Completed/terminated procedure

BG16M1OP001-4.001 - Innovations in management and services - establishment of modern infrastructure for traffic management and transport safety improvement (Ended)

Examples of actions to be financed: Development of navigation information systems, upgrading the existing systems and the systems under construction, supply of multipurpose vessels, development of information systems for road traffic management, modernisation and construction of port reception facilities for treatment of ship-generated waste and cargo residues in Bulgarian ports of national importance for improvement of environmental management. Technical assistance is planned for preparation/completion of preparation of investment projects indicated in PO 4 including studies, cost-benefit analysis, environmental impact assessment, design etc.

Application time limits

Start: 01.09.2015 14:35

Deadline: 31.12.2020 17:00

Additional information on deadline

На основание чл. 46. ал. 3 от Закона за управление на средствата от Европейските структурни и инвестиционни фондове и чл. 8а. от Постановление № 67 от 2020 г. на Министерския съвет за изменение на Постановление № 162 от 2016 г. Ръководителя на УО на ОПТТИ с Решение № ОПТТИ-13/07.05.2020 г. прекрати приемането на проектни предложения по процедурата поради изчерпване на финансовия ресурс.

Documents for information and application

Evaluation tables

The project is funded by The technical assistance fund, financed by the financial mechanism of the EEA and the Norwegian financial mechanism 2014-2021