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Dear UMIS users,

Тhe system has been upgraded with the following changes:

• In the ‘E-application’ module/’Project proposals’ section the results of the evaluation can now be visualized next to every submitted project proposal. It includes the results of the evaluation as well as the evaluators’ comments/notes in the evaluation grid. The evaluation results together with the versions of the project proposal created during the evaluation process are accessible from the ‘Details’ button;

• When a call for proposals is opened the applicants will now be informed of the evaluation grid and the criteria against which the project proposals will be evaluated. The grids of ended and cancelled calls are also accessible in the “Ended and cancelled” section;

• In the Procedures for awarding public procurements section a new sub-section - “My public procurements” is created. The candidates now have the possibility to announce a new procedure for public procurement prior to the finalization of the evaluation process and to the grant contract signing;

• In the Procedures for awarding public procurements section the visualization of the announced public procurement procedures has been improved. Every procedure is now seen just once regardless of the lots number;

• A possibility for communication between the bidders and the beneficiary is created. In case the beneficiary needs clarification regarding a certain bid, he can initiate communication with the bidder. The communication will be available in the UMIS profile of the bidder in the Procedures for awarding public procurements section within the respective bid, from where the bidder will be able to respond within the time limit set by the beneficiary.

Status: expired

Date of publication: 21.12.2020

Valid until: 29.01.2021

Author: UMIS 2020 Team

The project is funded by The technical assistance fund, financed by the financial mechanism of the EEA and the Norwegian financial mechanism 2014-2021