Completed/terminated procedure

BG06RDNP001-19.457 - LAG Dolna Mitropolia - Dolni Dabnik Measure 7.02. "Stimulating local development and activity on the territory of the LAG by promoting the cultural and historical tangible and intangible heritage and sports" (Ended)

The measure aims to encourage the involvement of the local population in joint initiatives for the exploration, preservation and promotion of cultural and natural heritage, stimulating activities in the field of art and sports among adolescents and young people, thereby achieving:

- Improving the quality of life of the local population by adding value to the cultural heritage and the natural environment and creating opportunities for the use of free time;

- Getting to know and popularizing the local cultural and natural heritage and increasing the public interest in it;

- Preservation of local customs and traditions and their use for tourism development on the territory of the LAG;

- Stimulating the creative and physical development of the population

Application time limits

Start: 02.11.2020 07:59

Deadline: 14.06.2021 17:00

Additional information on deadline

Начален срок по втори прием - 10.05.2021 г. Краен срок по втори прием - 14.06.2021 година, 17:00 часа.

Internet address:

Documents for information and application

Evaluation tables

The project is funded by The technical assistance fund, financed by the financial mechanism of the EEA and the Norwegian financial mechanism 2014-2021