Evaluation table

Evaluation criterias

I. Group Threshold for passing
Criteria Weight (12.00)
Applicant’s project management experience and/or experience in the implementation of similar activities 
Choose one option only 
- The applicant has completed at least one project financed by the EU funds, the national budget or other sources for financing in the capacity of a project promoter or project partner - give 3 points. 
- The applicant  has at least 1-year experience in the implementation of activities, similar to those included in the project proposal - give 2 points.
- The Applicant has less than a year experience in the implementation of activities, similar to those included in the project proposal - give 1 point.
- There is no reference to information or the provided information is not related to the respective criterion or the applicant has no experience in the implementation of similar projects - give 0 points. 
Project Manager’s experience in management/ implementation of projects and/or activities similar to those included in the project proposal:
Choose one option only
- The project manager has at least 3-year experience in the management/implementation of projects and/or activities, similar to those included in the project proposal - give 3 points.
- The project manager has at least 1-year experience in the management/implementation of projects and/or activities, similar to those included in the project proposal - give 2 points.
- The project manager has less than a year experience in management/implementation of projects and/or activities, similar to those included in the project proposal - give 1 point.
- There is no included information or the submitted information is not relevant to the criterion - give 0 points.
Experience of the accountant/financial expert in the management/ implementation of projects and/or activities similar to those included in the project proposal:
Choose one option only 
- The accountant/financial expert has at least 3-year experience in the management/implementation of projects and/or activities, similar to those included in the project proposal - give 3 points.
- The accountant/financial expert has at least 1-year experience in the management/implementation of projects and/or activities, similar to those included in the project proposal - give 2 points.
- The accountant/financial expert has less than a year experience in management/implementation of projects and/or activities, similar to those included in the project proposal - give 1 point.
- There is no included information or the submitted information is not relevant to the criterion - give 0 points.
Project coordinator’s experience in the management/ implementation of projects and/or activities similar to those included in the project proposal:
Choose one option only 
- The coordinator/technical assistant  has at least 3-year experience in the management/implementation of projects and/or activities, similar to those included in the project proposal - give 3 points.
- The coordinator/technical assistant  has at least 1-year experience in the management/implementation of projects and/or activities, similar to those included in the project proposal - give 2 points.
- The coordinator/technical assistant  has less than a year experience in management/implementation of projects and/or activities, similar to those included in the project proposal - give 1 point.
- There is no included information or the submitted information is not relevant to the criterion - give 0 points.
II. Group Threshold for passing
COMPLIANCE: Description and justification of the project objectives
Criteria Weight (12.00)
Description and justification of the project objectives 
Please respond with YES or NO. If your answer is YES, give 3 points, if your answer is NO, give 0 points.
The attached analysis of the centre’s activities gives a clear idea of the current problems of the main target groups.
Description and justification of the project objectives 
Please respond with YES or NO. If your answer is YES, give 3 points, if your answer is NO give 0 points.
The analysis justifies the proposed activities in the project proposal in accordance with the needs assessment, recommendations of the stakeholders, etc.
Description and justification of the project objectives 
Please respond with YES or NO. If your answer is YES, give 3 points, if your answer is NO, give 0 points.
The foreseen activities support the multicultural approach, democratic values and promote active public involvement.
Description and justification of the project objectives 
Please respond with YES or NO. If your answer is YES, give 3 points, if your answer is NO, give 0 points.
The strategy of the youth centre  gives clear vision of the youth activities and the development of the local youth policies for the next 10 years; the strategy supports the main objectives  of the youth centre.
III. Group Threshold for passing
COMPLIANCE: Description of the project target groups and their needs
Criteria Weight (3.00)
Description of the project target groups and their needs  
Please respond with YES or NO. If your answer is YES, give 1 point, if your answer is NO, give 0 points.
The target groups are specified in accordance with the requirements of the Application Guidelines. 
Description of the project target groups and their needs  
Please respond with YES or NO. If your answer is YES, give 1 point, if your answer is NO, give 0 points.
The target groups are quantitatively defined in accordance with the requirements of the Application Guidelines.
Description of the project target groups and their needs  
Please respond with YES or NO. If your answer is YES, give 1 point, if your answer is NO, give 0 points.
The needs of the target groups are correctly identified.
IV. Group Threshold for passing
COMPLIANCE: Activities and their implementation
Criteria Weight (13.00)
Activities and their implementation 
Please respond with YES or NO. If your answer is YES, give 1 point, if your answer is NO, give 0 points.
At least one innovative approach/activity/practice related to the achievement of the project objectives and results is proposed.
Activities and their implementation 
Please respond with YES or NO. If your answer is YES, give 1 point, if your answer is NO, give 0 points.
The recruitment of at least five youth workers and at least two Roma education mediators in each youth centre is secured.
