Completed/terminated procedure

BG05M9OP001-1.030 - "MIG Lyaskovets - Strazhitsa Measure MIG03 "Better health and working capacity of the employees in the economy of Lyaskovets and Strazhitsa municipalities" (Ended)

The present procedure aims at improving the working environment of the processing enterprises in the municipalities of Lyaskovets and Strazhitsa by ensuring safe working conditions, improved health status and introducing new systems, practices and tools for improving the organization and working conditions, which on the other side will improve the quality of jobs and will positively affect labor productivity in enterprises.

The operation also aims to promote the geographical mobility of the workforce by supporting employers by through providing transport to the persons employed in enterprisesemployees of companies, including with aim in order to preserve their employment and to increase the levels of sustainable employment when the workplace is outside the populated area of their place of work.

The procedure is implemented under Priority Axis 1 "Improving Access to Employment and the Quality of Workplaces" and covers the following investment priorities and specific objectives:

1. Investment Priority 7 "Adaptation of the Workers, Enterprises and Entrepreneurs to the Changes" under OPHRD 2014-2020

Specific objective 1 "Increasing the number of employed covered in enterprises with introduced new systems, practices and tools for human resources development and improvement of the organization and working conditions".

One of the ways to make progress in this direction is the introduction of new organizational models and systems for human resources management and investment in safe and healthy working conditions.

Application time limits

Start: 20.02.2018 15:05

Deadline: 16.04.2018 15:00

Internet address:

Documents for information and application

Evaluation tables

The project is funded by The technical assistance fund, financed by the financial mechanism of the EEA and the Norwegian financial mechanism 2014-2021