff to guard the state border (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-2.018 - Supply of computer equipment (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-3.001 - Providing reliable post-warranty maintenance for: 1. ISS for control and surveillance at Bulgarian – Turkish border, section BCP Kapitan Andreevo – BCP Lessovo., 2. ISS “Blue border", 3. Automated surveillance system at Bulgarian-Serbian border in the area of responsibility of Border Police Unit Kalotina border, 4. Helicopters, ships, normal and all-terrain vehicles, specialized vehicles and ABC gates (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-3.002 - "Maintenance of technical equipment for border control - E -GATES used for border control", BG/ISF - SO3 - NO2 - A18 (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-3.003 - Maintenance of the TETRA communication system built under Schengen facility and EBF at the external borders. (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-3.004 - Maintenance and modernization of buildings and premises necessary for the implementation of border control and for the organisation and implementation of border surveillance between BCPs external borders.,BG/ISF- SO3-NO2-А17 (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-3.005 - Maintenance and update of the software and technical equipment for the N.VIS and the Consular service centres of Republic of Bulgaria, BG/ISF-SO3-NO1 (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-3.006 - Maintenance of national components VIS (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-3.007 - Maintance of national components SHIS (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-3.008 - Maintenance of border-police boats (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-3.009 - Renovation of premises, necessary to provide appropriate conditions for border control at the external borders (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-3.010 - Post-warranty support of an integrated system for monitoring of the Bulgarian-Turkish border in the from the Kapitan Andreevo border checkpoint to the Lesovo border checkpoint. Delivery of technical and software tools. (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-3.011 - Осигуряване на допълнителни разходи за персонал (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-5.001 - Improvement of the mobility of Chief Directorate for Combating Organised Crime (CDCOC) for effective investigation and counteraction of the crossborder, serious and organised crime through delivery of new vehicles (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-5.002 - Improving the capacity of pre-trial police investigation and related forensic examinations though. Delivery and maintenance of technical equipment for successful integration. (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-5.003 - Decreasing the level of corruption in patrol and traffic police by installation of video surveillance in the police vehicles. (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-5.004 - "Further development of the National DNA and AFIS database capacity through update of the software and hardware; upgrade of the software and hardware of the Bulgarian IBIS as a prerequisite for connecting to IBIN., BG/ISF – SO5-NO2-A26 (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-5.005 - "Exchange and training of employees working in the field of the security of information, information systems and networks in order to provide technological compatibility of the police authorities with relevant structures on EU level" (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-5.006 - "Delivery of technical equipment for police officers, working in the field of prevention and countering in human beings and drugs trafficking" (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-5.007 - "Modernization and enhancement of the effectiveness of the prevention of bomb terrorism and improvement of the capacity of the physics and chemistry examination; Improvement of the training facilities and of the quality and effectiveness of the shooting and tactical training of the officials from the Specialized Unit for Fighting Terrorism - MoI and from the Regional directorates – MoI" (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-5.008 - Development of new Central Police System; upgrade and maintenance of the following Automated Information Systems: Investigation at the Ministry of Interior, Bulletin, Operative Document, Operative Analysis, MoI Geographic Information Systems, Management of document flows, EUROPOL BG; Enhancement of the security of the police officers database and national component of Police Working Group on Terrorism (PWGT)., BG/ISF-SO5-NO2-A25. (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-5.009 - Elaboration of threat and risk assessments of organised crime; Establishment of an independent monitoring system for evaluation of the results from the application of anticorruption measures on national level. (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-5.010 - "Delivery of technical equipment for police