Completed/terminated procedure

BG14MFOP001-4.031 - FLAG "VZR: Batak-Devin-Dospat" Measure 7.2 Environmental protection in the fisheries territory in order to preserve their attractiveness, renewal and development of coastal fishing settlements and preserve and develop the natural and cultural heritage (Ended)

1.2. Conservation and restoration of aquatic biodiversity and aquatic ecosystems;

2.3. Conserving and restoring aquatic biodiversity and improving aquaculture-related ecosystems and promoting resource-efficient aquaculture;

4.1. Promoting economic growth, social inclusion, job creation and support for employment and labor mobility in coastal and inland communities dependent on fisheries and aquaculture, including diversification of activities within the sector. fisheries, as well as in other sectors of the maritime economy of the FLAG WMD WMD Strategy: Devin - Batak - Dospat and MFP, 2014 - 2020.

Application time limits

Start: 20.12.2019 17:31

Deadline: 20.03.2020 17:00

Additional information on deadline

В рамките на настоящата процедура кандидатите могат да подадат само едно проектно предложение при съобразяване на изискванията по т. 9 от настоящите Условия за кандидатстване

Internet address:

Documents for information and application

Evaluation tables

The project is funded by The technical assistance fund, financed by the financial mechanism of the EEA and the Norwegian financial mechanism 2014-2021