The procedure is aimed at achieving Strategic objective 3: "Promoting sustainable employment, improving the quality of human resources and the possibility of social inclusion as well as providing favorable working conditions", Priority 3.1 .: "Improving access to sustainable employment, including the most vulnerable groups and increasing the attractiveness and quality of jobs ", Specific Objective 3.1.1:" Providing conditions and incentives for businesses to open new jobs, incl. and for vulnerable groups and to improve the conditions of the existing "of the PAULI-Polski Trumbesh LAG's strategy and aims to ensure safe working conditions and improvement of the working environment in the processing plants on the territory of the municipalities of Pavlikeni and Polski Trambesh, improved health status and introduced new systems, practices and tools to improve the organization and working conditions, which in turn will improve the quality of jobs and will positively affect labor productivity in the an unpleasant. The measure also aims to promote the geographical mobility of the workforce in the region by supporting employers by providing transport to employees in companies, in order to preserve their employment and to increase sustainable employment levels when the workplace is outside the populated area of their place of work.
Start: 05.06.2019 15:16
Deadline: 10.07.2019 17:00