Ministry of Interior Funds

  • Operational programmes
    • Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (25)
      • BG65AMNP001-1.001 - "Improvement of the available accommodation capacity and of the infrastructure,service and living conditions for TCNs and asylum seekers", BG/AMIF–SO1–NO1–A1 (Ended)
      • BG65AMNP001-1.002 - "Improvement of the social and psychological assistance mechanism in the phase of adaptation, including measures to improve the identification of vulnerable persons", BG/AMIF – SO1 - NO1 - A4 (Ended)
      • BG65AMNP001-1.003 - Enhancement of the administrative capacity, training of translators and social workers; Ensuring provision of legal consultations and translation for asylum seekers third country nationals; Improvement of the social and psychological assistance mechanism in the phase of adaptation, including measures to improve the identification of vulnerable persons as well as measures to address their procedural and reception needs. (Ended)
      • BG65AMNP001-1.005 - "Improvement of the asylum system in the Republic of Bulgaria" (Ended)
      • BG65AMNP001-1.006 - "Enhancing initially established administrative capacity; Legal consultations and translation/interpretation for asylum seekers who are third country nationals; social and psychological assistance during the initial adaptation phase." (Ended)
      • BG65AMNP001-1.007 - "Improvement of the infrastructure, living conditions of the available accommodation capacity for asylum seekers " (Ended)
      • BG65AMNP001-1.009 - Ensuring running costs and costs for food and security for asylum seekers and hiring additional staff for SAR. (Ended)
      • BG65AMNP001-1.010 - Measures to improvement of the social and psychological assistance mechanism in the phase of adaptation, ensuring provision of legal assistance and translation; modernization of the National System EURODAC; Implementation of measures to improve the administrative capacity; Implementation of measures aimed at facilitating the initial adaptation of persons granted with international protection. (Ended)
      • BG65AMNP001-1.011 - Provision of operating costs such as security services, food and running costs for SAR centers and hiring additional staff for SAR (Ended)
      • BG65AMNP001-1.012 - Support for unaccompanied minors, seeking international protection (Ended)
      • BG65AMNP001-2.001 - "Education and training for TCN's, received international protection", BG/AMIF–SO2–NO2–A1 (Ended)
      • BG65AMNP001-2.002 - "Provision of administrative and legal guidance, medical, psychological and social care for TCN's, received international protection", BG/AMIF–SO2–NO2–A2 (Ended)
      • BG65AMNP001-2.003 - "Provision of administrative and legal guidance, medical, psychological and social care for TCN's, received international protection", BG/AMIF–SO2–NO2–A2 (Ended)
      • BG65AMNP001-2.004 - Integration and legal migration - support and training for TCNs, information campaigns in the countries of origin before departing and for the receiving society (Ended)
      • BG65AMNP001-2.005 - Integration and legal migration - Measures implementing the Action Plan on the integration of third country nationals. (Ended)
      • BG65AMNP001-2.007 - Measures implementing the Action Plan on the integration and return of third country nationals. Awareness raising information campaigns for the receiving society. Setting up forced return monitoring system. (Ended)
      • BG65AMNP001-3.001 - "Development of forced return monitoring system", BG/AMIF – SO3 – NO1 – A1 (Ended)
      • BG65AMNP001-3.002 - "Implementation of compulsory administrative measures to TNC's and covering translation.", BG/AMIF – SO3 - NO2 – A2 (Ended)
      • BG65AMNP001-3.004 - "Conduction of consultations for encouraging voluntary return",BG/AMIF – SO3 – NO1 – A2 (Ended)
      • BG65AMNP001-3.005 - Measures implementing the EU Action Plan on return. Setting up sustainable forced return monitoring system. Voluntary return and reintegration assistance in the countries of origin. (Ended)
      • BG65AMNP001-3.006 - Provision of operational costs, implementation of removal operations and cooperation with consular missions of counties of origin. (Ended)
      • BG65AMNP001-3.007 - Providing financing for operational costs for SHTAFs at Migration directorate - Ministry of Interior. (Ended)
      • BG65AMNP001-3.008 - Осигуряване на средства за оперативни разходи за обекти на дирекция „Миграция“ – МВР, в които са настанени граждани на трети държави.. (Ended)
      • BG65AMNP001-5.001 - Transfer and Relocation (Ended)
      • BG65AMNP001-5.002 - Resettlement (Ended)
    • Internal Security Fund (54)