officers, working in the field of prevention and countering in human beings and drugs trafficking" (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-5.011 - "Delivery of technical means for law enforcement authorities, technical provision for experts, training, international practices and information campaigns" (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-5.012 - "Activities aimed at counteraction of corruption and crime, support to victims of crimes." (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-5.013 - Measures for combating of serious and organised crime and increasing of effectiveness for carrying out operational and search activities (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-5.014 - Development of existing Passenger Information Units(PNR). Development of automated audio and video communication system. Support for countering organized and serious international crime. (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-5.015 - Develop the necessary IT solutions to increase the exchange of information with other EU MS. Training courses for data collection and analysis.Measures to support law enforcement authorities. (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-5.016 - Development of the necessary IT solutions to increase the exchange of information with other EU MS and the interoperability with the IT systems and databases developed by the EU or other EU MS (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-5.017 - Доставка на специализирано оборудване за биометрична идентификация и друго оборудване (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-6.001 - Development and maintenance of the Uniform automated register for control on dangerous means in its part to communication with external information systems for counteracting and detection of crimeс. (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-6.002 - "Development of training center in Montana for the purpose to insurance a better trainings for authorities, working in the field of protection of European critical infrastructure and chemical, biological, radiation and nuclear protection(CBRN)." (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-6.003 - Development and modernisation of the National Operative Centre and the regional operative centres through establishment of basic infrastructure for reaction in emergency situations incl. the enlargement of the TETRA system coverage, necessary for provision of communication among the structures for the protection of European CI and the population., BG/ISF-SO6-NO5-A36 (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-6.004 - "Preparation of national and sectoral strategic risk analysis in relation to money laundering and terrorist financing by introducing methodology and attract expertise." (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-6.006 - Development of an information system for collecting and processing data for established critical infrastructures; Training of employees for counter-intelligence and information protection of critical infrastructure; Developing capabilities to protect strategic objects; Establishment of a security research center for the communication and information systems of strategic sites; Further development of an early warning systems (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-6.007 - Measures for implementation, development and applying the Cybersecurity strategy of Republic of Bulgaria 2020 (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-6.008 - Establishment of an Incident Monitoring and Response Center with a significant detrimental effect on the communication and information systems of the strategic sites and of activities that are important for the national security. (Ended)
    • Operational programme "SME Initiative" (1)
      • BG16RFSM001-1.001 - SME Initiative Uncapped Guarantee Instrument (Ended)
    • Programme "Education" 2021-2027 (8)
      • BG05SFPR001-1.001 - General and additional support for personal development in the school education (Ended)
      • BG05SFPR001-1.003 - General and additional support for personal development in pre-school education (Ended)
      • BG05SFPR001-1.004 - Promoting intercultural education through culture, science and sport (Ended)
      • BG05SFPR001-1.005 - Adult literacy (ITI approach) (Ended)
      • BG05SFPR001-1.006 - Comprehensive programs at the municipal level for desegregation of schools, prevention of secondary segregation and against discrimination (ITI approach) (Ended)
      • BG05SFPR001-3.001 - Modernization of Vocational Education and Training (Ended)
      • BG05SFPR001-3.002 - From higher education to employment (Ended)
      • BG05SFPR001-3.004 - Support for the development of project doctoral studies (Ended)
    • "Human resources development" programme 2021 - 2027 (27)
      • BG05SFPR002-1.001 - I START WORK - Component 1 "Activation" (Ended)
      • BG05SFPR002-1.002 - PARENTS IN EMPLOYMENT (Ended)
      • BG05SFPR002-1.003 - I START WORK - Component 3 "Employment" (Ended)
      • BG05SFPR002-1.004 - Adapted work environment (Ended)
