Completed/terminated procedure

BG05M9OP001-2.024 - LAG - Gotse Delchev - Garmen - Hadjidimovo, Measure 10 "Integration of Marginalized Communities" (Ended)

On the territory of the LAG - Gotse Delchev - Garmen - Hadjidimovo, a serious problem with the representatives of the Roma community who are out of education, training and employment and having difficult access to social and health services is identified. The problem was most pronounced in the municipality of Garmen, where the Roma as of 01.02.2011 (voluntarily responded during the census) were about 1600, followed by Gotse Delchev (318) and Hadzhidimovo (263), where representatives of the Roma community are fewer, but the problem of their isolation from the full life of the community is also serious. The attempts of the three municipal administrations, especially of the Municipality of Garmen, for the integration of the Roma are continuous but still insufficient to achieve lasting results and intensified measures are needed, from the non-governmental sector and organizations providing social and health services.

Among ethnic minorities, and especially among the Roma population, there are various poverty-enhancing factors - early drop out of school, low education, long-term unemployment and lack of working habits, limited employment opportunities, poor living conditions, lack of access to health, social and educational services. There is a need for a comprehensive anti-poverty intervention to help minority families provide opportunities for the social inclusion and development of their children. Activities that directly or indirectly improve child welfare, child rights protection and gender equality will be encouraged.

Application time limits

Start: 16.05.2019 18:05

Deadline: 01.07.2019 17:00

Internet address:

Documents for information and application

Evaluation tables

The project is funded by The technical assistance fund, financed by the financial mechanism of the EEA and the Norwegian financial mechanism 2014-2021