Activities and their implementation 
Please respond with YES or NO. If your answer is YES, give 1 point, if your answer is NO, give 0 points.
Non-formal education for young people is included as one of the main instruments for youth work.
Activities and their implementation 
Please respond with YES or NO. If your answer is YES, give 1 point, if your answer is NO, give 0 points.
Activities for reintegration of school drop-outs represent an integral part of the youth centre work.
Activities and their implementation 
Please respond with YES or NO. If your answer is YES, give 1 point, if your answer is NO, give 0 points.
A variety of services for young people will be provided.
Activities and their implementation 
Please respond with YES or NO. If your answer is YES, give 1 point, if your answer is NO, give 0 points.
Regular community activities and activities with representatives of non-youth groups (incl. children, parents, community representatives, involved in youth centre activities) are included in the project proposal.
Activities and their implementation 
Please respond with YES or NO. If your answer is YES, give 1 point, if your answer is NO, give 0 points.
The implementation of international initiatives for sharing experience and good practices are included  in the project proposal.
Activities and their implementation 
Please respond with YES or NO. If your answer is YES, give 1 point, if your answer is NO, give 0 points.
Regular audits are envisaged in the project proposal.
Activities and their implementation 
Please respond with YES or NO. If your answer is YES, give 1 point, if your answer is NO, give 0 points.
Activities in cooperation with the project partners are envisaged and budgeted accordingly.
Activities and their implementation 
Please respond with YES or NO. If your answer is YES, give 1 point, if your answer is NO, give 0 points.
The information and publicity activities are in accordance with the requirements of the Application guidelines.
Activities and their implementation 
Please respond with YES or NO. If your answer is YES, give 1 point, if your answer is NO, give 0 points.
The active participation of young people in the activities of the centre is ensured.
Activities and their implementation 
Please respond with YES or NO. If your answer is YES, give 1 point, if your answer is NO, give 0 points.
Targeted activities for  inclusion of children and youth from vulnerable groups are envisaged.
Activities and their implementation 
Please respond with YES or NO. If your answer is YES, give 1 point, if your answer is NO, give 0 points.
At least 20% of total participants are representatives of vulnerable groups, incl. Roma.
V. Group Threshold for passing
COMPLIANCE: Level of project preparation for construction works/repairs
Criteria Weight (5.00)
Level of project preparation for construction works/repairs 
Choose one option only
- Technical/detailed design is submitted - give 5 points.
- Only preliminary design  and summary bill of quantities are submitted - give 3 points.
- Only up-to-date sketch of the property for construction purposes is submitted - give 1 point.
- There is no reference to information or the provided information is not related to the respective criterion - give 0 points.
VI. Group Threshold for passing
COMPLIANCE: Specific conditions for the youth centres
Criteria Weight (6.00)
Specific conditions for the youth centres
Please respond with YES or NO. If your answer is YES, give 1 point, if your answer is NO, give 0 points.
The youth centre aims to serve the youth sector and young people as its primary function.
Specific conditions for the youth centres
Please respond with YES or NO. If your answer is YES, give 1 point, if your answer is NO, give 0 points.
The youth centre promotes international co-operation within the youth sector.
Specific conditions for the youth centres
Please respond with YES or NO. If your answer is YES, give 1 point, if your answer is NO, give 0 points.
The youth centre has a clear mandate from public authorities.
Specific conditions for the youth centres
Please respond with YES or NO. If your answer is YES, give 1 point, if your answer is NO, give 0 points.
The youth centre has in-house educational staff working to support the activities.
Specific conditions for the youth centres
Please respond with YES or NO. If your answer is YES, give 1 point, if your answer is NO, give 0 points.
The youth centre has accommodation facilities (for at least 35 persons) within the same campus where the working facilities are located.
Specific conditions for the youth centres
Please respond with YES or NO. If your answer is YES, give 1 point, if your answer is NO, give 0 points.
 The project proposal and the related documents (for ex.: the decision of the Municipal council) include commitment to maintain sustainability of the project results.
VII. Group Threshold for passing
COMPLIANCE: Bilateral relations – partners from the donor countries/Partners from Bulgaria/foreign partners other than from the donor states
Criteria Weight (5.00)
Bilateral relations – partners from the donor countries
Please respond with YES or NO. If your answer is YES, give 3 points, if your answer is NO, give 0 points.
The donor project partner/s (where applicable) is/are involved in the implementation of the activities in accordance with its/their capacity and commitments according to the Partnership Agreement/Letter of Intent.
Bilateral relations – partners from the donor countries
Please respond with YES or NO. If your answer is YES, give 1 point, if your answer is NO, give 0 points.
The funds envisaged for spending by the partner/s meet the requirements of the eligibility according to the Regulation.