      • BG05SFPR002-1.005 - SOCIAL PARTNERSHIP (Ended)
      • BG05SFPR002-1.006 - I START WORK - Component 2 "Training" (Ended)
      • BG05SFPR002-1.007 - "Specialization in the health care system +" - Component 1 (Ended)
      • BG05SFPR002-1.008 - NO! to Discrimination (Ended)
      • BG05SFPR002-1.009 - Modernization and digitization of the services of the National Insurance Institute (Ended)
      • BG05SFPR002-1.010 - Digital skills (Ended)
      • BG05SFPR002-1.011 - Qualification, skills and career development of employed persons (Ended)
      • BG05SFPR002-1.014 - "Specialization in the health care system +" - Component 2 (Ended)
      • BG05SFPR002-1.016 - Increasing the capacity of the General Labour Inspectorate Executive Agency to implement control activities on the labor market (Ended)
      • BG05SFPR002-1.017 - EURES Bulgaria (Ended)
      • BG05SFPR002-1.018 - Increasing the administrative capacity and modernizing the services offered by the Employment Agency (Ended)
      • BG05SFPR002-2.001 - Home Care (Ended)
      • BG05SFPR002-2.002 - Strengthening municipal capacity (Ended)
      • BG05SFPR002-2.003 - FUTURE FOR CHILDREN (Ended)
      • BG05SFPR002-2.009 - Continuing support for long-term care (Ended)
      • BG05SFPR002-3.001 - "YOUTH EMPLOYMENT +" (Ended)
    • "Food and Basic Material Support" Programme 2021-2027 (7)
      • BG05SFPR003-1.001 - A warm meal (Ended)
      • BG05SFPR003-1.002 - Purchasing of food and hygiene products (Ended)
      • BG05SFPR003-1.003 - Purchasing of goods for newborn children (Ended)
      • BG05SFPR003-1.004 - "Support" (Ended)
      • BG05SFPR003-1.005 - For better future (Ended)
      • BG05SFPR003-1.006 - Children meal (Ended)
      • BG05SFPR003-1.007 - For better future (Ended)
    • Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Programme for Bulgaria (5)
      • BG14MFPR001-1.003 - Permanent cessation of fishing activities (Ended)
      • BG14MFPR001-2.001 - Processing of fishery and aquaculture products (Ended)
      • BG14MFPR001-2.003 - Market Offering (Ended)
      • BG14MFPR001-2.004 - Production and marketing plans (Ended)
      • BG14MFPR001-3.001 - Capacity Building and Preparatory Actions to Support the Development and Future Implementation of Community Led Local Development Strategies (Ended)
    • Brexit Adjustment Reserve (1)
      • BG16BARA001-1.001 - Financing adjustment measures in relation to the consequences of Brexit (Ended)
    • Programme "Environment" 2021-2027 (26)
      • BG16FFPR002-1.002 - Construction of WSS infrastructure for 7 WSS operators (Ended)
      • BG16FFPR002-1.006 - Financial instruments under priority "Water" of PEnvi 2021-2027 (Ended)
      • BG16FFPR002-2.001 - Models for optimizing the municipal waste management process in Bulgaria (Ended)
      • BG16FFPR002-2.002 - Recultivation of regional landfills /cells of regional landfills for household waste (Ended)
      • BG16FFPR002-2.003 - Measures to establish, expand and/or upgrade municipal/ regional systems for separate collection and recycling of biodegradable waste (Ended)
      • BG16FFPR002-2.004 - Measures to establish, expand and/or upgrade municipal/ regional systems for separate collection and recycling of biodegradable waste-second (Ended)
      • BG16FFPR002-2.007 - Financial instruments under priority "Waste" of POS 2021-2027. (Ended)
      • BG16FFPR002-3.001 - Implementation of measures 54, 55 and 56 of the National Priority Action Framework (Ended)
      • BG16FFPR002-3.002 - Implementation of measures 28 and 61 of the National Prioritised Action Framework for Natura 2000 (Ended)
      • BG16FFPR002-3.003 - Optimizing the infrastructure of networks (with monitoring sites) to implement forest ecosystem monitoring schemes in the country (Ended)
      • BG16FFPR002-3.004 - Implementation of measure 4 from the National Prioritized Action Framework for Natura 2000 (Ended)
      • BG16FFPR002-3.005 - Implementation of measures 46, 47, 48, 49 and 74 (part I) from the National Prioritized Action Framework for Natura 2000 (Ended)
      • BG16FFPR002-3.007 - Technical assistance for investments in zoos (Ended)
      • BG16FFPR002-3.008 - Implementation of measure 67 of the National Prioritized Action Framework for Natura 2000 (Ended)
      • BG16FFPR002-3.010 - Implementation of measure 69 of the National Prioritized Action Framework for Natura 2000 for Natura 2000 (Ended)
      • BG16FFPR002-3.015 - Implementation of measures 28 and 61 of the National Prioritised Action Framework for Natura 2000 - 2 (Ended)
      • BG16FFPR002-4.001 - Ensuring wild fire-fighting capacity on the ground and increasing the population preparedness for an adequate response (Ended)
      • BG16FFPR002-4.002 - Expanding the System for Early Warning and Announcement of the population at regional level (NUTS 3) for the territory of the country (Ended)
      • BG16FFPR002-4.005 - Update of the Flood Risk Management Plans for the period 2028-2033 (Ended)
      • BG16FFPR002-5.001 - „For cleaner air!“ (Ended)
      • BG16FFPR002-5.002 - For cleaner air! (2) (Ended)
      • BG16FFPR002-5.003 - Grean measures in urban environment (Ended)
