Open calls

In this page you can see the procedure, deadline and all other documents required for the application. If you are outside the system user functionality to create a new project proposal is not available. In the system can login or create a new profile from the menu "Login".

BG16RFTA001-1.005 - The higher added value of the management system of the European funds under shared management

1. Ensuring simplification and rationalization of the environment for implementation and control of the programs from the Partnership Agreement (PA);

2. Reduction of the number of types of errors in program management, which have already been found by the control bodies during previous inspections/audits, through effective and timely communication between the structures of the system;

3. Increasing the share of public procurement procedures where no financial correction is imposed for violations affecting both the preparatory phase and all stages of the process of conducting contractor selection procedures;

4. Maintaining high levels of competence, motivation and commitment of the employees of the horizontal structures responsible for the control and audit of ESIF/ EFSM funds.

5. Increasing public confidence in the System in relation to the audit activity on projects under the programs of the PA.

Application time limits

Start: 01.12.2023 10:00

Deadline: 29.11.2024 23:00

Documents for information and application

Evaluation tables

The project is funded by The technical assistance fund, financed by the financial mechanism of the EEA and the Norwegian financial mechanism 2014-2021