The measure provides investments in improving the public infrastructure, which is a key factor for providing basic services to the population in towns and villages and for ensuring access to them. It provides the physical environment and encompasses the facilities and facilities for the realization of services in the sphere of education, health and social care, science and culture, transport, public works, physical culture, sports and recreation.
Achieving the objectives of this procedure is related to the need to improve public infrastructure, which is a key factor for providing basic services to urban and rural populations and ensuring access to them.
As well as providing the physical environment and encompassing facilities and facilities for the realization of the services in the sphere of education and social care, science and culture, transport, public works, physical culture, sports and recreation.
Start: 22.06.2018 09:35
Deadline: 15.09.2018 17:00
Additional information on deadlineСъгласно разпоредбите на чл. 42, ал. 4 на ПМС 161/2016 г., "Сдружение МИГ - Лясковец-Стражица" обявява процедура за подбор на проектни предложения с няколко срока за кандидатстване. Вторият краен срок за прием е до 30.12.2018 г., при същите условия за кандидатстване и изпълнение, разработени в приложените Насоки по настоящата процедура. Бюджетът по мярката за втория прием през 2018 г. е остатъчните средства /ако има такива/ след приключване на първия прием. Проектни предложения, подадени след обявените крайни срокове за кандидатстване, ще останат без разглеждане.
Start: 22.06.2018 09:35
Deadline: 30.01.2019 17:00
Additional information on deadlineВтори краен срок за кандидатстване!
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