      • BG16FFPR002-5.004 - Green measures in an urban environment (2) (Ended)
      • BG16FFPR002-5.005 - Improving the monitoring of ambient air quality at national level (Ended)
      • BG16FFPR002-5.006 - Establishment of a National Air Quality Experts Network (Ended)
      • BG16FFPR002-5.007 - National Strategic Documents in the Air Sector (Ended)
    • Development of Regions Programme 2021-2027 (5)
      • BG16FFPR003-1.002 - Support for investments through financial instruments under the "Regional Development" Program (RDP) 2021-2027 (Ended)
      • BG16FFPR003-4.001 - Support for sustainable energy renovation of multi-family residential buildings, including tackling energy poverty (Ended)
      • BG16FFPR003-4.003 - Mapping the skills of indirectly affected individuals in areas most affected by climate transition (Ended)
      • BG16FFPR003-5.002 - Support for Just Transition Subcommittees for the purpose of implementing TJTPs (Ended)
    • Programme "Competitiveness and Innovation in Enterprises" 2021-2027 (7)
      • BG16RFPR001-1.001 - "Development of Innovations in Enterprises" (Ended)
      • BG16RFPR001-1.002 - Implementation of measures for the internationalization of Bulgarian SMEs by supporting the activities of the Bulgarian Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion Agency (BSMEPA) (Ended)
      • BG16RFPR001-1.003 - Introducing Innovation in Enterprises (Ended)
      • BG16RFPR001-1.004 - Support for family businesses, enterprises from creative industries and crafts (Ended)
      • BG16RFPR001-1.005 - Financial instruments under Programme "Competitveness and innovation in enterprises" 2021-2027 (Ended)
      • BG16RFPR001-1.006 - Promoting Bulgaria as a competitive investment destination by supporting the activities of the Invest Bulgaria Agency (Ended)
      • BG16RFPR001-1.009 - Provision of complex services to enterprises in the Northern regions of Bulgaria to support their sustainable development and growth by supporting the work of the Bulgarian Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion Agency (BSMEPA) (Ended)
    • Programme "Research, Innovation and Digitalisation for Smart Transformation" (12)
      • BG16RFPR002-1.001 - Complementary funding of European Digital Innovation Hubs selected by the European Commission. (Ended)
      • BG16RFPR002-1.002 - Funding of selected by the European Commission European Digital Innovation Hubs awarded with Seal of Excellence. (Ended)
      • BG16RFPR002-1.006 - Financial instruments under Programme "Research, Innovation and Digitalisation for Smart Transformation" (Ended)
      • BG16RFPR002-1.007 - A platform for cooperation between higher education institutions, research organizations and businesses through the upgrade of the Register of Scientific Activity, the Register of Academic Staff and the Bulgarian Open Science Portal (Ended)
      • BG16RFPR002-1.009 - Support for Bulgarian research institutions with projects which have received a high rating “above the threshold” under Horizon Europe – topic HORIZON-WIDERA-2023-ACCESS-02 (Twinning) (Ended)
      • BG16RFPR002-1.014 - Sustainable development of Centres of Excellence and Centres of Competence, including specific infrastructures or their associations of the NRRI (Ended)
      • BG16RFPR002-2.002 - Strategic communications and promotion of the potential of good governance data (Ended)
      • BG16RFPR002-2.003 - Pilot reinforcement of the capacity of three National Competent Authorities and three sectoral Computer Security Incident Response Teams (CS 3) (Ended)
      • BG16RFPR002-2.005 - Building a training centre as an element of the national cybersecurity system (CS 1) (Ended)
      • BG16RFPR002-2.006 - Building the central components of a national cybersecurity system (CS 1) (Ended)
      • BG16RFPR002-2.009 - Support for building elements of a Protected Shared e-Governance Information Space (PSEIS) - phase I (Ended)
      • BG16RFPR002-2.010 - Building a strategic, organisational and technical framework for data governance and interoperability (d1) (Ended)
    • Technical Assistance Programme 2021-2027 (8)
      • BG16RFTA001-1.001 - Effective and efficient management of the Technical Assistance Program (Ended)
      • BG16RFTA001-1.002 - Development of the Academy for EU Funds (Ended)
      • BG16RFTA001-1.004 - Effective coordination in the implementation of the cohesion policy in Bulgaria (Ended)
      • BG16RFTA001-1.005 - The higher added value of the management system of the European funds under shared management (Ended)
      • BG16RFTA001-1.006 - Effective national network of regional information centers in Bulgaria (Ended)
      • BG16RFTA001-1.007 - Active involvement of municipalities in the implementation of the Partnership Agreement 2021-2027 (Ended)
      • BG16RFTA001-1.008 - Active and competent civil society organisations to increase the added value of the cohesion policy in Bulgaria (Ended)
      • BG16RFTA001-1.009 - Optimizing the environment for the implementation of the Partnership Agreement in terms of preventing and combating irregularities and fraud affecting the EU's financial interests and through the strategic management of the National Framework for Priority Actions for Natura 2000 for the programming period 2021-2027 (Ended)
