Completed/terminated procedure

BG16RFOP001-5.002 - Support for deinstitutionalization of social services for adults and people with disabilities" (Ended)

The main objective of the procedure is to ensure access to quality social services for elderly people and people with disabilities in accordance with the Action Plan for the period 2018-2021 for the implementation of the National Long-Term Care Strategy.

As foreseen in the Action Plan for the period 2018-2021 for the implementation of the National Long-Term Care Strategy, the following will be financed under OPRG:

The construction, repair, furnishing and equipment required to create the following new services:

• 6 Day care centers for people with different forms of dementia and their families;

• 68 Care centers for people with disabilities and the elderly (for persons with mental disorders, people with mental retardation, people with various forms of dementia and the elderly unable to self-handle).

The financing of the infrastructure mentioned in the plan is only implemented in the municipalities included in the Resident Services Map and the Community Support Services Map. Service maps were developed by a working group with representatives of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy at the Agency for Social Assistance and the National Association of Municipalities.

Application time limits

Start: 05.04.2018 13:46

Deadline: 01.10.2018 19:00

Start: 05.04.2018 13:46

Deadline: 25.03.2020 19:00

Additional information on deadline

Новият краен срок за кандидатстване за следните резервни общини: -Община Троян и Община Девин за Център за грижа за лица с умствена изостаналост - Община Провадия за Център за грижа за възрастни хора в невъзможност за самообслужване - Община Дупница, Община Момчилград, Община Златоград и Община Септември за Център за грижа за лица с психически разстройства

Start: 05.04.2018 13:46

Deadline: 21.04.2020 19:00

Additional information on deadline

Новият краен срок за кандидатстване е за следните общини: Община Троян и Община Девин за Център за грижа за лица с умствена изостаналост, Община Провадия за Център за грижа за възрастни хора в невъзможност за самообслужване, Община Дупница и Община Златоград за Център за грижа за лица с психични разстройства

Start: 05.04.2018 13:46

Deadline: 25.07.2020 19:00

Additional information on deadline

Новият краен срок за кандидатстване е за следните общини: Община Троян и Община Кюстендил за Център за грижа за лица с психични разстройства

Internet address:

Documents for information and application

Evaluation tables

The project is funded by The technical assistance fund, financed by the financial mechanism of the EEA and the Norwegian financial mechanism 2014-2021