      • BG65ISNP001-1.001 - Establishment of secure communication link to the consulates with the National Visa Centre (NVC). Providing consulates with alternative communication channels with limited access to Virtual Private Network (VPN) network., BG/ISF – SO1 – NO1 – А2 (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-1.002 - Further development of the software and hardware of N.VIS and the interfaces for EU VIS and migration to the VIS Mail, reconstruction, renovation and modernization of consulates as well as additional biometric desks at consulates with greatest number of visa applications Further development of the software and hardware of N.VIS and the interfaces for EU VIS and migration to the VIS Mail, reconstruction, renovation and modernization of consulates as well as additional biometric desks at consulates with greatest number of visa applications and increasing of trainings of the officials applying the Union acquis in the field of visa policy (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-1.003 - Conducting an information campaign on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria in order to reduce the rate of denied US visas for Bulgarian citizens, type B1 (business visa) and type B2 (tourism, pleasure or visiting) (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-2.001 - Целите на настоящата Покана по процедура на директно предоставяне на БФП са дефинирани в съответствие с целите на Националната програма на България за подпомагане от Фонд „Вътрешна сигурност“ за периода 2014 – 2020 и РЕПС 515/2014г. Процедурата е насочена към изпълнение на Специфична цел 2, Национална цел 6, Специфично действие 1 на Националната програма на България за подпомагане от Фонд „Вътрешна сигурност“: “Доставка на автомобил с мобилна система за наблюдение”. Процедурата цели да допринесе за разширяване възможността за участие в операции, организирани от Агенция ФРОНТЕКС за гарантиране на сигурност и противодействие на миграционния натиск по външните граници на ЕС и модернизиране на оборудването за наблюдение на външните сухоземни граници чрез закупуване на мобилна система за наблюдение (МСН). Целите на настоящата покана са в съответствие със следната специфична цел съгласно чл.3, т. 2б на РЕПС 515/2014: подпомагане на интегрираното управление на границите, включително насърчаване на допълнителна хармонизация на мерките, свързани с управлението на границите, в съответствие с общите стандарти на Съюза и чрез обмен на информация между държавите членки и между държавите членки и агенцията Frontex, за да се осигури, от една страна, еднаква и висока степен на контрол и защита на външните граници, включително чрез справяне с незаконната имиграция, и, от друга страна, безпроблемно преминаване на външните граници в съответствие с достиженията на правото от Шенген, като същевременно се гарантира достъп до международна закрила на лицата, които се нуждаят от такава, в съответствие с договорените от държавите членки задължения в областта на правата на човека, включително принципа на забраната за връщане. Настоящата покана е насочена към изпълнение на ангажимент поет с Многогодишната програма на Р България във връзка с чл. 7 т. 1 и т. 2 от Приложение 2 към РЕПС 515/2014 за закупуване на превозни средства и оперативно оборудване, които се считат за необходими за разгръщане по време на съвместни операции от агенцията Frontex и се предоставят на разположение на агенцията Frontex в съответствие с член 7, параграф 5, втора и трета алинея от Регламент (ЕО) № 2007/2004“. (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-2.002 - Delivery of specialized equipment for effective border control at external borders, including IT and office equipment. BG/ISF - SO2 - NO6 - A12. (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-2.003 - "Improvement of the TETRA system capabilities by software upgrade for improvement of the cooperation and exchange of information in the area of responsibility of border police at the EU external borders." (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-2.004 - Establishing of integrated system for video surveillance of BCPs of Republic of Bulgaria, providing protection of the relevant border area and control for vehicles crossing the BCPs at the external borders. (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-2.005 - Enhancement of the effectiveness of the border control through delivery of external border control equipment including new normal and all-terrain patrolling and specialized vehicles. (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-2.006 - Providing access to ICAO PKD system, BG/ISF-SO2-NO5 (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-2.007 - Development of the National coordination centre in Sofia; National coordination center upgraded and National situational picture analysis layer upgraded.Training of the Border Police staff on the EU legal instruments in the field of border control. as well as on the specific tasks in the process of border control, including foreign language training;Development of N.SIS by provision of additional functionalities for the Main and Back-up Computer and Communication Computer centres. Building of specialised centre for joint border control with Romanian border police on Danube River vessels traffic in Vidin. Improvement of the security and reliability of Ministry of Interior data transfer network at the European Union external borders by implementation of system for collecting, storing and analysis of information for the activities of the end users and devices. Providing access to the ICAO PKD system. (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-2.008 - "Operational support for effective border control" (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-2.009 - Delivery of border-police patrol boat - Frontex equipment (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-2.011 - "Increasing of administrative and technical capacity of MoI in the field of border control" (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-2.012 - Modernization of the equipment for technical expertise of documents and delivery of new technical equipment for EURODAC (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-2.013 - Development and implementation of ETIAS and support in effective upgrading of SIS (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-2.014 - Delivery of equipment, protective means and consumables for protection of the health of police officers and prevent the spread of COVID-19 at the borders of Republic of Bulgaria. (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-2.015 - Повишаване на капацитета на ГДГП с оглед осигуряване на допълнителна подкрепа за целите на граничния контрол по външните граници, включително временните външни граници с потенциално или очаквано висок миграционен натиск (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-2.017 - Hiring additional, temporary staff to guard the state border (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-2.018 - Supply of computer equipment (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-3.001 - Providing reliable post-warranty maintenance for: 1. ISS for control and surveillance at Bulgarian – Turkish border, section BCP Kapitan Andreevo – BCP Lessovo., 2. ISS “Blue border", 3. Automated surveillance system at Bulgarian-Serbian border in the area of responsibility of Border Police Unit Kalotina border, 4. Helicopters, ships, normal and all-terrain vehicles, specialized vehicles and ABC gates (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-3.002 - "Maintenance of technical equipment for border control - E -GATES used for border control", BG/ISF - SO3 - NO2 - A18 (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-3.003 - Maintenance of the TETRA communication system built under Schengen facility and EBF at the external borders. (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-3.004 - Maintenance and modernization of buildings and premises necessary for the implementation of border control and for the organisation and implementation of border surveillance between BCPs external borders.,BG/ISF- SO3-NO2-А17 (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-3.005 - Maintenance and update of the software and technical equipment for the N.VIS and the Consular service centres of Republic of Bulgaria, BG/ISF-SO3-NO1 (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-3.006 - Maintenance of national components VIS (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-3.007 - Maintance of national components SHIS (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-3.008 - Maintenance of border-police boats (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-3.009 - Renovation of premises, necessary to provide appropriate conditions for border control at the external borders (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-3.010 - Post-warranty support of an integrated system for monitoring of the Bulgarian-Turkish border in the from the Kapitan Andreevo border checkpoint to the Lesovo border checkpoint. Delivery of technical and software tools. (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-3.011 - Осигуряване на допълнителни разходи за персонал (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-5.001 - Improvement of the mobility of Chief Directorate for Combating Organised Crime (CDCOC) for effective investigation and counteraction of the crossborder, serious and organised crime through delivery of new vehicles (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-5.002 - Improving the capacity of pre-trial police investigation and related forensic examinations though. Delivery and maintenance of technical equipment for successful integration. (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-5.003 - Decreasing the level of corruption in patrol and traffic police by installation of video surveillance in the police vehicles. (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-5.004 - "Further development of the National DNA and AFIS database capacity through update of the software and hardware; upgrade of the software and hardware of the Bulgarian IBIS as a prerequisite for connecting to IBIN., BG/ISF – SO5-NO2-A26 (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-5.005 - "Exchange and training of employees working in the field of the security of information, information systems and networks in order to provide technological compatibility of the police authorities with relevant structures on EU level" (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-5.006 - "Delivery of technical equipment for police officers, working in the field of prevention and countering in human beings and drugs trafficking" (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-5.007 - "Modernization and enhancement of the effectiveness of the prevention of bomb terrorism and improvement of the capacity of the physics and chemistry examination; Improvement of the training facilities and of the quality and effectiveness of the shooting and tactical training of the officials from the Specialized Unit for Fighting Terrorism - MoI and from the Regional directorates – MoI" (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-5.008 - Development of new Central Police System; upgrade and maintenance of the following Automated Information Systems: Investigation at the Ministry of Interior, Bulletin, Operative Document, Operative Analysis, MoI Geographic Information Systems, Management of document flows, EUROPOL BG; Enhancement of the security of the police officers database and national component of Police Working Group on Terrorism (PWGT)., BG/ISF-SO5-NO2-A25. (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-5.009 - Elaboration of threat and risk assessments of organised crime; Establishment of an independent monitoring system for evaluation of the results from the application of anticorruption measures on national level. (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-5.010 - "Delivery of technical equipment for police officers, working in the field of prevention and countering in human beings and drugs trafficking" (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-5.011 - "Delivery of technical means for law enforcement authorities, technical provision for experts, training, international practices and information campaigns" (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-5.012 - "Activities aimed at counteraction of corruption and crime, support to victims of crimes." (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-5.013 - Measures for combating of serious and organised crime and increasing of effectiveness for carrying out operational and search activities (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-5.014 - Development of existing Passenger Information Units(PNR). Development of automated audio and video communication system. Support for countering organized and serious international crime. (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-5.015 - Develop the necessary IT solutions to increase the exchange of information with other EU MS. Training courses for data collection and analysis.Measures to support law enforcement authorities. (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-5.016 - Development of the necessary IT solutions to increase the exchange of information with other EU MS and the interoperability with the IT systems and databases developed by the EU or other EU MS (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-5.017 - Доставка на специализирано оборудване за биометрична идентификация и друго оборудване (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-6.001 - Development and maintenance of the Uniform automated register for control on dangerous means in its part to communication with external information systems for counteracting and detection of crimeс. (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-6.002 - "Development of training center in Montana for the purpose to insurance a better trainings for authorities, working in the field of protection of European critical infrastructure and chemical, biological, radiation and nuclear protection(CBRN)." (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-6.003 - Development and modernisation of the National Operative Centre and the regional operative centres through establishment of basic infrastructure for reaction in emergency situations incl. the enlargement of the TETRA system coverage, necessary for provision of communication among the structures for the protection of European CI and the population., BG/ISF-SO6-NO5-A36 (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-6.004 - "Preparation of national and sectoral strategic risk analysis in relation to money laundering and terrorist financing by introducing methodology and attract expertise." (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-6.006 - Development of an information system for collecting and processing data for established critical infrastructures; Training of employees for counter-intelligence and information protection of critical infrastructure; Developing capabilities to protect strategic objects; Establishment of a security research center for the communication and information systems of strategic sites; Further development of an early warning systems (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-6.007 - Measures for implementation, development and applying the Cybersecurity strategy of Republic of Bulgaria 2020 (Ended)
      • BG65ISNP001-6.008 - Establishment of an Incident Monitoring and Response Center with a significant detrimental effect on the communication and information systems of the strategic sites and of activities that are important for the national security. (Ended)
The project is funded by The technical assistance fund, financed by the financial mechanism of the EEA and the Norwegian financial mechanism 2014-2021