    • Programme Bulgaria - AMIF (6)
      • BG65AMPR001-1.001 - Procedure №1, Specific objective 1 "Common european asylum system" and specific objective 3 "Return" (Ended)
      • BG65AMPR001-1.003 - Procedure №3 "Specific objective "Common european asylum system" and Specific objective 2 "Legal migration and integration" (Ended)
      • BG65AMPR001-2.001 - Procedure 3 "Specific objective 1 "Common european asylum system", Specific objective 2 "Legal migration and integration" and Specific objective 3 "Return" (Ended)
      • BG65AMPR001-3.001 - Procedure № 2, Specific objective 3 "Return" (Ended)
      • BG65AMPR001-3.002 - Procedure №1 "Specific objective 3 "Return" (Ended)
      • BG65AMPR001-4.001 - Procedure 4, Specific objectives 4 „Solidarity“ (Ended)
    • Programme Bulgaria - BMVI (9)
      • BG65BVPR001-1.001 - Procedure №1, Specific objective 1 "European integrated border management" (Ended)
      • BG65BVPR001-1.002 - Procedure №2, Specific objective 1 "European integraded border management" (Ended)
      • BG65BVPR001-1.003 - Procedure № 4, Specific objective 1 "European integrated border management" (Ended)
      • BG65BVPR001-1.004 - Procedure №1, Specific objective 1 "European integrated border managment" (Ended)
      • BG65BVPR001-1.005 - Procedure №3 "Specific objective "European integrated border management" (Ended)
      • BG65BVPR001-1.006 - Procedure №4 "Specific objective 1"European integrated border management" (Ended)
      • BG65BVPR001-1.007 - Procedure № 5 "Specific objective 1"European integrated border management" (Ended)
      • BG65BVPR001-2.001 - Procedure №3, Specific objective 2 "Comon visa policy" (Ended)
      • BG65BVPR001-2.002 - Procedure №2"Specific objective 1 "European integrated boder managment" and specific objective 2 "Common vica policy" (Ended)
    • Programme of the Republic of Bulgaria under Internal Security Fund (5)
      • BG65ISPR001-3.001 - Procedure №1, Specific objective "Improving and facilitating the exchange of information between and within competent authorities and relevant Union bodies, offices and agencies and, where relevant, with trhird countries and international organizations" and Specific objective 2 "Improving and intensifying cross-border cooperation, including joint operations, between competant authorities in relation to terrorism and serious and organised crime with cross border dimension" and Specific objective 3 "Supporting the stregthening of member state's capabilities in relation to preventing and combating crime, terrorism and radicatiosation as well managing security related incidents, risks and crises, including through incresed cooperation between public authorities, relevant unioun bodies, offices or agencies, civil socity and private partners in different member states" (Ended)
      • BG65ISPR001-3.002 - Procedure № 2, Specific objective 1 "Improving and facilitating the exchange of information between and within competent authorities and relevant Union bodies, offices and agencies and, where relevant, with trhird countries and international organizations", Specific objective 2 "Improving and intensifying cross-border cooperation, including joint operations, between competant authorities in relation to terrorism and serious and organised crime with cross border dimension" and Specific objective 3 "Supporting the stregthening of member state's capabilities in relation to preventing and combating crime, terrorism and radicatiosation as well managing security related incidents, risks and crises, including through incresed cooperation between public authorities, relevant unioun bodies, offices or agencies, civil socity and private partners in different member states" (Ended)
      • BG65ISPR001-3.004 - Procedure No 1 Specific objective 3 "Support the strengthening of Member States' capacities to prevent and combating crime, terrorism and radicalisation, as well as managing security-related incidents, risks and crises, including through increased cooperation between public authorities, relevant Union bodies, offices or agencies, civil society and private partners in different Member States" (Ended)
      • BG65ISPR001-3.006 - Procedure No 2: Specific objective 3 'Support the strengthening of Member States' capacities to prevent and combat crime, terrorism and radicalisation and to manage security incidents, risks and crises, including through enhanced cooperation between public authorities, relevant Union bodies, services or agencies, civil society and private partners in the different Member States' and specific objective 2 'Improve and intensify cross-border cooperation, including joint operations, between Member States and between Member States'. (Ended)
