Completed/terminated procedure

BG05M9OP001-2.095 - MIG05 "Promotion of Local Social Economy Development and New Jobs in Social Enterprises" of the Lyaskovets-Strazhitsa LAG. (Ended)

The objectives of this procedure are:

Creating prerequisites and opportunities for employment and occupational integration in social enterprises of people with disabilities and other representatives of risk groups as an important prerequisite for reducing poverty and the risk of social exclusion.

Increasing sensitivity of the public and local entrepreneurs to the opportunities of the social economy and its usefulness to the vulnerable groups of the territory

Justification: Lack of employment is one of the main causes of poverty and social exclusion. The aim is to facilitate access to employment and to provide support for the social inclusion of vulnerable groups by creating suitable conditions for their professional integration in the sphere of the social economy. Social enterprises are those for which the social objectives or the public interest are the cause of their business activity and whose profits are mainly reinvested for the realization of these social objectives. In rural areas and small populated areas, social enterprises perform a public function to fill the need for local services that are not offered by other providers to hit a lack of market incentive.

Expected results:

A minimum of 10 representatives of vulnerable groups will receive support in the social economy, "Backed" employment for people with disabilities - support for employment for up to 12 months. Also, these persons will acquire real labor and / or professional skills in the labor market, which is a prerequisite for overcoming their social isolation, improving the quality of life and stimulating their competitiveness in the working environment.

Application time limits

Start: 26.02.2020 15:20

Deadline: 27.03.2020 17:30

Additional information on deadline

Поцедурата е с един срок за кандидатстване.

Internet address:

Documents for information and application

Evaluation tables

The project is funded by The technical assistance fund, financed by the financial mechanism of the EEA and the Norwegian financial mechanism 2014-2021