Приключилa/прекратена процедура

DFPO-1.004 - Strategic cooperation between Bulgaria and Norway in support of Bulgaria’s international commitments to combating antisemitism and preserving Jewish heritage (Приключила)

The main objectives of the pre-defined initiative “Strategic cooperation between Bulgaria and Norway in support of Bulgaria’s international commitments to combating antisemitism and preserving Jewish heritage” are:

- to support the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and relevant stakeholders to integrate measures for preventing antisemitism into national strategic documents, in particular the elaboration and initial implementation of the first National Action Plan (NAP) on combatting antisemitism, within the commitments of Bulgaria as a member of the EU and of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) and

- to promote bilateral cooperation and exchange of best practices in combatting antisemitism and preserving the Jewish heritage in the context of current global challenges.

Срокове за кандидатстване

Начален срок: 17.08.2020 г. 17:44 ч.

Краен срок: 18.11.2020 г. 17:30 ч.

Интернет адрес: www.eeagrants.bg

Документи за кандидатстване и информация

Оценителни таблици

Проектът се финансира от Оперативна програма „Добро управление”, съфинансирана от Европейския съюз чрез Европейския социален фонд.
В изпълнение на проект BG05SFOP001-4.002-0003 „Повишаване на ефективността и ефикасността на Централното координационно звено“.