Completed/terminated procedure

BG05M9OP001-1.094 - Measure MIG02 "Local Employment Initiatives on the Territories of Lyaskovets and Strazhitsa" (Ended)

Purpose of the procedure:

The procedure aims to provide prerequisites for creating sustainable local employment for unemployed and inactive people who will get a new job opportunity, new or advanced professional knowledge and skills acquired at the workplace as well as the acquisition of professional qualifications.

The procedure is aimed at helping unemployed people in the municipalities of Lyaskovets and Strazhitsa to realize the labor market and to engage in employment with employers from the real business, municipal enterprises and municipalities.

Through the implementation of the specific procedure, the unemployed persons registered in the Labor Office and the inactive persons over 30 years of age will be included in the employment with the employer by conducting trainings tailored to the individual needs of the workplace. The aim is to shorten / terminate the stay of the unemployed and to focus on the realization of the labor market by initially providing subsidized employment.


Unemployment for the territory of Lyaskovets and Strazhitsa municipalities remains a serious problem, with the worst expression among the long-term unemployed. Reintegration of the long-term unemployed and inactive persons from 30 to 54 years, incl. in employment remains challenging for employers, while incorporating this resource into the local economy will generate high added value. Among the identified problems in the territory is the high level of unemployment, as the unemployed without professional experience and qualification, as well as those with low education prevail. A large percentage of the population in the territory is illiterate or with a very low level of literacy.

This creates threats to a continuing process of social exclusion and marginalization of large masses of people. A significant proportion of the economically inactive population aged 20-64 is poorly educated, focusing on one of the most vulnerable groups in the labor market, ie low-educated people (below ISCED 3) , as well as on:

• people with disabilities: due to the lack of accessible environment and the objective constraints on possible employment options;

• Minorities: because of the high dropout rate, the need for social inclusion and adaptation to the labor market;

people living in remote areas: because of the limited choice of employment opportunities, especially in severe periods for the local economy, including those with low education and those over 54.

Expected results:

The procedure will enable people to be trained as a condition for their integration into the labor market, overcoming dependence on social programs and will be an important prerequisite for their future social inclusion.

The implementation of the measure on the territory of the Lyaskovets - Strazhitsa LAG will contribute to raising the levels of sustainable employment. It will be part of the support that HRD OP will provide for increasing the number of unemployed or inactive persons on the ground.

Application time limits

Start: 10.01.2020 14:42

Deadline: 10.02.2020 17:30

Internet address:

Documents for information and application

Evaluation tables

The project is funded by The technical assistance fund, financed by the financial mechanism of the EEA and the Norwegian financial mechanism 2014-2021