Completed/terminated procedure

BG06RDNP001-19.115 - LAG Dryanovo- Tryavna Measure 4.1 "Support for investments in agricultural holdings" 2018 (Ended)

Measure 4.1 "Support for investment in agricultural holdings" aims to increase the competitiveness of agriculture within the LAG by:

1. Restructuring and development of the available material capacities in the farms;

2. promoting the introduction of new technologies in the production and modernization of physical capital;

3. preservation of the environmental components;

4. complying with the European Union (EU) standards and improving the conditions on farms;

5. promoting cooperation between farmers.

The measure aims to increase the share of agriculture in the economy in the territory of the LAG as well as to increase employment in the sector.

Application time limits

Start: 19.10.2018 08:58

Deadline: 02.12.2018 17:00

Additional information on deadline

Всяко проектно предложение, което е подадено след крайния срок, ще бъде отхвърлено и няма да бъде разглеждано по настоящата покана. Процедурата е с няколко срока на кандидатстване. При установяване на неусвоен финансов ресурс по процедурата след осъществяването на първия прием с краен срок 02.12.2018 г., ще бъде обявен втори прием по настоящата процедура с начален срок 01.04.2019 г. и краен срок 30.04.2019 г.

Internet address:

Documents for information and application

Evaluation tables

The project is funded by The technical assistance fund, financed by the financial mechanism of the EEA and the Norwegian financial mechanism 2014-2021