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BG-RRP-4.034 - National infrastructure for storage of renewable energy

The main objective of the investment is to enable a significant increase in the share of energy from renewable sources (wind and solar) in the energy mix and to guarantee the security, stability and readiness of the Bulgarian electricity system. The investment consists of support for the construction and commissioning of a national infrastructure of electricity storage facilities from renewable sources with at least 3000 MWh of usable energy capacity at the level of the electricity grid. The storage facilities will be distributed on the territory of Bulgaria and connected to the electricity transmission network of ESO EAD. Implementation is carried out through open and competitive tender procedures based on clear, transparent and non-discriminatory criteria for the selection of proposals. It will also contribute to the construction of smart grids, ensuring a high degree of balancing and management of grid congestion, which is necessary for the integration of electricity produced from renewable energy sources.

Indicative listing date 20.08.2024

Public discussion publication date 25.06.2024

Draft documents for application and implementation


Deadline for submission of proposals and objections 25.07.2024 23:59

The project is funded by The technical assistance fund, financed by the financial mechanism of the EEA and the Norwegian financial mechanism 2014-2021