      • BG65ISPR001-3.007 - Процедурата е насочена към подкрепата на действия, имащи за цел справянето с основните заплахи за сигурността, и по-специално предотвратяването на престъпността и полицейското сътрудничество, засилването на обмена на информация, оперативното сътрудничество и подкрепа за необходимите усилия за подобряване и интензифициране на трансграничното сътрудничество за превенция и борба с тежката и организираната престъпност. В рамките на процедурата ще се подпомага също обучението на съответните служители и експерти, както и добрата подготвеност на компетентните органи за посрещане на развиващите се и възникващите нови заплахи като радиологичните и ядрените заплахи. (Ended)
    • Recovery and Resilience Plan (65)
      • BG-RRP-1.007 - ”Modernization of educational environment” (Ended)
      • BG-RRP-1.009 - A2 CREATING YOUTH CENTERS (in non-regional cities) (Ended)
      • BG-RRP-1.011 - „Repair and rehabilitation of dormitories in the school education system“ (Ended)
      • BG-RRP-1.012 - "Construction of new buildings for schools and kindergartens" (Ended)
      • BG-RRP-1.013 - "Establishment of a National and Regional STEM Centers" (Ended)
      • BG-RRP-1.014 - "Creation of centers of excellence in vocational education and training" (Ended)
      • BG-RRP-1.015 - "School STEM environment" (Ended)
      • BG-RRP-1.017 - "Concept of STEM environment" (Ended)
      • BG-RRP-1.018 - Еstablishment of a National focus center (Ended)
      • BG-RRP-1.019 - Trainings for digital skills and building a national online platform for adult learning (Ended)
      • BG-RRP-1.020 - "Management of Investment C1.I2" (Ended)
      • BG-RRP-1.021 - "Management of Investment C1.I1" (Ended)
      • BG-RRP-1.022 - "Management of Investment C1.I4" (Ended)
      • BG-RRP-1.023 - "Establishment of a National and Regional STEM Centers" (Ended)
      • BG-RRP-2.004 - Establishing of a network of research higher education institutions in Bulgaria (Ended)
      • BG-RRP-2.005 - Twinning (Ended)
      • BG-RRP-2.006 - Support for innovative SMEs that have received Seal of Excellence (Ended)
      • BG-RRP-2.007 - Building a quantum communication path for participation in the EU Quantum Communication Infrastructure (Ended)
      • BG-RRP-2.008 - "Upgrading the Joint Innovation Center of BAS" (Ended)
      • BG-RRP-2.009 - "Management of Investment C2.I1" (Ended)
      • BG-RRP-2.010 - Support for the management and information activities of the Monitoring and Reporting Structure in BAS within the C2.I2 Investment (Ended)
      • BG-RRP-2.011 - Funding of scientific research projects in the field of green and digital technologies (Ended)
      • BG-RRP-2.012 - Funding of doctoral training in the field of green and digital technologies (Ended)
      • BG-RRP-2.013 - Establishing of a network of research higher education institutions in Bulgaria - 2 (Ended)
      • BG-RRP-2.014 - Partial renovation and modernization of the infrastructure of scientific units of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Ended)
      • BG-RRP-2.015 - Strengthening research potential by attracting and retaining talented researchers (Ended)
      • BG-RRP-2.017 - Funding of research projects in the field of green and digital technologies - 2 (Ended)
      • BG-RRP-2.018 - Strengthening research potential by attracting and retaining talented researchers - 2 (Ended)
      • BG-RRP-3.004 - Technological modernization (Ended)
      • BG-RRP-3.005 - Solutions in the Field of Information and Communication Technologies and Cybersecurity in SMEs (Ended)
      • BG-RRP-3.006 - Instalation of new RES for own consumption in combination with local energy storage facilities (Ended)
      • BG-RRP-3.007 - Public support programme for the development of industrial districts, parks and similar territories and attracting investments (“AttractInvestBG”) (Ended)
      • BG-RRP-3.008 - Support for the transition to a circular economy in enterprises (Ended)
      • BG-RRP-3.009 - Implementation of equity instruments under Investment 2 (C3.I2) Programme for economic transformation (Ended)
      • BG-RRP-3.012 - Organization and management of the investment under the Public support programme for the development of industrial districts, parks and similar territories and attracting investments (“AttractInvestBG”) (Ended)
      • BG-RRP-4.026 - Support for renewable energy for households - Call 1 (Ended)
      • BG-RRP-4.029 - Technical assistance for the implementation of investment C4.I1, sub-measure 1 "Support for renovation of the residential building stock" (Ended)
      • BG-RRP-4.030 - Техническа помощ за изпълнение на инвестиция C4.I1, подмярка 2 и 3 (Ended)
      • BG-RRP-4.031 - Technical assistance for the implementation of investment C4.I6" Support for new capacities for electricity generation from renewable sources and electricity storage" (Ended)
      • BG-RRP-4.032 - “Support for new power generation capacities from renewable sources and electricity storage with an installed capacity of 200 kW to 2 MW” (Ended)
      • BG-RRP-4.033 - "Support of new capacities for the production of electricity from renewable sources and storage of electricity with an installed capacity of more than 200 kW" (Ended)
      • BG-RRP-4.034 - National infrastructure for storage of renewable energy (Ended)
      • BG-RRP-6.004 - Technological and environmental modernisation (Ended)
