Evaluation table

Evaluation criterias

I. Group Threshold for passing
Criteria Weight (10.00)
Applicant’s project management experience and/or experience in the implementation of similar activities: 

During the last 12 months he applicant has completed activities, similar to those included in the project proposal - give 2 points 

Such information is not provided or the provided information is not relevant to the respective criterion or the applicant has not implemented similar activities in the last 12 months - give 0 points
Project Manager’s experience in management/ implementation of projects and/or activities similar to those included in the project proposal:

The project manager has experience in management/implementation of projects and/or activities, similar to those included in the project proposal  for more than 3 years - give 3 points
The project manager has experience in management/implementation of projects and/or activities, similar to those included in the project proposal between 1 to 3 years - give 1 point
Experience of an accountant/financial expert in financial/accounting area:

The accountant/ financial expert has experience  in financial/accounting area for more than 3 years - give 3 points.
The accountant/ financial expert has experience in financial/accounting area for 1 to 3 years - give 1 point.
Project coordinator’s experience in management/implementation of projects and/or activities similar to those included in the project proposal:

The coordinator/technical assistant has experience in management/ implementation of projects and/or activities similar to those included in the project proposal for more than 3 years - give 2 points. 
The coordinator/technical assistant has experience in the management/ implementation of projects and/or activities similar to those included in the project proposal for 1 to 3 years - give 1 point.
II. Group Threshold for passing
Criteria Weight (65.00)
Description and justification of the project objectives: The formulated specific objectives are in line with the objectives in the Application Guidelines - if YES, give 1 point.
Description and justification of the project objectives: The objectives set out aim at addressing the needs of the target groups according to the Application Guidelines - if YES, give 1 point.
Description and justification of the project objectives: There is a clear connection between the project objectives and the envisaged project results - if YES, give 1 point.
Description and justification of the project objectives: The attached analysis of the centre’s activities gives a clear idea of the current problems of the main target groups, the activities of the centre and the financial support by the municipality - if YES, give 5 points.
Description and justification of the project objectives: The analysis justifies the proposed activities in the project proposal in accordance with the needs assessment, recommendations of the stakeholders, etc. - if YES, give 5 points.
Description of the project target groups and their needs: The target groups are specified in accordance with the requirements of the Application Guidelines- if YES, give 1 point.
Description of the project target groups and their needs: The target groups are quantitatively defined in accordance with the requirements of the Application Guidelines - if YES, give 1 point.
Description of the project target groups and their needs: The needs of the target groups are identified - if YES, give 1 point.
Relevance of the activities to the objectives and expected results: The activities are eligible according to the Application Guidelines- if YES, give 1 point.
Relevance of the activities to the objectives and expected results
The activities aim at achieving the objective of: Increasing the number of activities, initiated by the young people themselves - if YES, give 2 points.
Relevance of the activities to the objectives and expected results
The activities aim at achieving the objective of: Widening the territorial scope of the activities (through outreach actions, transportation to and from organized activities, etc., excluding reconstruction/equipment for facilities other than the youth centres) - if YES, give 2 points.
Relevance of the activities to the objectives and expected results
The activities aim at achieving the objective of: Ensuring access to youth centre activities of disadvantaged young people living in other villages/cities in the respective county - if YES, give 2 points.
Relevance of the activities to the objectives and expected results
The activities aim at achieving the objective of: Increasing the total number of youth centre activities aiming full coverage of the needs of young people - if YES, give 2 points.
Relevance of the activities to the objectives and expected results
The activities aim at achieving the objective of:
Increasing the number of young people, participating in youth centre activities above 1500 - give 3 points
Increasing the number of young people, participating in youth centre activities above 1250 to 1500 - give 1 point
Increasing the number of young people, participating in youth centre activities to 1250 - give 0 points

