Open calls

In this page you can see the procedure, deadline and all other documents required for the application. If you are outside the system user functionality to create a new project proposal is not available. In the system can login or create a new profile from the menu "Login".

BG16FFPR001-1.001 - Development of railway infrastructure along the “core” and "comprehensive" Trans-European Transport Network - Infrastructure projects

The investments foreseen under Priority 1 will contribute to attracting passenger and freight traffic to

rail by improving the quality of rail infrastructure. The development of the TEN-T rail infrastructure

is essential to achieve the strategic objectives of the EU Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy, the

national transport policy and the implementation of the recommendations of the European Semester. The

envisaged investments will improve transport connectivity and accessibility while limiting negative

environmental and climate impacts, helping to increase the efficiency of the transport sector and

promote economic development

Application time limits

Start: 19.06.2023 18:00

Deadline: 31.10.2029 17:30

Documents for information and application

Evaluation tables

The project is funded by The technical assistance fund, financed by the financial mechanism of the EEA and the Norwegian financial mechanism 2014-2021