Completed/terminated procedure

BG06RDNP001-19.541 - Measure LAG4.1 "Investments in agricultural holdings", NGO "LAG-Lyaskovets-Strazhitsa" (Ended)

Описание/Цели на предоставяната БФП на английски език

Measure LAG4.1 "Investment in agricultural holdings" aims to increase

the competitiveness of agriculture within the LAG by:

1. Restructuring and development of the available material capacities in the farms;

2. Implementation of new products, processes and technologies and improvement of the existing ones

production tangible and / or intangible assets;

3. preservation of environmental components, incl. improving energy

efficiency on farms;

4. complying with the European Union (EU) standards and improving conditions in the EU


5. Encourage cooperation with the producers and processors of the

agricultural products;

6. improving working conditions and / or improving hygiene, veterinary,

phytosanitary, environmental and other production conditions;

7. Improving the quality of agricultural products produced and / or improving

of the possibilities for production of organic agricultural products.

The measure will create conditions for effective utilization of the existing resource potential for the production of quality local products, which will help to stabilize and develop modern agriculture. The projects under the measure will use the good raw material provision on the territory of the LAG, which is a prerequisite for achieving viable agricultural structures, including through the introduction of innovations in agriculture.

The measure will support up to 13 projects, with a major contribution to the restructuring and development of available farm facilities, the introduction of new products, processes and technologies and the improvement of available material and / or intangible assets, the protection of environmental components,

incl. improving the energy efficiency of agricultural holdings, complying with EU standards and improving the conditions on farms, encouraging cooperation with producers and processors of agricultural products, improving working conditions and / or improving hygiene, veterinary, phytosanitary , environmental and other conditions of production and improvement of the quality of the agricultural products produced, and / or improvement of the opportunities for production of organic agriculture ki products.

Интернет адрес за допълнителна информация.

Application time limits

Start: 15.09.2021 12:51

Deadline: 15.11.2021 17:30

Additional information on deadline

Първи прием: Начало: 15.09.2021г./ Краен срок: 15.11.2021г. 17:30 часа Втори прием: Начало: 07.02.2022г./ Краен срок: 07.04.2022г. 17:30 часа Трети прием: Начало: 07.06.2022г./ Краен срок: 07.08.2022г. 17:30 часа Вторият и трети прием по мярката ще бъдат обявени след приключване на Пър

Start: 15.09.2021 12:51

Deadline: 07.04.2022 17:30

Additional information on deadline

Втори срок за кандидатстване.

Start: 28.05.2024 00:01

Deadline: 28.07.2024 17:30

Additional information on deadline

Четвърти прием: 01.09.2024 г. – 01.11.2024 г. Четвърти прием, за кандидатстване ще бъде проведен само в случай, че по мярката няма подадени и одобрени проекти по втория срок за кандидатстване, или ако има такива, е останал наличен финансов ресурс по мярката.

Internet address:

Documents for information and application

Evaluation tables

The project is funded by The technical assistance fund, financed by the financial mechanism of the EEA and the Norwegian financial mechanism 2014-2021