Partners from Bulgaria/foreign partners other than from the donor states 
Please respond with YES or NO. If your answer is YES, give 1 point, if your answer is NO, give 0 points.
The partner/s (where applicable) is/are involved in the implementation of the activities in accordance with their capacity and commitments.
VIII. Group Threshold for passing
Criteria Weight (4.00)
Please respond with YES or NO. If your answer is YES, give 1 point, if your answer is NO, give 0 points.
The main political, institutional and operational risks are identified and analysed.
Please respond with YES or NO. If your answer is YES, give 1 point, if your answer is NO, give 0 points.
The probability of arising of risks and their impact on the implementation of the project is identified.
Please respond with YES or NO. If your answer is YES, give 1 point, if your answer is NO, give 0 points.
Adequate risk mitigating measures are proposed.
Please respond with YES or NO. If your answer is YES, give 1 point, if your answer is NO, give 0 points.
Specific timelines and people in charge are envisaged in terms of the main risks.
IX. Group Threshold for passing
BUDGET: Overall budget allocation 
Please respond with YES or NO. Answer YES gives 4 points. NO answer in any of the lines in the “Overall budget allocation” position shall be grounds for returning the budget for correction or for the evaluation committee to reduce or remove the amount that exceeds the eligible maximum.
Criteria Weight (22.00)
Overall budget allocation 
Please respond with YES or NO. If your answer is YES, give 4 points, if your answer is NO, give 0 points.
The budget (in Excel) is developed by types of activities. The budget amounts correspond to the planned activities in the Application Form.
Overall budget allocation 
Please respond with YES or NO. If your answer is YES, give 4 points, if your answer is NO, give 0 points.
The required arithmetic operations have been followed and 1.9558 exchange rate was used to convert the BGN into EURO.
Overall budget allocation 
Please respond with YES or NO. If your answer is YES, give 4 points, if your answer is NO, give 0 points.
There is a compliance between the budget (in Excel) and the budget in the Application Form.
Overall budget allocation 
Please respond with YES or NO. If your answer is YES, give 4 points, if your answer is NO, give 0 points.
There are no ineligible costs envisaged according to the Application Guidelines and no duplicated costs.
Overall budget allocation 
Please respond with YES or NO. If your answer is YES, give 4 points, if your answer is NO, give 0 points.
The chosen method for determining the indirect costs is justified, the set amount/percentage  is correct, there is evidence justifying the selected method (if applicable).
X. Group Threshold for passing
BUDGET: Structure of the budget
Criteria Weight (5.00)
Structure of the budget
Choose one option only
The budget is written in detail with the necessary  justification - give 5 points. 
The budget is written in detail, but the necessary justification is not present - give 3 points. 
The budget is not written in detail, the minimum requirements are not followed according to the Application Guidelines - give 0 points.
XI. Group Threshold for passing
BUDGET: Economy and good governance
Criteria Weight (5.00)
Economy and good governance
Choose one option only 
For the purposes of this evaluation a “Budget position” shall be considered the entire budget category, for instance: Project management costs. “Budget line” shall be one line in the budget.
- The budget is cost-effective – all costs are aligned with the market prices, there are no excessive or unreasonable costs - give 5 points. 
- One whole budget position or up to 4 budget lines contain excessive or unreasonable costs (they do not correspond to the usual market prices) - give 3 points.
- The budget is not cost-effective – two or more budget positions / 5 or more budget lines have values exceeding market prices / there are excessive or unreasonable costs - give 0 points.
XII. Group Threshold for passing
BUDGET: Efficiency and effectiveness of the budget
Criteria Weight (5.00)
Efficiency and effectiveness of the budget
Choose one option only
- The budget is effective and efficient – all the costs are necessary for the achievement of the project objectives. The costs are reasonable and structured in the optimally economical way - give 5 points. 
- The budget is effective, but inefficient (the envisaged costs will lead to the achievement of the results, but the prices/costs are excessive/unnecessary) 
The budget is efficient, but ineffective (the envisaged costs correspond to the usual market prices, but the envisaged costs do not lead to the achievement of the project results) - give 3 points.

- The budget is not effective, nor efficient – there is no logical link between activities and costs, there is no clarity whether the envisaged costs lead to the implementation of the planned activities and the expected project results - give 0 points.
XIII. Group Threshold for passing
BUDGET: Legislation
Criteria Weight (3.00)
Please respond with YES or NO. Answer YES gives 5 points, answer NO gives no points.
The included costs correspond to the requirements for the applicable tax and social-security legislation (the staff costs comply with the Beneficiary’s usual practice; VAT – a declaration is submitted in case of non-reimbursable VAT, etc.).
Threshold for passing: 70.00 Max weight total: 100.00