      • BG-RRP-6.006 - Preparation centres for marketing and storage of fruit and vegetables (Ended)
      • BG-RRP-8.013 - . (Ended)
      • BG-RRP-8.014 - Implementation of the European Train Control System (ERTMS) of on-board equipment of zero-emission electric locomotives and zero-emission electric multiple unit trains operating on the conventional railway network of the Republic of Bulgaria (Ended)
      • BG-RRP-9.001 - C9.I1 Programme for the construction/completion/reconstruction of water supply and sewerage systems, including waste water treatment plants for agglomerations between 5 000 and 10 000 population e uivalent (Ended)
      • BG-RRP-10.001 - C10.I1 Strengthening, further developing and building on the Unified Information System of Courts (Ended)
      • BG-RRP-11.010 - Execution of construction works and supply of equipment and furnishings for the reformation of existing homes for the elderly (Ended)
      • BG-RRP-11.014 - Two-session grant scheme "Bulgarian productions from the ICT sector in the platforms of the EU open arts markets" (Terminated)
      • BG-RRP-11.015 - Grant scheme in four sessions "Creation of Bulgarian productions and co-productions in the ICT sector" (Terminated)
      • BG-RRP-11.016 - Scheme for non-repayable assistance "Presentation to the Bulgarian audience of contemporary European products from the ICT sector" (Ended)
      • BG-RRP-11.017 - Scheme for non-repayable assistance "Presentation to the Bulgarian public of contemporary Bulgarian products from the ICT sector. (Ended)
      • BG-RRP-11.018 - Construction and equipment of new social and integrated health and social services for residential care and specialized social services for persons with disabilities (Ended)
      • BG-RRP-11.019 - Two-session grant scheme "Bulgarian productions from the CCI sector in the platforms of the EU open art markets" (Ended)
      • BG-RRP-11.020 - "Two-session grant scheme "Creation of Bulgarian productions and co-productions in the CCI sector and their promotion on the European and international art markets" (Ended)
      • BG-RRP-11.023 - Management of Investment C11.I1 (Ended)
    • Cultural Entrepreneurship, Heritage and Cooperation (5)
    • Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, Energy Security (5)
      • BGENERGY-1.002 - “Use of geothermal energy for heating or for heating & cooling in state or municipal buildings” (Ended)
      • BGENERGY-2.001 - Rehabilitation and Modernization of Municipal Infrastructure - Systems for External Artificial Lighting of Municipalities (Ended)
      • BGENERGY-2.002 - "Energy Efficiency in Buildings" (Ended)
      • BGENERGY-2.003 - “Energy efficiency in industry” (Ended)
    • Environment Protection and Climate Change (12)
      • BGENVIRONMENT-1.001 - Predefined project №1 Valuation and implementation of ecosystems services (VAIES) (Ended)
      • BGENVIRONMENT-2.001 - Open Call No. 1 Diffuse Pollution of Marine Waters under Outcome 2: "Marine Waters Assessment, Monitoring and Management System" (Ended)
      • BGENVIRONMENT-2.002 - "Small Grant Scheme for Pilot Models for Marine Water Purification" under Outcome 2: "Marine Waters Assessment, Monitoring and Management System" (Ended)
      • BGENVIRONMENT-2.003 - Small Grant Scheme for Marine Litter Reduction Measures under the Outcome 2: Marine Waters Assessment, Monitoring and Management System (Ended)
      • BGENVIRONMENT-2.004 - Pre-defined project 2 “SCience and Information towards Regional ENvironmental Action for the Black Sea (SCIRENA-Black Sea)” (Ended)
      • BGENVIRONMENT-2.005 - Open Call № 1 Diffuse Pollution of Marine Waters under Outcome 2: "Marine Waters Assessment, Monitoring and Management System Developed" (Ended)
      • BGENVIRONMENT-3.001 - “Small Grant Scheme circular economy” (Ended)
      • BGENVIRONMENT-3.002 - Open Call № 2 “Circular economy and resource efficiency” (Ended)
      • BGENVIRONMENT-4.001 - Predefined Project №3 Implementation of innovative measures to mitigate and adapt to climate change in municipalities in Bulgaria (Ended)
      • BGENVIRONMENT-4.002 - “Small Grant Scheme climate” (Ended)
      • BGENVIRONMENT-4.003 - Open Call № 3 “Climate” (Ended)
      • BGENVIRONMENT-4.004 - Open Call № 3 “Climate” (Ended)
    • Home Affairs (21)
      • BGHOMEAFFAIRS-1.002 - Increasing the administrative capacity of the national authorities in the asylum and migration area. (Ended)
      • BGHOMEAFFAIRS-1.003 - Improving the national asylum and migration capacities, especially as regards provision of conditions for vulnerable migrants and in particular for unaccompanied minors (Ended)
      • BGHOMEAFFAIRS-1.004 - “Voluntary return of third-country nationals in the country of origin” (Ended)
      • BGHOMEAFFAIRS-1.005 - Improving the national asylum and migration capacities, especially as regards provision of services to third-country nationals seeking international protection and to third-country nationals granted temporary protection with a special focus on vulnerable groups (Ended)
      • BGHOMEAFFAIRS-2.001 - “Extension of the Communication Infrastructure of MoI” (Ended)
