Completed/terminated procedure

BG14MFOP001-4.061 - FLAG "Pazardjik" - Measure: 1.2. "Creating added value for products in the Fisheries and Aquaculture sector" (Ended)

Through Measure 1.2. Adding value to products in the fisheries and aquaculture sector is aimed at:

1. Establishment and redirection of fisheries-related processing plants to produce high quality products and value-added products;

2. Implementation of new technologies (innovations) in the production of fishery and aquaculture products and other products related to the introduction of innovations in fisheries;

3. Expansion, modernization and equipment of processing plants, mainly aimed at improving the facilities, equipment, raw material stores and final products;

4. Improving the production / provision of products / services by purchasing and putting into operation of technologies, processes, machines, equipment, equipment that are new to the applicant have better quality parameters than the ones used by the applicant,

5. Quality certification, including labeling and certification of fishery and aquaculture products, harvested or harvested using environmentally friendly production methods;

6. Investments in the implementation of quality control systems;

7. Improvement of existing environmen- tally-friendly plants going beyond the requirements laid down in the relevant legislation (use of photovoltaic systems, use of biomass as RES and other related activities).

The implementation of the measure will contribute to a specific objective of 1.1 Creating new jobs and promoting entrepreneurship by introducing innovation at all stages of the supply chain of fisheries and aquaculture products and specific objective 1.2 Introducing new technologies and small scale investment in infrastructure for the production, processing or selling of fish under Priority 1 of the Strategy of the Bulgarian Industrial Association.

Application time limits

Start: 18.11.2020 15:44

Deadline: 18.02.2021 17:00

Internet address:

Documents for information and application

Evaluation tables

The project is funded by The technical assistance fund, financed by the financial mechanism of the EEA and the Norwegian financial mechanism 2014-2021