Completed/terminated procedure

BG06RDNP001-19.524 - LAG Dolna Mitropolia - Dolni Dabnik Measure 1.3 "Short-termexchange of experience in the management of agricultural and forestry holdings and visits to agricultural and forestry holdings" (Ended)

Measure 1.3 "Short-term exchange of experience in the management of agricultural and forestry holdings and visits to agricultural and forestry holdings" aims to increase the qualification by organizing groups of farmers and conducting visits to agricultural holdings in order to get acquainted with a specific problem or way of performance of a given work and exchange of experience between the participants.

Application time limits

Start: 14.06.2021 10:23

Deadline: 02.08.2021 17:00

Additional information on deadline

Начален срок по втори прием - 04.10.2021 г. Краен срок по втори прием - 15.11.2021 година, 17:00 часа. Втори прием на проектни предложения ще бъде обявен при наличие на остатъчен финансов ресурс след приключване на оценката по първия прием.

Start: 03.10.2022 08:00

Deadline: 07.11.2022 17:00

Additional information on deadline

Начален срок по втори прием - 03.10.2022 г. Краен срок по втори прием 07.11.2022 година, 17.00 часа.

Internet address:

Documents for information and application

Evaluation tables

The project is funded by The technical assistance fund, financed by the financial mechanism of the EEA and the Norwegian financial mechanism 2014-2021