Completed/terminated procedure

BG06RDNP001-19.330 - LAG Vazhod-Vetrino, Valchi dol, Provadia - Measure 4.2. "Investment in processing / marketing of agricultural products" (Ended)

Increasing the share of enterprises in the LAG economy in the LAG economy and creating new jobs by: making better use of production factors; introduction of new products, processes and technologies, including short supply chains; improving the quality and safety of food and its traceability; compliance with European Union (EU) standards; improving environmental protection.

Application time limits

Start: 06.01.2020 13:40

Deadline: 09.02.2020 17:00

Additional information on deadline

Втори краен срок: Началният срок на приема е от 30.03.2020 година, а крайният срок е 17:00 часа на 10.05.2020 година. / В случай, че са налични остатъчни средства от първи краен срок за подаване на проектни предложения/

Internet address:

Documents for information and application

Evaluation tables

The project is funded by The technical assistance fund, financed by the financial mechanism of the EEA and the Norwegian financial mechanism 2014-2021