Completed/terminated procedure

BG05M2OP001-3.013 - LAG "Dryanovo - Tryavna - in the heart of the Balkan" - Ensuring access to quality education in small settlements and in difficult-to-reach areas in the municipalities of Dryanovo and Tryavna (Ended)

The main goal of the procedure is to support the social inclusion of children and pupils from marginalized groups by improving their access to quality education. The specific objectives are to improve quality and improve access to pre-school and school education, incl. vocational education, in small settlements, as well as reducing the number of those who are not covered by the education system, school dropouts and early school leavers.

Application time limits

Start: 15.08.2019 13:19

Deadline: 30.10.2019 17:00

Additional information on deadline

Ако след приключване на първия краен срок за подаване на проектни предложения /30.10.2019 г./ има неусвоен финансов ресурс, МИГ "Дряново - Трявна - в сърцето на Балкана" предвижда втори прием на проектни предложения - 31.03.2020 г., 17:00 ч.

Start: 15.08.2019 13:19

Deadline: 31.03.2020 17:00

Additional information on deadline

Втори краен срок за кандидатстване, при наличен остатъчен ресурс от 421 482,00 лв. от първи краен срок (съгласно Условията за кандидатстване).

Internet address:

Documents for information and application

Evaluation tables

The project is funded by The technical assistance fund, financed by the financial mechanism of the EEA and the Norwegian financial mechanism 2014-2021