Completed/terminated procedure

BG06RDNP001-19.187 - Measure 6.4.1. - "Investment support for non-agricultural activities" from The Strategy for community - led local development of ​​the "LAG - Straldzha 2016" (Ended)

Purpose of the procedure: The main objective of the procedure is the sustainable and balanced development of the territory of the LAG - Straldja 2016. By building a strong local economy, forming a quality socially integrated living environment and preserving the local identity. This procedure is in implementation of Priority 1 "Development of a Competitive, Innovative and Environmentally Efficient Economy" of the WFD, implemented on the territory of the LLG Straldja 2016, aimed at increasing the growth of the local economy and supporting a functioning market environment; renovation of the facilities of micro and small businesses, both in the field of agriculture and non-agricultural activities; stimulating the development of organic production. Proposals submitted under the procedure should support the achievement of Specific Objective 3 - "Diversification of Economic Activities of the Territory by Supporting the Creation of New and Extending Existing Micro-Enterprises" by the SCMO.

Through Measure 6.4.1. "Investment support for non-agricultural activities" allows potential beneficiaries from the territory of "LLG - Straldja 2016" to realize their investment intentions in non-agricultural activities by the economy for the creation or modernization of micro-enterprises from the territory of the LAG - mainly the opening of small industries in the services and manufacturing industries in order to ensure employment and development of the economy.

Application time limits

Start: 10.01.2019 09:12

Deadline: 10.04.2019 17:00

Additional information on deadline

Процедурата за подбор на проектни предложения е с няколко срока за кандидатстване. Първият краен срок за подаване на проектни предложения е 10.04.2019г., 17:00 часа. Втори и трети прием – при наличие на остатъчни средства след първи и втори прием. Начален срок: 60 дни след приключване оценителния процес по предходния прием. Краен срок: последния ден на третия месец от началото на приема до 17:00 часа

Start: 10.01.2019 09:12

Deadline: 23.01.2020 17:30

Internet address:

Documents for information and application

Evaluation tables

The project is funded by The technical assistance fund, financed by the financial mechanism of the EEA and the Norwegian financial mechanism 2014-2021