Completed/terminated procedure

BG05M9OP001-1.047 - LAG LOM "Promotion and Support of Youth Employment" (Ended)

The implementation of the procedure aims to reduce the number of economically inactive young people outside of education and training and to encourage the development of entrepreneurial initiative in them. The measure will help young people to find their employment on the labor market as self-employed or as more motivated employees or workers . The implementation of projects under the measure will enable the national priority to be deployed at the local level for apprenticeship training, stimulating the link between business, educational institutions and young people.

Application time limits

Start: 11.04.2019 16:45

Deadline: 30.06.2019 17:30

Additional information on deadline

Процедурата е обявена на 11.04.2019 г. с краен срок за кандидатстване – 11.06.2019 г.,17:30 ч. На основание чл.11, ал.5, т.3 от ПМС №162/ 05.07.2016 г. и при остатъчен ресурс от 100 464,00 лв., срокът за подаване на проектни предложения се удължава до 30.06.2019 г.,17:30 ч.

Internet address:

Documents for information and application

Evaluation tables

The project is funded by The technical assistance fund, financed by the financial mechanism of the EEA and the Norwegian financial mechanism 2014-2021