Completed/terminated procedure

BG06RDNP001-19.096 - Measure LAG4.2 "Investment in processing / marketing of agricultural products", NGO "LAG-Lyaskovets-Strazhitsa " (Ended)

Measure LAG4.2. aims at improving the overall activity, economic efficiency and competitiveness of enterprises in the food processing industry on the territory of Lyaskovets and Strazhitsa municipalities through:

1. better use of production factors;

2. introduction of new products, processes and technologies, including short supply chains;

3. improving the quality and safety of food and its traceability;

4. achieving compliance with European Union (EU) standards;

5. improving the protection of the environment.

There will be created conditions for solving an existing problem of the territory, mainly related to the development of the vegetable production, where there is the lack of a market of produced products, whose low durability increases the entrepreneurial risk. For these reasons, urgent action is needed

measures to enhance competitiveness and balanced development of agriculture and manufacturing, including through diversification, alternative activities.

The expected results of the supported projects for the above-mentioned RDP 2014-2020 procedure are also related to targeted support for a balanced development of agriculture and manufacturing, including through diversification, alternative activities and increasing the competitiveness of 4 processing plants within the LAG territory.

The measure will fund up to 4 projects that will be able to take action to achieve compliance with internationally recognized management system standards, costs of introducing good production practices, quality management systems and preparation for certification in enterprises, etc. . The investments made should also increase the resource and energy efficiency of the processing plants.

Application time limits

Start: 27.10.2018 10:01

Deadline: 08.01.2019 17:00

Additional information on deadline

Вторият краен срок за подаване на проектните предложения е до 28 февруари 2019г., 17.00 часа. Размер на БФП по втори прием – остатъчни средства след първи прием.

Internet address:

Documents for information and application

Evaluation tables

The project is funded by The technical assistance fund, financed by the financial mechanism of the EEA and the Norwegian financial mechanism 2014-2021