Completed/terminated procedure

BG05M9OP001-1.042 - „LAG - municipalities Momchilgrad and Krumovgrad - trainings for employees" (Ended)

The purpose of the procedure is to increase the ability of employed persons (employed and self-employed aged over 54 as well as employed and self-employed with secondary and lower education) to face the rapid changes in the labor market due to structural factors such as globalization, technological changes and aging population.

Within the framework of the procedure, different trainings will be provided for employees working in micro, small, medium and large enterprises. As a result, the employees skills will be improved in line with current business needs, their labor productivity will be increased and conditions for sustainable employment and better quality jobs will be created.

The procedure is implemented in accordance with Priority 4 - "Investing in human capital" of the “LAG Momchilgrad - Krumovgrad Strategy“ and will contribute to the specific objective 4.2 "Organization of trainings for the acquisition of professional / vocational qualification, internship or apprenticeship".

Application time limits

Start: 10.07.2018 11:38

Deadline: 15.05.2019 17:00

Additional information on deadline

Първи краен срок за представяне на предложенията: 15.08.2018 г., 17.00 часа. с общ бюджет в размер на 200 000,00 лв. Втори краен срок за представяне на предложенията: 28.12.2018 г., 17.00 часа (Вторият прием не е бил осъществен поради неприключил процес по договаряне по първия прием). Трети краен срок за представяне на предложенията с общ бюджет в размер на 67 560.00 лева (остатъчен бюджет от първия прием): 15.05.2019 г., 17.00 часа.

Internet address:

Documents for information and application

Evaluation tables

The project is funded by The technical assistance fund, financed by the financial mechanism of the EEA and the Norwegian financial mechanism 2014-2021