Draft calls

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BG-RRP-6.007 - Investments for the construction/reconstruction and equipment of livestock facilities for breeding and evaluation of male breeding animals, including extraction of biological material from them

The procedure aims to provide support to Bulgarian agricultural producers, in the form of grants, for rapid recovery from the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, overcoming the problems that hinder the competitiveness and sustainability of the agricultural sector and accelerating its adaptation to climate change, the greening of production, digital transformation, improvement of genetic resources.

The support under the procedure aims to promote the breeding and improvement activity in large and small ruminants (ERD and DRD), and more specifically - the cultivation of quality male breeding stock with valuable hereditary, biological and economic qualities, as one of the essential factors for achieving a quick genetic progress. In this way, in a shorter period of time, the country could reach the average European level of selection in these types of animals.

Indicative listing date 31.05.2023

Public discussion publication date 05.04.2023

Internet address: htpps://rdd@mzh.government.bg

Draft documents for application and implementation


Deadline for submission of proposals and objections 05.05.2023 23:59

The project is funded by The technical assistance fund, financed by the financial mechanism of the EEA and the Norwegian financial mechanism 2014-2021