Completed/terminated procedure

BG05M9OP001-2.079 - MIG04 "Social Innovation for Active Social Inclusion" (Ended)

The purpose of the procedure is to:

1. improving the access of disadvantaged people to social inclusion services in the community and in the home environment;

2. improving access to social and health services and increasing the employment rate of people with disabilities,

3. Providing opportunities for the return to the labor market of family members caring for the disabled and dependent on care for the elderly.

The procedure is implemented under Priority Axis 2 "Poverty Reduction and Promotion of Social Inclusion", Investment Priority 2: "Active Inclusion, including with a view to promoting equal opportunities and active participation and better employability" and Investment Priority 3 : "Improving access to affordable, sustainable and high-quality services, including health and social services of general interest" of OPHRD 2014-2020

Specific objective 2 "Increase in the number of people with disabilities who have begun to seek employment or are employed by providing social and health services, through integrated measures for people with disabilities and their families' on investment priority 2;

Specific objective 1 "Improving the access of persons with disabilities and over 65s in the impossibility of self-provision to social inclusion and health services" to investment priority 3.

By implementing projects under this measure, the local development strategy will create the conditions and prerequisites for investing in integrated integrated measures aimed at improving access to social and health services and increasing the employment rate of people with disabilities as well as returning to the market of the work of family members caring for the disabled. Within the measure, access to innovative social services will be facilitated as an integral part of comprehensive social inclusion services, ensuring a higher quality of life and employability, such as innovative cross-sectoral services, including rehabilitation, occupational therapy, social service provision the community and others according to the individual needs of the disabled person.

Application time limits

Start: 30.07.2019 15:49

Deadline: 30.08.2019 17:30

Internet address:

Documents for information and application

Evaluation tables

The project is funded by The technical assistance fund, financed by the financial mechanism of the EEA and the Norwegian financial mechanism 2014-2021