      • BGHOMEAFFAIRS-2.002 - “Enhancement of the International Police Cooperation and the Prevention of International Criminal Activities” (Ended)
      • BGHOMEAFFAIRS-2.003 - Improvement capacity of police and forensic activity dealing with material evidence in pre-trial investigation process (Ended)
      • BGHOMEAFFAIRS-2.004 - “Development of Expert Forensic Examinations and Activities at the Research Institute of Forensic Sciences at the Ministry of Interior (RIFS) and technical upgrade and expansion of the possibilities of five basic regional forensic laboratories” (Ended)
      • BGHOMEAFFAIRS-2.005 - “Increasing the effectiveness of SANS for combating crime including money laundering, terrorism financing and predicate criminality” (Ended)
      • BGHOMEAFFAIRS-2.006 - “Enhancement of the International Police Cooperation and the Prevention of International Criminal Activities” (Ended)
      • BGHOMEAFFAIRS-2.007 - Increasing the capacity of General Directorate “Combating Organized Crime” for more effective investigation of organized and transnational crime. (Ended)
      • BGHOMEAFFAIRS-2.008 - “Increasing the effectiveness of SANS for combating crime including money laundering, terrorism financing and predicate criminality” (Ended)
      • BGHOMEAFFAIRS-2.009 - „Development of the cooperation within the Schengen area” (Ended)
      • BGHOMEAFFAIRS-3.001 - Improvement of the efficiency of the police activity in the field of domestic and gender-based violence (Ended)
      • BGHOMEAFFAIRS-3.002 - Improvement of the coordination and dialogue between police and Roma society (Ended)
      • BGHOMEAFFAIRS-3.003 - Awareness raising of local communities in areas with significant share of Roma population on asylum and migration issues (Ended)
      • BGHOMEAFFAIRS-3.004 - Capacity building of the police officers working in multi-ethnic environment, including Roma communities and prevention of ill-treatment by the police (Ended)
      • BGHOMEAFFAIRS-4.001 - Preventing and combating corruption (Ended)
      • BGHOMEAFFAIRS-4.002 - Enhanced capacities of Bulgarian authorities to recover and manage criminal assets (Ended)
      • BGHOMEAFFAIRS-4.003 - Enhanced capacities of Bulgarian authorities to recover and manage criminal assets (Ended)
      • BGHOMEAFFAIRS-4.004 - Enhanced capacities of Bulgarian authorities to recover and manage criminal assets (Ended)
    • Justice (6)
      • BGJUSTICE -1.001 - Improved correctional services (Ended)
      • BGJUSTICE -2.001 - Improved application of European legal framework by the Bulgarian judiciary (Ended)
      • BGJUSTICE -3.001 - Improved capacity of Bulgarian authorities in the area of child friendly justice (Ended)
      • BGJUSTICE -3.002 - Small grant scheme O3 (Ended)
      • BGJUSTICE -4.001 - Improved capacity of Bulgarian Authorities in the area of domestic and gender-based violence (Ended)
      • BGJUSTICE -4.002 - Small grant scheme O4 (Ended)
    • Local Development, Poverty Reduction and Enhanced Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups (12)
      • BGLD-1.001 - “Innovative Community Care Models in Favour of People with Chronic Diseases and Permanent Disabilities” (Ended)
      • BGLD-1.002 - Grow through Activating Local Potential - GALOP (Ended)
      • BGLD-1.003 - Youth Centres: a Powerful Factor for Local development (Ended)
      • BGLD-1.004 - Recovery Centre for Children with Oncoheamathologic Diseases (Ended)
      • BGLD-1.006 - Healthcare for everyone (Ended)
      • BGLD-1.007 - Job Creation Small Grants Scheme (Ended)
      • BGLD-2.001 - Establishing Youth Centres (Ended)
      • BGLD-2.002 - Capacity Building for Educational and Social Inclusion (Ended)
      • BGLD-2.003 - Early Childhood Education and Care (Ended)
      • BGLD-2.004 - Supplementary Funding in Projects under the “Establishment of Youth Centers" Procedure (Ended)
      • BGLD-3.001 - Novel Approaches to Generating Data on Hard-to-reach Populations at Risk of Violation of their Rights (Ended)
      • DFPO-1.002 - Cooperation for decent work (Ended)
      • DFPO-1.003 - Crisis Management Center at the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (BMFA) (Ended)
      • DFPO-1.004 - Strategic cooperation between Bulgaria and Norway in support of Bulgaria’s international commitments to combating antisemitism and preserving Jewish heritage (Ended)
      • DFPO-1.005 - Bulgarian Cross-Border Dialogue (Ended)
      • DFPO-1.006 - „Barnahus Project: Promoting multidisciplinary and interagency justice and response for child victims and witnesses of violence” (Ended)
      • DFPO-1.007 - Implementation of innovative combined support measures for supporting innovation and technological development and promotion of the internationalization of the Bulgarian SMEs through exchange of knowledge and experience between Norway and Bulgaria (Ended)
      • DFPO-1.008 - Integration, cultural and educational center for refugees and migrants “Arms Wide Open” (Ended)
The project is funded by The technical assistance fund, financed by the financial mechanism of the EEA and the Norwegian financial mechanism 2014-2021