Open calls

In this page you can see the procedure, deadline and all other documents required for the application. If you are outside the system user functionality to create a new project proposal is not available. In the system can login or create a new profile from the menu "Login".

BG16FFPR003-4.003 - Mapping the skills of indirectly affected individuals in areas most affected by climate transition

Подкрепа за успешното моделиране на мерките за преквалификация и повишаване на квалификацията на косвено засегнатите лица

Application time limits

Start: 03.01.2025 17:00

Deadline: 04.02.2025 18:00

Start: 10.02.2025 13:00

Deadline: 13.02.2025 18:00

Additional information on deadline

Удължен срок за кандидатстване по искане на конкретния бенефициент.

Internet address:

Documents for information and application

Evaluation tables

The project is funded by The technical assistance fund, financed by the financial mechanism of the EEA and the Norwegian financial mechanism 2014-2021