Completed/terminated procedure

BG06RDNP001-19.486 - LAG - Elhovo - Bolyarovo: Measure 20 "Marketing, promotion and certification of local heritage, products and food" of the Strategy for Community-led local development of NGO "LAG-Elhovo-Bolyarovo" (Ended)

Purpose: Development of territorial identity and marketing based on the specific territorial potential.

Specific objectives of the measure: support for the development of new modern forms of preservation and promotion of local cultural, historical and natural resources and typical local products and foods and their development and transmission to future generations; integrated preservation, certification and promotion of the local cultural, historical and natural heritage, products and food; support for presentation, socialization, valorization and digitalization of cultural, historical and natural heritage sites.

Application time limits

Start: 27.11.2023 09:46

Deadline: 20.02.2024 17:00

Additional information on deadline

Първи прием: Начален срок: 10.02.2021 г. Краен срок: 15.03.2021 г. 17.00 часа. Втори прием: Начален срок: 03.09.2021 г. Краен срок: 30.11.2021 г., 17.00 часа. Трети прием: Начален срок: 25.01.2022 г. Краен срок: 27.03.2022 г., 17:00 часа. Четвърти прием: Начален срок: 15.07.2022 г. Краен срок: 21.08.2022 г., 17:00 часа. Пети прием: Начален срок: 14.11.2022 г. Краен срок: 20.12.2022 г., 17:00 часа. Шести прием: Начален срок: 27.02.2023 г. Краен срок: 31.03.2023 г., 17:00 часа. Седми прием: Начален срок: 19.06.2023 г. Краен срок: 25.07.2023 г., 17:00 часа. Осми прием: Начален срок: 27.11.2023 г. Краен срок: 07.01.2024 г., 17:00 часа, удължен краен срок до 20.02.2024 г. Девети прием – при наличие на остатъчни средства след осми прием.

Internet address:

Documents for information and application

Evaluation tables

The project is funded by The technical assistance fund, financed by the financial mechanism of the EEA and the Norwegian financial mechanism 2014-2021