Relevance of the activities to the objectives and expected results
The activities aim at achieving the objective of: Widening the scope and including people of different ages into activities of the centre - if YES, give 2 points.
Relevance of the activities to the objectives and expected results
The activities aim at achieving the objective of: Improving the quality of the existing services and community outreach - if YES, give 2 points
Relevance of the activities to the objectives and expected results
The activities aim at achieving the objective of:
The percentage of youth from vulnerable groups  covered by the project activities is above 25 % - give 3 points
The percentage of youth from vulnerable groups  covered by the project activities is between 21 % to 25% - give 2 points
The percentage of youth from vulnerable groups  covered by the project activities is up to 20% - give 0 points
Activities and their implementation: The mandatory activities to widen the scope of the youth centres, including additional, tailor made services for vulnerable groups, including job seeking advice and guidance, measures to support their participation in the local and national decision-making process, non-formal education opportunities at local level, guidance in re-integrating or integrating formal education and / or vocational training are included in the project proposal - - if YES, give 5 points.
Activities and their implementation: The mandatory innovative activities provided by the youth centre are included in the project proposal - if YES, give 5 points.
Activities and their implementation: The mandatory activity of recruiting at least 5 youth workers and 2 educational mediators in each youth centre is included in the project proposal in total (existing positions of youth workers and educational mediators are counted in this number)- if YES, give 1 point.
Activities and their implementation: The mandatory activities of providing non-formal education for young people are included in the project proposal- if YES, give 1 point.
Activities and their implementation: The mandatory activities of providing services for young people are included in project proposal - if YES, give 1 point.
Activities and their implementation: The mandatory community activities and activities with representatives of non-youth groups (incl. children, parents, community representatives, involved in youth centre activities) are included in project proposal - if YES, give 1 point.
Activities and their implementation: The mandatory activity of implementing international initiatives for sharing of experience and good practices is included in the project proposal - if YES, give 1 point.
Activities and their implementation: Mandatory external audit activity is included in the project proposal and budgetary allocation is provided - if YES, give 1 point.
Activities and their implementation: Mandatory information and publicity activities are included in the project proposal - if YES, give 1 point.
Activities and their implementation: Mandatory activities in cooperation with donor project partners are included in the project proposal - if YES, give 1 point.
Specific conditions: The set target values for all indicators comply with the requirements of the Application Guidelines - if YES, give 1 point.
Specific conditions: The project envisages activities and the respective budget for exchange of experience, transfer of knowledge and best practice contributing to the achievement of the set project objectives and indicators - if YES, give 1 point.
Specific conditions: The project proposal and the related documents (for ex.: the decision of the Municipal council) include commitment to maintain sustainability of the project results - if YES, give 1 point.
Bilateral relations – partners from the donor countries: The partner(s) (where applicable) is/are involved in the implementation of the activities in accordance with its/their capacity and commitments according to the Partner Agreement/Letter of Intent - if YES, give 2 points. 
Bilateral relations – partners from the donor countries: The key risks which could impact the partner collaboration are identified, they are evaluated in regard of probability of occurrence and degree of impact and adequate response measures are outlined - if YES, give 1 point.
Partners from Bulgaria: The partner(s) (where applicable) is/are involved in the implementation of the activities in accordance with its/their capacity and commitments - if YES, give 1 point.
Partners from Bulgaria: The key risks are identified which could impact on the partner collaboration, they are evaluated in regard of probability of occurrence and degree of impact as adequate response measures are outlined - if YES, give 1 point.
The main political, institutional and operational risks for project implementation are identified and analysed - if YES, give 1 point.
The probability of arising of risks and their impact on the implementation of the project is identified - if YES, give 1 point.
Adequate risk mitigating measures are proposed - if YES, give 1 point.
Specific timelines and people in charge are envisaged in terms of the main risks - if YES, give 1 point.
III. Group Threshold for passing
BUDGET (If the project generated less than 10 points in the BUDGET section, it shall be returned for correction)
Criteria Weight (25.00)
Overall budget allocation (if YES, give 3 points, answer NO in any of the lines in the “Overall budget allocation” position shall be grounds for returning the budget for correction or for the evaluation committee to reduce or remove the amount that exceeds the eligible maximum):
The budget (in Excel) is developed by types of activities. The budget amounts correspond to the planned activities in Application Form.
Overall budget allocation  (if YES, give 3 points, answer NO in any of the lines in the “Overall budget allocation” position shall be grounds for returning the budget for correction or for the evaluation committee to reduce or remove the amount that exceeds the eligible maximum):
The required arithmetic operations have been followed and the EUR / lev = 1.9558 exchange rate was used to convert the BGN into euro
Overall budget allocation  (if YES, give 3 points, answer NO in any of the lines in the “Overall budget allocation” position shall be grounds for returning the budget for correction or for the evaluation committee to reduce or remove the amount that exceeds the eligible maximum):
There is a clear connection between the budget (in Excel) and the budget in the Application Form.
Overall budget allocation  (if YES, give 3 points, answer NO in any of the lines in the “Overall budget allocation” position shall be grounds for returning the budget for correction or for the evaluation committee to reduce or remove the amount that exceeds the eligible maximum): There are no ineligible costs envisaged according to the Application Guidelines and no duplicated costs.
Overall budget allocation  (if YES, give 3 points, answer NO in any of the lines in the “Overall budget allocation” position shall be grounds for returning the budget for correction or for the evaluation committee to reduce or remove the amount that exceeds the eligible maximum): The set method for determine the indirect costs is justified, the set percentage has been respected, there is evidence justifying the selected percentage (if applicable)
Level of detail (Budget in Excel)
Choose one option only
The budget is written in detail with the necessary arguments and justification - give 3 points. 
The budget is written in detail, but the necessary arguments and/or justification are not present - give 1 point. 
The budget is not written in detail, the minimum requirements are answered according to the Application Guidelines - give 0 points.
Efficiency and effectiveness
Choose one option only
The budget is effective – all the costs are necessary for the achievement of the project objectives. The costs are correctly distributed among the envisaged project fields of intervention. (The costs are logically related to the activity they are attributed to) - give 3 points.
The costs are necessary for the achievement of the project objectives but there is no logical link between activities and costs / the envisaged costs does not lead to the implementation of the planned activities and achievement of the expected project results - give 1 point. 
The budget is ineffective – there is no logical link between activities and costs, there is no clarity whether the envisaged costs lead to the implementation of the planned activities and the expected project results - give 0 points. 
Choose one option only 
For the purposes of this evaluation a “Budget position” shall be considered the entire budget category, for instance: Project management costs. “Budget line” shall be one line in the budget.
The budget is cost-effective – all costs are aligned with the market prices, there are no excessive or unreasonable costs - give 3 points. 
One budget position/up to 4 budget lines contain costs that are not aligned with the market prices / there are excessive or unreasonable costs - give 1 point.
The budget is not cost-effective – two or more budget positions / five or more budget lines have values exceeding market prices / there are excessive or unreasonable costs - give 0 points.
The included costs correspond to the requirements for the applicable tax and social-security legislation (the staff costs comply with the Beneficiary’s usual practice; VAT – a declaration is submitted in case of non-reimbursable VAT, etc.) - if YES, give 1 point.
Threshold for passing: 63.00 Max weight total: 100.00