Completed/terminated procedure

BG14MFOP001-4.048 - FLAG Pazardzhik Measure: 3.1 "Promoting the development of sustainable fishing tourism in the fisheries area" (Ended)

The main objectives of the measure are:

1. Promoting the diversification of economic activities from the Fisheries sector to the Tourism sector

2. Promoting the development of sustainable fishing tourism in the WF;

3. Encouraging the creation of employment opportunities and improving the quality of life in the FD

The implementation of the measure will contribute to the specific objective 3.1. Creation and / or modernization of tourism products and services related to fishing tourism and fisheries and provision of alternative employment and specific purpose 3.2 Improvement of infrastructure and services related to small fisheries under Priority 3 of the WOMR Strategy.

Expected results: Planned and implemented common marketing strategy for the development of tourism potential in the WF; At least 3 tourism products developed and marketed; At least 3 dining areas with predominantly fish menu built; Increased tourist flow in the FD and provision of alternative employment for the fisheries sector employees;

Application time limits

Start: 13.05.2020 16:35

Deadline: 11.08.2020 17:00

Internet address:

Documents for information and application

Evaluation tables

The project is funded by The technical assistance fund, financed by the financial mechanism of the EEA and the Norwegian financial mechanism 2014-2021